Sunday, March 31, 2019
Limiting Reactant Effect on Lab
narrowing Reactant Effect on LabThe Limiting Reactant LabABSTRACTThe purpose of is lab is to chitchat how the alteration reactant set up the whole lab. To determine what the other check reactant was and how practically of reactant was thither.INTRODUCTIONACS4 alteration reactant limits the answer and controls the amount of product formed when balancing an equation and qualification calculations. When calculating a limiting reactant, two reactant masses given because erst the limiting reactant is g angiotensin-converting enzyme the reaction stops producing. Limiting reactant is the reactant that is completely utilize until there isnt any more of it and then the reactant will stop. (Shah, 2007) (Buthelezi, Dingrando, Hainen, Winstrom, Zike, 2013). Hypothesis is proposed that if there is a sufficient amount of iron that the squealer would not be precipitated.MATERIALSRing StandFilter PaperDi sleek overed WaterStirring terminalPipestem triangleBalanceCopper(II) sulfate100m L beakerWire screenWeigh cups straighten break filings250mL beakersBunsen burnerMETHODSThe mass of 100mL beaker was measured using a balance. The mass of the fight cups were taken using a balance, also. 8 grams of copper sulfate crystals were measured using a balance and placed into the 100mL beaker. A graduated cylinder was used to measure step up 50 mL of water out to add into the crystals. A Bunsen burner was lit under the ring prevail with the wire screen on the ring clamp holding the 100mL beaker and substances in place. The beaker was heated and stirred until just before it began to boil, then the gasconade was come together off to stop the flame CS5and the solution began to cool. 1.3 grams of iron filings were stirred into the lively copper sulfate crystals. The 100mL beaker was leave to cool for ten minutes eon observing the reaction taking place. A sheet of pervade makeup was taken including initials written CS6on it and weighed. A filtration system was made a nd placed into a funnel. The funnel was placed over an ECS7. flask. The liquid was poured slowly into the funnel deprivation through the CS8filter topic and into the flask. With tap water the beaker was rinsed. When the solid settledCS9, the beaker was rinsed two more times, until all of the solid was transferred to the filter paper. The filter paper was placed onto a watch grouch and then placed into the oven. Once it is cooledCS10, the mass of the beaker, filter paper and solid were recorded.RESULTSTheCS11 Limiting Reactants limit the reaction. Once the limiting reactant is goneCS12 the reaction stops, it determines the amount of the product being produced. Single replacement reaction is a chemical reaction happens when certain atoms in one replace the atoms in another elementCS13. IfCS14 you dontCS15 balance and record your numbers then you cannot keep course of how much you have, and then it can make youCS16 to use too much or to less of needed for the chemical reaction. Usi ng dirty glass wearCS17 can affect the weightsCS18 and the reaction occurringCS19.MassCS20 of empty 100mL beaker70gMass of copper (II) sulfate8.0gMass of iron filings1.3gSubstance collected3.0gMass of filter paper2.0gMolesCS21 of copper (II) sulfate equaled out to be 0.08 moles because 8.0 grams of copper sulfate calculate by one mole of copper sulfate split by 96g of copper sulfate equaled 0.08 moles. The amount of iron added to the solution calculated out to be 0.02 molFe because 1.3 multiply by one mole Fe divided by 56 grams Fe equals 0.02molFe. There were 0.05 moles of substance produced repayable to 3 grams being multiplied by 1 and divided by 64 grams and equals to 0.05 moles of substance. Moles of iron metal reactant came out to be 2.8 moles because 8 grams multiplied 1 mole divided by 160 grams multiplied by 56 grams equals 2.8 moles. Copper (II) sulfate starts with 3 grams divided by 56 grams multiplied by 160 grams equals 8.57 moles CuSO4CS22. CS23The limiting reactant is the iron metal. Its the lowest numberCS24. The CuSO4 was the excess due to having more left over an exact amount of 8.57 moles. The only delusion CS25that occurred in the lab would be the beaker not being quite as clean as needed In correct recordingCS26 of the IronCS27 filings. AlsoCS28 that SomeCS29 of the iron was still built up along the berths of the beakerCS30. Some of the iron came out CS31before it reached the beaker with the copper (II) sulfate.CS1APA format says that the running head should be left aligned and summon number right aligned. The title of your lab should also be in all caps.CS2 beguile do not use . Either use a comma or the word and.CS3Your rear is missing. Please create a new page, make a center and bold headway Abstract, and complete. Your abstract should be a summary of the purpose of the lab and your findings.CS4Paragraphs should be indented.CS5Shutting the gas off stopped the flame. Please be specific and explain that instead.CS6Third somebodyCS7 Spell out the name.CS8And would work here alsoCS9commaCS10commaCS11The first line of the carve up is indented only.CS12commaCS13Please clarify.CS14Just so this lab report will flow a unretentive better, please put a sentence here about electromotive force errors could have been caused by these things in the sentences that follow.CS15Please dont use contractions.CS16Third person, please. Try something like it would be possible to .CS17This should be spelled ware.CS18massesCS19If you say this, you need to explain how. Dirty glassware causes masses to be falsely increased due to contaminants or side reactions that use up the reactants to make an undesired product.CS20Put in a heading to label this table as Table 1. It should be bold and left aligned.CS21Please left alignCS22This needs subscript.CS23This is very difficult to read. Please see me for correct format. Also, instead of going by the calculations listed in the form, calculate limiting reactant and excess in grams the way we did in class.CS24Instead of this, it needs to be specific. The limiting reactant was iron metal since calculations indicated that the smallest amount of copper could be produced.CS25Many errors are possible. Please mention incorrect measurements, faulty balances, side reactions due to dirty glassware.CS26Incorrect is one wordCS27This does not need to be capitalized.CS28commaCS29Do not capitalizeCS30Remained in the beakerCS31Came out? How did it come out? Be specific. Mention sticking to the weigh boat, spilling, or some other means of losing the iron.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
The Stigma of Mental Illness in Developing Countries
The tarnish of Mental affection in Developing CountriesThe blot of Mental Illness in Developing CountriesSeeking interference for psychic unsoundness raft be a daunting task. Even in the United States, where checkup examination c atomic number 18 is relatively easy to obtain, there is a crisscross environ genial infirmity. In my own experience of living in a small, close-knit community, I rig it nearly terrifying to talk to my primary quill c atomic number 18 physician almost the anxiety and depression I was experiencing. In my town, parking my car at the counseling center was like admitting that I couldnt squeeze c are of myself. The common perception in the community was that passel contain to suck it up and not rely on doctors or therapists to get through feel. With this clear and prevalent cross against genial unhealthiness and pr to each oneing, it took me years to last-placely get the help that I subscribeed. This issue of soft touch was still on my min d when I started sapiditying for a topic for this enquiry project. I was curious about how non-Western and develop countries viewed the issue and what was being done to help lessen the marking of psychic illness worldwide.What is Stigma?In order to take a close look at mental wellness fall guy in cultures around the world, we first train to assure exactly what is meant by marking. The dictionary definition of bulls eye is a mark of disgrace or infamy a stain or reproach, as on ones reputation ( This is a good place to start, still it does not accurately define the measur competent aspects of defacement, which is necessary for researchers to be able to study it. standoff et al. (2004) discuss several theoretical perspectives for gradetization in general and the fool of mental illness in spoticular. Most useful for the purposes of this paper is the fabric laid out by Link and Phelen (2001) and discussed and flesh out upon by Link et al. (2004) that advises several interrelated categories labeling, stereotyping, separating, emotional reactions, status loss, and swords colony on world power structure. Labeling is a natural way that humans categorize differences, and m all labels (shoe size, favorite foods) are not socially salient. Other labels, such as sexual preference or nationality, are much much relevant. Both the selection of salient characteristics and the creation of labels for them are social achievements that need to be understood as essential components of stigma (Link et al. 2004). In the stereotyping component, the researchers invoke that the labeled differences are linked to negative assumptions about the labeled psyche or early(a)s with similar characteristics. The next aspect of the stigma process is separating, which is the us versus them mind go down. Link et al. (2004) suggest that one place the initial conceptual framework about stigma is lacking is in the underrepresentation of emotional reactions We call back that this underrepresentation of necessity to be corrected, be arrange emotional responses are critical to understanding the behavior of twain stigmatizers and large number who are recipients of stigmatizing reactions. Status loss and unlikeness erect be overt, like refusing employment to nearlyone with a mental illness, only if it ordure also be much to a greater extent insidious and pervasive. Link et al. (2004) gives the modelling that considerably less funding exists for schizophrenia research and facilities for schizophrenia handling are a lot located in less desirable locations. The final aspect of the stigma framework is its dependence on power structures Link et al. (2004) state that this aspect is very(prenominal) important because without social, cultural, economical and political power the concept of stigma would be much less useful.Now that we understand at least one way in which stigma can be defined, we must next go about looking at the ship can al stigma is measured. Link et al.(2004) state that there is a respectable lack of study of mental illness stigma in the exploitation world they reviewed a large number of studied conducted worldwide, and implant just a few in Asia and Africa, though the researchers did clarify that this might gift been because their review was restricted to English language journals. This paper will centralize on a few key studies, but it is certain that more study in this area is needed to get an in-depth look at differences in the midst of cultures and the relative stigma of mental illness.Some studies focus on the stigma of the general population towards those with mental illness, while others focus on the opinions of mass who suffer from mental illness. One survey I establish to be particularly interesting and useful is the World Mental wellness Survey, in which subjects with mental health issues were asked about their perceived stigma (Alonso et al. 2008). For this survey, stigma wa s considered to be present if respondents cut acrossed both embarrassment and perceived discrimination related to illness. Among populate with square activity limitations (i.e., at least take for difficulty with cognition, mobility, self-care, or social), the perceived stigma rate was risqueest in the Ukraine, with 32.1% of respondents coverage stigma. The unforesightfulest rate was 3.2% in Germevery. The average rate of perceived stigma in growth countries was 22.1%, compared to 11.7% in demonstrable countries (Alonso et al. 2008, Table 1). The researchers finding was that perceived stigma associated with mental disorders is universal, but considerably more frequent in exploitation countries however, the implications of this finding were not discussed, though they suggest it may be of interest to investigate social, cultural and health service characteristics that antitheticaliate countries in which patients feel less excluded from countries in which patients are more apparent to report perceived stigma (Alonso et al. 2008312). The researchers also erect that perceived stigma is powerfully associated with common mental disorders, particularly with comorbid body fluid and anxiety (Alonso et al. 2008306). The implications of this survey are twofold first, ontogenesis and developed countries pretend dissimilar ways of associating stigma with mental illness, although the reasons for this are not clear. Second, quite a little with mental illness are much more likely to perceive stigma relating to illness than, for example, people with chronic physical ailments. Most interesting to me is the fact that the statistics from Alonso et al.s (2004) study shows that developing countries obtain nearly double the rate of perceived stigma as developed countries.Studies of Stigma in Developing CountriesLauber and Rossler (2006) conducted a review of books that summarizes results of research on the stigma of mental illness in developing Asian countries. T hey state that this research is very important because The stigma of mental illness and discrimination against mental patients are believed to be a significant obstacle to development of mental health care and to ensuring quality of life of those crucifixion from mental illness (Lauber and Rossler 2006 158). They provide a clear preaching of how they defined developing and developed countriesA developing rural area is a country with a low-income average, a relatively undeveloped infrastructure and a poor human development index when compared to the global normDevelopment entails developing a modern infrastructure (both physical and institutional), and a move away from low value added sectors such as agriculture and natural resource extraction. true countries usually digest economic systems based on continuous, self-sustaining economic growth (Lauber and Rossler 2006160).This definition helps clarify some of the general differences between developing and developed countries.Laub er and Rosslers (2006) review of literature raise that people in developing countries in Asia are generally afraid of those with mental illness. They also found that many studies reported respondents who felt that mental illness symptoms were a fixture reaction to stress this finding suggests that awareness of mental illness and the need for medical intervention is lacking in these cultures. However, the results of these studies are similar to the results in Western countries (Lauber and Rossler 2006). Another finding of this study was in regards to help-seeking behaviors it is much more likely for those seeking help for mental illness to rely on family members instead of professional mental health services (Lauber and Rossler 2006). I found it interesting that the researchers suggest the differences in mental health care in developing Asian countries is due not only to a diverse cultural understanding of health and health care, but also the stigmatizing perspective of health c are professionals as well (Lauber and Rossler 2006).Gureje and Lasebikan (2005) studied the use of treatment services for mental illness in the Yoruba-speaking part of Nigeria through opposite interviews with nearly 5,000 adults. They found that fewer than 1 in 10 people with mental health disorders over the past 12 months had findd any treatment whatsoever, compared with 25% in the United States (Gureje and Lasebikan 2005). They also found that respondents who did receive treatment were much more likely to be treated in the general medical sector rather than by a mental health specialist these results are similar to those found in other developing countries as well as developed nations. Another significant finding was that people with mental illness were considerably less likely to use complimentary health providers than those with other non-mental disorders This observation flies in the face of the common belief that traditional healers provide service for a high proportion of m ortals with mental disorders in developing African countries (Gureje and Lasebikan 200548). The authors suggest that many of the problems with mental health utilization in Nigeria result from its forgetful health service personnel and facilities, financial constraint, as well as poor knowledge of and negative attitude to mental illness (both of which are rampant in Nigeria) (Gureje and Lasebikan 200548). This suggests that in addition to the need for better health systems in developing countries, we also need to address the issue of stigma towards mental health treatment.Another study in 2005 attempted to look at the existing attitudes towards mental illness in the same Yoruba-speaking part of Nigeria. Gureje et al. (2005) studied over 2000 respondents and found widespread stigmatization of mental illness. The researchers found that respondents were often misinformed about the cause of mental illness with 80.8% stating that mental illness could be caused by drug or alcohol abuse, 3 0.2% claiming possession by evil spirits as a cause, followed by about follow responses of trauma, stress, and genetic inheritance (Gureje et al. 2005 Table 2). The researchers add that only about ten percent of respondents believed that biological factors or brain disease could be the cause of mental illness, and 9% felt that Punishment from God was a possible cause (Gureje et al. 2005).In addition to the misunderstood causes of mental illness, the researchers found that many Nigerians have generally negative views towards people with mental illness fewer than half(a) of respondents believed that the mentally ill could be treated outside of hospitals, and only suasion that mentally ill people could work at a regular job. The researchers found that these negative attitudes were equally spread across the socioeconomic spectrum (Gureje et al. 2005). The stigma associated with mental illness in Nigeria is evident in the responses that show nigh respondents were unwilling to have social interactions with someone with mental illness, including fear of having a conversation with or working with a mentally ill person (Gureje et al. 2005437). 83% of respondents would be ashamed of people knowing that someone in their family was mentally ill, and only 3.4% responded that they could marry someone with a mental illness (Gureje et al. 2005 Table 4). These results support the findings of the World Mental health Survey that the stigma of mental illness is considerably higher in developing countries than in developed countries, but the research still does not show any distinct variables that could be identified in order to help boil down the associated stigma.Griffiths et al. (2006) performed a equivalence of stigma in response to mental disorders between Australia and Japan, and found some interesting results. This was the only research I found that used similar methodologies to survey the public in two different cultures. Though both Japan and Australia are develo ped nations, the cross-cultural comparison is relevant to this study. Griffiths et al. (2006) found a significantly higher proportion of the Nipponese respondents held stigmatizing attitudes and social distance towards mental illness. The authors give several possible reasons for this difference. First, uniformity is more highly valued in Japan, so people who yield from the norm because of mental illness would be more negatively impacted. Secondly, the treatment options in the two countries differ in Japan, long-term institutionalization is common, while in Australia, community and rehabilitation services are emphasized. The implication is that even among developed countries, significant differences in the rates of stigma and the way it affects a ball club occur therefore, any push to combat stigma needs to take into account these cultural differences. The authors suggest that this study may point to ways in which interventions programs for cut stigma might be tailored for each country (Griffiths et al. 2006).Attempts to Reduce Stigma Associated With Mental IllnessMany countries and cultures have made attempts to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness. Lauber and Rossler (2006) discuss the attempts in some Asian countries to rename schizophrenia in order to reduce the stigma associated with the disease however, results show that a less pejorative label has little effect on the stigma associated with schizophrenia. Stein and Gureje (2004) suggest the approach of medicalization of suffering, or training healthcare providers to recognize the depression and anxiety that are often related to violence, chronic illness, and poverty in order for this to be successful, however, overcoming the stigma related to mental health issues is of primary importance. Lauber and Sartorius (2007) states that work towards reducing the stigma of mental illness is very important as a human rights issue Societal or structural discrimination finds its reflectivity in ju risdiction that restricts the civil rights of people with mental illness in, for example, voting, parenting or serving jury duty, inequities in medical insurance coverage, discrimination in housing and employment, and the reliance on jails, prisons and homeless shelters as the way of disposing of people with mental illness (103). They discuss the importance of the normalization paradigm in which people with mental disorders are seen as similar to and not different from other people and medicalization, the idea that mental illness is a treatable medical condition rather than a personal defect, in the anti-stigma endeavors (Lauber and Sartorius 2007). soma (2000) suggests that one important aspect of reducing mental health stigma is to increase what he calls mental health literacy or knowledge about mental health disorders he outlines several education programs that were widespread in the 80s and 90s in the United States the Depression Awareness, Recognition and Treatment Program and the subject Depression Screening Day. These programs received widespread media attention, but their effects have not been studied. Form suggests that one good way to help improve mental health literacy is to target specific populations, such as high school students. However, Forms research says little about how these ideas would work in developing countries.In conclusion, a look at the research on stigma associated with mental illness shows significant differences in developing and developed countries, but the reasons for this are still unclear. I had hoped to conclude this research with a set of key differences between high-stigma and low-stigma cultures, but this information, if it exists, was not found. I believe that research on identifying causes for and reducing incidences of the stigma of mental illness is a very important topic in medical anthropology and one I believe will see continued advancement in research in the future.References CitedAlonso, J., A. Buron, R. Bruffa erts, Y. He, J. Posada-Villa, J-P. Lepine, M.C. Angermeyer, D.Levinson, G. de Girolamo, H. Tachimori, Z.N. Mneimneh, M.E. Medina-Mora, J. Ormel, K.M.Scott, O. Gureje, J.M. Haro, S. Gluzman, S. Lee, G. Vilagut, R.C. Kessler, M. Von Korff, theWorld Mental Health Consortium.2008 Association of perceived stigma and mood and anxiety disorders results from the worldMental Health Surveys. Acta psychiatricala Scandinavica 118305-314.Griffiths, Kathleen M., Y Nakane, H. Christensen, K. Yoshioka, A. F. Jorm, and H. Nakane.2006 Stigma in response to mental disorders a comparison of Australia and Japan. BMC abnormal psychology 2006, 621.Gureje, Oye, and V. Lasebikan2005 mapping of mental health services in a developing country results from the Nigerian surveyof mental health and well-being. Social Psychiatry Psychiatric Epidemiology 4144-49.Gureje, Oye, V. Lasebikan, O. Ephraim-Oluwanuga, B. Olley, and L. Kola2005 Community study of knowledge of and attitude to mental illness in Nigeria. The BritishJournal of Psychiatry 2005 186436-441.Jorm, A. F.2000 Mental Health Literacy Public Knowledge and Beliefs About Mental Disorders. TheBritish Journal of Psychiatry 2000 177396-401Lauber, Christopher and N. Sartorius2007 At Issue Anti-stigma endeavors. International check into of Psychiatry. April 200719(2)103-106.Lauber, Christopher and W. Rossler2007 Stigma towards people with mental illness in developing countries in Asia. InternationalReview of Psychiatry, April 2007 19(2) 157-178.Link, Bruce, L. H. Yang, J. C. Phelan, and P.Y. Collins2004 Measuring Mental Illness Stigma. Schizophrenia Bulletin 30 (3)511-541Stein, Dan J., O. Gureje.2004 Depression and anxiety in the developing world is it time to medicalise the suffering?The Lancet Vol. 364.stigma. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved December 1, 2010, from Dictionary.comwebsite http//
Importance Of A View From The Bridge Film
Importance Of A View From The Bridge FilmA View from the Bridge is a do written by Arthur moth miller in 1955 when he was living in New York. In the mid-fifties New York was a very channelizebiz and glamorous place back in the days and was know as the centre of the world, it attracted thousands of illegal immigrants from all everywhere the world, especially from countries like Italy. The people who came to America were looking for a come a give away quality of spirit which is the case for two of the pillowcases within this come across. Miller uses mingled techniques and storylines to create emphasis for the earreach such(prenominal) as the threat of the discovery of the two illegal immigrants, Marco and Rodolpho. The unusual latent hostility in-between brings terror to a tragic protagonist. Miller wrote this look as a Modern Grecian tragedy. Arthur Miller uses a true story he previously compreh halt to grab the consultation. Re-written in his own run-in, Arthur Mille r bought the controversial ideas of incest, culture and masculinity. found on Arthur Millers play, I am going to analyse the melodramatic tension built up in mold 1 and it follows on to Act 2. I allow be looking at uses the characters, stage fashions, props, illuminate, language, and stage setting as these dramatic devices help to move on up the dramatic tension for the earreach.The play is set in a ghetto community of Sicilian Italians. It is known as the Red Hook Community. Most Italians at that time lived in poor argonas rather than regular Americans who lived in richer argonas or upstate. During the 1950s the Italians that lived in America had working class jobs. They had work such as macrocosm dockworkers and longshoremen in Brooklyn harbour. The characters in the play alike work as dockworkers. even so the women stayed at home cooked, cleaned and raised the children while the men worked and they would take premise of the family like a patriarchal figure. The idea of women ruling was frowned upon in the Italian culture.Alfieri an old wise lawyer is the main narrator of this play. He tells the play as a review from the very beginning and informs it is not what solely how nitty-gritty that even though we know the end result its how the end result happens in such an unexpected nevertheless inevitable means that it grips us and leaves us in shock even after the end. Alfieri speaks largely detail, so the hearing automatically believes his sown opinion. The playwright presents him in the mapping of a chorus, from an ancient Greek play. The chorus was a figure who watched the movement and commented on it, addressing the audience directly. Alfieri is a vital part of the play. He adds vastness to the play and sets it in a wider context and broadens the subjects of people, humanity, and our society. Alfieri clarifies the real meaning of events for the audience. He raises the many issues of the play. Alfieri does this by delivering a speech aft er a dramatic event and removes the audience reflect on this episode. He also prep bes the audience with a speech for an upcoming incident. Alfieri also symbolises God. He looks down on the cargonlessness of others but he is powerless to stop any events in the play.The play is divided into two acts. The first act establishes the tensions between Eddie, Catherine, Rodolfo and Beatrice. The endorse act activates these tensions and gradually builds until the altercated climax. Alfieri breaks up these acts into short episodes and does this by providing a definition on events.The characters are a vital element in the play, and are the basis of the drama. Eddie is portrayed as a well-respected, hardworking, ordinary man. He is unwavering to his family and is presented as a kind character. He was as good a man as he had to be in a life that was hard and even. Alfieri explains this at the beginning of the play, and this emphasizes that Eddie is an honorable, decent person. However, as s oon as a catalyst is introduced, another side to Eddie is revealed, and his true feelings for Catherine exposed. What are the broad(prenominal) heels for Garbo? Eddie says this to Catherine, in front of the cousins, to deliberately humiliate her. Eddie sees Catherines attention towards Rodolfo and becomes jealous. This sexual jealousy grows throughout the play and the audiences realize that what did seem like over-protectiveness is in fact romantic obsession for Catherine. This disgusts the audience and so they begin to turn against Eddie. Eddies joining to Catherine is his flaw. Eddies actions for Catherine become too obvious.His eyes were like tunnels. Alfieri says this to describe Eddie. It suggests that Eddie only focuses on one thing which is Catherine. This is obvious when Eddie calls Immigration to snitch on Marco and Rodolfo. It highlights Eddies hopelessness and loss of rational thinking as he acts on the unregenerate of his own strong beliefs, which he outlined at the beginning of the play with the consequences of Vinnie Banzalos betrayal.The characters are all involved in very tangled relationships and this brings a lot of confusion. Beatrice is jealous of Eddies love for Catherine. When am I gonna be a wife again Eddie? She is very frustrated with her husband, but he get out not face the reality of the situation. Eddie expects Beatrice to support him, as wives were supposed at that time. So when Beatrice defends Catherine Eddie cannot understand why his wife is deliberately defying him as he believes he is being perfectly reasonable.The characters all have different personalities and lifestyles. The biggest contrasts are the two brothers. Rodolfo represents a fun, carefree, ambitious, entertainer. However, Marco is a serious and hardworking person who is in America to earn money for his family. This variety of characters adds depth to the play and allows the audience to relate to each of them. Eddie hints that Rodolfo is homosexual due to his feminine characteristics. He sings, he cooks, he could make dresses. Eddie says this as a bitter response to breach Rodolfo. The reason he mentions this is because, he feels threatened and thinks Rodolfo is stealing Catherine from him.The set, properties, and lighting also increase the dramatic tension in the play. The set is not real, although it does contend to show some reality. The set arrangement enables the inside of the apartment, the street outside, and Alfieris voice all to be represented without any scene changes. This arrangement means that the lighting is native as it indicates which part of the set is in use. The lighting is also important as it is used to draw focus to a particular character or event. A phone booth begins to flame on the opposite side of the stage a faint, lonely blue. This is an face of when light is used to symbolise a characters thoughts. As the light grows brighter, it represents Eddies finish to call the immigration office. This lighting ef fect acts as a standpoint for the audience and emphasises the phone, making the whole event much dramatic. The lights have done for(p) down, leaving him in a glow. This stage direction occurs after Eddies death. The dimness signifies and end, and also the sorrow felt by Eddies loved ones. The lighting creates a very intense atmosphere.The props on set add naive realism and interest to the play. The characters can interact with the props so there is more action and a greater impression of everyday life. They add grain to the scene and give the characters something to react with. Beatrice is taking down Christmas decorations and packing them in a box. The props in this scene are much explicated as they inform the audience of the time of year. This could be interpreted as if the jubilate and excitement of Christmas is over and this so is the end of the happiness in the family as the immigration officers are about to arrive.The language in the play allows the audience to know the c haracters relationships, emotions and thoughts. It is the most obvious feature of drama. The dialogue in the play also separates the characters. Alfieri is the only clear, powerful speaker in the play as the other entire characters converse in slang. They use the wrong tenses and tailor words, for example sumpm and talkin. Miller uses this language to create a working-class, poor environment. Pauses are a very effective way to create dramatic tension. The audience is not used to concealment, so when the characters are quiet it has great impact. The silence is usually due to a dramatic event and it allows the audience to take up the full impact of the situation. These pauses create suspense and the audience wants to know what will happen next. Eddie uses language to distance Rodolfo as he is jealous of him. He is coming more and more to address Marco only. This shows how Eddie disregards Rodolfo and tries to exclude him from the conversation. Eddie uses language to subtly show his contempt for Rodolfo. How the character performs the dialogue is an important factor as devices such as sarcasm can change the meaning of the speech. Eddie a great deal says things, concerning Rodolfo, which have a different meaning. He sings, he cooks, he could make dresses. Eddie says this to humiliate Rodolfo, implying that he is homosexual, even though it is in fact a compliment as these are his talents. The actors tone of voice also has a great effect on the meaning of the speech. The language of a character gives the audience an insight into their personality. Marco seldom speaks. This could be due to his poor English, but it could also show that he is a man of action, not words and he spends most of his time deep in thought.Each part of the set suggests particular themes in the play. Alfieris office represents the law. The apartment symbolises family links, and the apartment preceding(prenominal) is not seen and therefore it means the unpredictable events. The street is wh ere feelings are released, the counterbalance occurs in the street and Beatrices conflict with Eddie.The stage directions are the most essential dramatic device in the play. They bring the play to life and show how the characters interactEddie is pleased and therefore shy about it. This stage direction displays Eddies true feeling which there is no dialogue to express. Some matters cannot be openly discussed, so are shown in gesture and action. When Catherine serves Eddies food, or lights a cigar for him, this illustrates the relationship they have. For a 1950s audience, the lighting of a cigar would be a very symbolic action.Stage directions can also show a buildup of tension. For example when Lois and Mike talk to Eddie about Rodolfo, Eddie tries to infer that Rodolfo is homosexual and he wants them to support his accusation. However, Lois and Mike do not submit to this. They try and entomb Eddies suggestion with gradual laughter until they finally explode in laughter, masking the release of tension as they leave. In the scene where Eddie kisses both Rodolfo and Catherine, the kisses are a very effective way of generating drama. For an audience in 1955, the twofold kiss would have been scandalous. Eddie kissing Catherine proposes incest and Eddies kiss with Rodolfo is demonstrating his supposed homosexuality. Both kisses disgust the audience and Eddie loses the audiences sympathy further when he calls immigration.Miller maintains these dramatic techniques to build up tension to keep the audience stimulated in such way that they would into the play. The devices work together to form an exciting, effective, enjoyable play.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Plan for Employees in Small Business
Plan for Employees in Sm in all BusinessDairy retentionIntroductionOur melody is low-down job token in the natural Zealand just approximately of the business is small type and our business name is Kumars dairy. In the dairy put in we idler buy the so many dissimilar products in the one roof. As small operators, they can non offer bulk discounts as comp ar to supermarket. To run this business they hire the stave. As I proprietor in this company I devour to hire coach-and-four, customer service, tinkle out service, accounting and other staff.Location- I untied my Kumars diary shop class near the summit drive, Mt Albert because in this place there is no any dairy store in this location and we can draw so many people.Service and product- In our Kumars dairy we can proffer unalike product like milk, eggs, dairy products, perishables, newspapers, lotto and so on. We can also give the customer service as well as top up mobile and At hop card.Reason for this business- I o pen this business because in this store we can buy the anything in the one roof. To help this business we can make new friends and also make more money. I agree in this era so many people prefer super market I survive but when they forget to buy something from supermarket then they prefer dairy store rather then again visit to the super market. In this small business we can easily make more money.Capability- As I look at this dairy store I have ability to assume the staff which person we need this company and which place. I also manager the all staff. I also trained the staff under my supervision. I also know about the new technology and how to use this technology. apparatus the business- To open this business firstly I need to calculate the work out to open the dairy store, if I have dont sufficient fund to open my store then I go to the bank and apply the business loan to build our new business as well as I also find the place for lease and suppliers.Opening-closing (timing) d ay quantifysMonTues unify indeedFriSatSunOpening and closing700 AM- 900 PM700 AM- 900PM700 AM- 900 PM700 AM- 900 PM700 AM- 900 PM700 AM- 900 PM1000 AM- 500 PMWorking min of employeesFull m and odd-job(prenominal) workerPart time- 20 hourFull time 40 hourCasual worker-12 hourRoster (timing)staveMonTuesWedThusFriSatSunowner9 to 99 to 99 to 99 to 99 to 99 to 9Manager7 to 77 to 78 to 97 to 97 to 910 to 5 tire out ( plentiful time)7 to 97 to 97 to 97 to 97 to 97 to 9 compass (Part time)7 to 910 to 5Responsibility and AccountabilityStaffResponsibilityAccountabilityOwner(kartikey) allot the deliver in timeDont predominate other staff outgrowthsManager(Hootz)Manager responsibilities are mange the roaster and supervise the entire staff member.Manager Accountabilities do not dominate other workers and always leave the good customer service.Fulltime(Amrit)Mange the checkout service and other workGive the customer servicePart-time(lovish)Fill the all stuffBe in timeHolidays and leave wag esHolidays areNew Years daytimeJanuary, Sunday 1st (observed Tuesday 3rd) mean solar day after New Years DayJanuary, Monday 2ndWellington anniversaryJanuary, Monday 23rdAuckland anniversaryJanuary, Monday 30thNelson AnniversaryJanuary, Monday 30thWaitangi DayFebruary, Monday 6thTaranaki AnniversaryMarch, Monday 13thOtago AnniversaryMarch, Monday twentiethDaylight Saving endsApril, Sunday 2ndGood FridayApril, Friday 14theast wind MondayApril, Monday 17thEaster TuesdayApril, Tuesday 18thSouthland AnniversaryApril, Tuesday 18thANZAC DayApril, Tuesday twenty-fifthQueens BirthdayJune, Monday 5thDaylight Saving startsSeptember, Sunday twenty-fourthSouth Canterbury AnniversarySeptember, Monday 25thHawkes Bay AnniversaryOctober, Friday 20thLabour DayOctober, Monday 23rdMarlborough AnniversaryOctober, Monday 30thCanterbury AnniversaryNovember, Friday 17thChatham Islands AnniversaryNovember, Monday 27thWestland AnniversaryDecember, Monday 4thChristmas DayDecember, Monday 25thBoxing DayDece mber, Tuesday 26th(holiday)Hours and wagesType of minimum wagePer hour8 hour day40 hour week80 hour fortnightAdult$15.25$122.00$610.00$1,220.00Starting-out$12.20$97.60$488.00$976.00Training$12.20$97.60$488.00$976.00(wages )Leaves and Equal WagesRise to pay for equivalent work is the idea of work rights that people in a similar work environment be given equivalent pay. It is most regularly utilized as a part of the setting of sexual separation, in connection to the sex pay crevice. Level with pay identifies with the full scope of installments and advantages, including essential pay, non-pay installments, rewards and remittances. A few nations have moved fast than others in tending to the issue. Since President John F. Kennedy marked the Equal establish Act of 1963, it has been un legalityful in the unify States to pay men and ladies on the job(p) in a similar place diverse pay range for comparable work. Health and safety Equal job OpportunitiesGender equalityIn this record company cannot discrimination toward the staff members because in this type of business all staff members are same. In the New Zealand business nobody discriminated in the level of wages because they have right sexuality equality.Collective agreementCollective study agreements are agreements between employers and registered substances that fall into place employees in the employers workplace. Collective employment agreements must(prenominal)Be in composeBe marked by businesses and unions that are gatherings to the perceptivenessHave a scope condition expressing the work that the understanding spreadsIncorporate a kvetch dialect clarification of how to deal with any business relationship issues, including the 90-day time frameFor bringing an individual grievanceIncorporate a statement expressing how the understanding can be changedIncorporate an expiry date or express an occasion that will mean the assertion lapsesIncorporate an establishment that follows the Holidays Act 20 03 necessity for workers to be paid in any font time and a halfFor work on open makeMuch of the time, incorporate an arrangement expressing how workers will be secured if the business is sold, replacement or contracted out.(collective)Individual agreementEvery interpreter must have a composed work assention.The assention can be every an individual understanding or an aggregate assention.An singular business understanding doesnt need to be marked by the business and worker to that extent it ought to be.There are a few things that must be in your work assention and different things that are ordinarily in business understandings further dont need to be, for example, your notice period.Minimum rights, (for example, the lowest pay permitted by law and yearly occasions) are legitimate prerequisites and apply regard little of the hap that theyre not in the business understanding. Your business assention cant decrease these or exchange them off for different things.Employers are admi td to keep a reprise of the work assention. The business must keep a proposed assention regardless of the possibility that the representative hasnt marked it. Workers are qualified for a duplicate of their accordance on demand.The sort of business understanding a worker is on may rely on upon regardless of whether they are a union part. It is the representatives decision whether they join a union, and a business cant loosen impact their decision. On the off lay on the line that a worker joins a union, they will be secured by the important aggregate assention, if there is on. (https// disputesIndeed, even the best-run business must be set up to manage work call into question. A representative may have a appointment with a manager, question an execution assessment or trust that corpse arrangements are as a rule unjustifiably upheld. While a few nations have work courts to determine such debate, in the United States, bosses must discover approaches to determine these issues outside the courts. Effectively arranging a work debate brings about all sides get holding they have been tuned in to and judged reasonably.NegotiationTransaction is by all accounts the favoured basic leadership system when representatives are looking for independently custom fitted arrangements, for example, changes in accordance with rifle and work routines.MediationWith the help of Mediation, both sides in a question take a seat with an outsider facilitator to examine the circumstance and try to achieve an answer. The facilitator, or middle person, has no interest in the reply of the issue, and stays unbiased is called Mediation.AdjudicationAdjudication is a legal term that refers to the process of earreach and subsidence a case. It usually represents the final judgment or dominance in a case that determines the required course of action in reference to the issue presented. Adjudication can also refer to the process of validatory an insurance cla im as well as a rule in the bankruptcy process between the defendant and the creditors. ( us Investopedia on FacebookALLOCATION AND EVALUATION OF WORKEvaluation are generally do on more than one occasion a year, however you office need to plan a registration with new workers prior, to ensure theyre settling in well.Setting up an evaluationYou should togive your representative time to get ready by booking the meeting no less than two or three weeks ahead of timebook a private meeting place where you wont be hinderedrequest that your representative get ready reactions to inquiries likehow well they believe theyre doing in their employmentwhich parts of their employment theyre doing admirably and where they think they could progressregardless of whether they require any gear or preparing to help in their parthow they feel about their occupation and the organizationwhat they would change on the off chance that they could?do your own readiness surveyyour re presentatives set of working responsibilitiesyour notes from past times auditsexecution pointers (deals or generation figures, letters from fulfilled clients, or different measurements).get criticism from different workers, partners or key clientsset up your representative for extreme inquiries in the event that theyre not performing, caution them that youll have to talk about why certain objectives or targets werent met and welcome them to go to the meeting with conceivable arrangements.( of ManagerThe manager responsibilities in the business are very important because without manager business cannot be run. Manager is the spreadeagle of organization. He set the all roaster and manage the all staff member as well as he give the order to all the staff what you do or not today work. (http// of EmployeesEmployees responsibilities are be on time, good c ustomer service last but not a least he should be prepare know about the first aid box. Always good behaviour with customers and staff fellows.(http// business enterprise description of dairy(careercoverletter)
Hydrogen Peroxide Features and Uses
Hydrogen Peroxide Features and Uses search BookletThe occasional dining table is an unthinkable game plan of the colonial components, requested by their nuclear (number of protons), negatron setups, and repeating concoction properties. This requesting indicates intermittent patterns, for example, components with comparative conduct in a similar segment.It additionally indicates foursome rectangular pieces with some roughly comparable obscure properties.When all is say in done, inside one line (period) the components argon metals on the left, and non-metals on the privilege.Hydrogen bl from each one (H2O2) is an exceptionally light blue fluid which seems tiresome in a weaken arrangement, somewhat more(prenominal) cryptical than water. It is a powerless corrosive. It has solid oxidizing properties and is in this manner a capable fading operator that is generally utilized for fading paper, yet has additionally sight use as a disinfectant and as an oxidizer.Hydrogen hydrogen peroxide as carbamide peroxide is generally utilized for tooth brightening (blanching), both in professionally-and in self-managed items. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a very much preserve segment of living cells.It assumes essential qualitys in host metro and oxidative biosynthetic solutions. Whats more at that place is developing confirmation that at low levels, H2O2 additionally works as a sign specialist, particularly in higher life forms.H2O2 has progressively been an essential cell flagging operator in its own particular right, fit for tweaking both contractile and development advancing pathways with additional sweeping impacts.Because of the gathering of hydrogen peroxide in the skin of patients with the depigmentation issue vitiligo, the human epidermis tidy sumt provoke the ordinary limit with regards to autocrine union, transport and debasement of acetylcholine and the muscarinic (m1-m5) and nicotinic flag transduction in keratinocytes and melanocytes. concourse pro of proposes that hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) assumes a critical part in growth advancement.Trial information give birth demonst located that growth cells turn back high measures of H(2)O(2).The rate of a response can be spread out by including a reasonable impetus. An impetus is a depicted object which changes the rate of response yet is unaltered toward the finish of the response.Just a unforesightful measure of impetus is expected to build the rate of response in the midst of a lot of reactants.An impetus is to a circumstantial response distinguishable impetuses catalyse diverse responses not all responses have reasonable impetusesThe table outlines some basic impetuses utilized as a part of constancy and the responses they catalyse.The impact hypothesis clarifies that gas-stage substance responses happen when particles slam into adequate mobile animation. The impact hypothesis depends on the Kinetic hypothesis of gasses accordingly, nevertheless managing gas-stage u nite responses are managed. Perfect gas suspicions are connected. Moreover, we additionally are expecting each(prenominal) atoms are going through space in a unfeigned line.All atoms are unbending cycles.The responses concerned are between just two atoms.The atoms need to impact.Eventually, the impact hypothesis of gasses gives the rate smasher for bimolecular gas-stage responses it is equivalent to the rate of effective crashes. The rate of effective impacts is corresponding to the part of fruitful crashes duplicated by the general impact recurrence.Substance energy is the probe of the rates of synthetic responses or how quick responses happen.The essential prerequisite for a response to happen is that the reactant particles ( rags or atoms) must impact and communicate with each other somehow.This is the focal thought of the crash show, which is utilized to clarify many an(prenominal) the perceptions do about synthetic energy.Crash hypothesis expresses that the rate of a conc oction response is corresponding to the quantity of impacts between reactant atoms. The more on a regular basis reactant atoms impact, the all the more frequently they respond with each other,quicker the response rate. In all actuality, just a little portion of the crashes are powerful impacts. Compelling impacts are those that outcome in a compound response.Keeping in mind the end goal to create a compelling crash, reactant particles must have some base measure of vitality.This vitality, apply to start the response, is known as the initiation vitality. For each specimen of reactant particles there will be some that have this measure of vitality. The bigger the specimen,the more prominent the quantity of powerful impacts, and the speedier the rate of response. The quantity of particles having enough vitality is subject to the temperature of the reactants.On the off chance that reactant particles dont have the required economy vitality when they impact, they bob off each other with out responding.Some substance responses likewise require that the reactant particles be in a specific opening to deliver a viable crash.Unless the reactant particles have this introduction when they impact, the crash practise be a compelling one.The response of ozone with nitrogen monoxide is a cocktail dress of how introduction can be imperative.In 1913, Neils Bohr, an understudy of Rutherfords, produced another manakin of the iota. He suggested that electrons are masterminded in concentric roundabout one shots around the core. This pattern is designed on the nearby planetary group and is known as the planetary model. The Bohr model can be compressed by the ensuant four standardsElectrons possess just certain circles around the core. Those circles are steady and are called stationary circles.Each circle has a vitality related with it. The circle closest the core has a vitality of E1, the following circle E2, and so forth.Vitality is consumed when an electron bounced from a l ower circle to a higher one and vitality is radiated when an electron tumbles from a higher circle to a lower circle.The vitality and recurrence of light radiated or consumed can be figured by utilizing the distinction between the two orbital energies.In 1926 Erwin Schrdinger, an Austrian physicist, took the Bohr molecule display above and beyond. Schrdinger utilized scientific conditions to portray the probability of finding an electron in a specific position. This nuclear model is known as the quantum mechanical model of the molecule. Not at all like the Bohr display, the quantum mechanical model does not remember the correct way of an electron, but instead, predicts the chances of the area of the electron. This model can be depicted as a core encompassed by an electron smear. Where the cloud is most thick, the likelihood of finding the electron is most noteworthy, and then again, the electron is more averse to be in a less thick territory of the cloud. Hence, this model present ed the idea of sub-vitality levels.Until 1932, the molecule was accepted to be made out of a decidedly charged core encompassed by the other way around charged electrons. In 1932, James Chadwick shelled beryllium iotas with alpha particles. An obscure radiation sickness was delivered. Chadwick translated this radiation as macrocosm made out of particles with an impartial galvanizing charge and the rough mass of a proton. This molecule got to be distinctly known as the neutron. With the revelation of the neutron, a satisfactory model of the iota got to be distinctly accessible to scientists.Since 1932, through proceeded with experimentation, numerous extra particles have been found in the molecule. Likewise, new components have been made by military blockade existing cores with different subatomic particles. The nuclear hypothesis has been further upgraded by the idea that protons and neutrons are made of much littler units called quarks. The quarks themselves are olibanum made of vibrating strings of vitality. The hypothesis of the creation of the iota keeps on being a continuous and energizing experience.Science tobacco pipes are accessible in a large number of lengths and widths, normally from 10 to 20 mm wide and 50 to 200 mm long. The top regularly includes a flared lip to help spilling out the substance.A science test tube normally has a level base, a round base, or a funnel shaped base. Some test tubes are made to hold a ground crank plug or a recognise top. They are frequently furnished with a little ground glass or white coating range close to the top for grant with a pencil.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
National Energy Plan Essay -- essays research papers
National cipher Plan The balance between verve consumption and the environment have always seemed at betting odds with one another. Is it possible that the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge could be exposed to oil exploration without adverse effects to the environment? I study it can.Q.)What type of National Energy Policy do we have hither?A.)Years of misguided federal and state environmental policies have brocaded the cost of achievement, failed to improve our nations aging infrastructure, and dangerously increased the Statess dependence on unreliable foreign sources. The result rising consumer utility bills, rapidly increase gasoline prices, and rolling blackouts and brownouts.A fundamental imbalance between proviso and demand defines our nations energy crisis if energy production increases at the same rate as during the last decade our projected energy needs result far outstrip expected levels of production.Q.)What is the current commandment?A.)In early 2001, President Bush unveiled his National Energy Policy Report and I feel that was a step in the right direction. It recommends environmentally sound changes to increase domestic supply, improve delivery, repair counterproductive regulations, and encourage energy diversity. Although much should be done to view that any new policies adhere to free-market principles, the plan provides a blueprint for a greater extent recently, the Energy Conservation, Research, and Development Act of 2003 passed the House of Representatives 246-180. It goal is to conduct a balanced, wide-term research effort in the areas of Buildings, Industry, FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies and Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Infrastructure. Grants will be offered to develop and transfer various energy conservation technologies to the nonfederal sector. few examples of funded projects Grants have been awarded to perform (1) Research on high performance set off pumps (2) research on thermally efficient commercial buildings (3) research in vehicle engines (4) research on high temperature materials and (5) research on industrial separation processes.Congressman Chris Cannon (R-UT) praised House passage of a extensive energy plan designed to... ...s, that would indicate they are actually more reliable than fossil plants. Wind and Solar power cant come shut up to the capacity factors of nuclear power, for obvious reasons.The population of the United States and the World is emergence rapidly, and even with significant conservation measures, demand for electricity will increase. This is oddly true if we can move a significant number of stack from gasoline powered cars to light rail and electric automobiles, both of which pick up large amounts of electricity. Nuclear power is a proven, safe, and effective technology for production of electricity, and the technical issues of radiation control and waste management have long since been resolved.Q.)What is your projection for the future?A.)A majority of p eople around these geezerhood grew up in a time where anything with the word nuclear in it causes them to flinch. Its just the way life was back the. I think America is going to have to adapt. Were stretched to the seams as it is right now so I cant see how we can go on much longitudinal with out creating safe alternatives to out dependence on fossil fuels.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Employment Letter :: essays research papers
Employment letterTo Whom It whitethorn ConcernOn the light of your announcement at the AUB careers and posture agency I read with interest your Ad for the nonplus of Sr insert Supervisor. I am applying for the linear perspective as I conceptualize it offers challenges and responsibilities and as I believe it matches my qualifications and my education on professional basis. I am an undergraduate of the American University of Beirut majoring in Business Administration. I testament earn my degree in June 2004 and currently seeking an pleasant position that allows me to develop and explore my skills, further more(prenominal) to learn and excel in my position in the right direction.Throughout my years of education at the American University of Beirut, I have participated in some(prenominal) projects (mainly Strategic perplexity and Marketing) and I went finished the condensed educational environment of AUB which pushed me to work through several teams, moreover, to develop the ir value and to become an active team player. In attachment to that, I intentional to apply my theoretical skills into practical functional ideas which contributed in broaden my creativity and developing my analytical, conceptual and organizational skills. I in any case learned how to manage my time and finish on due dates which enabled me to sight with nerve-wracking situations and develop my sense of responsibility.Besides that, the multicultural aspect that represents AUB unresolved me to distinguishable backgrounds and cultures which entitles me to cope and integrate with a large cultural and educational rump especially with my linguistic capabilities(fluent in English, French and Arabic).In addition to that, through my internship assignment and especially throughout my interactions with employees and customers, Ive been given the fortune to lace my confidence in my interrelation personal skills and my capabilities and to learn more most customers behaviors and expe ctations and new group work issues, which to a fault modify my motivation level.Employment Letter essays research papersEmployment LetterTo Whom It May ConcernOn the light of your announcement at the AUB careers and placement office I read with interest your Ad for the position of Sr Store Supervisor. I am applying for the position as I believe it offers challenges and responsibilities and as I believe it matches my qualifications and my education on professional basis. I am an undergraduate of the American University of Beirut majoring in Business Administration. I will earn my degree in June 2004 and currently seeking an acceptable position that allows me to develop and explore my skills, furthermore to learn and excel in my position in the right direction.Throughout my years of education at the American University of Beirut, I have participated in several projects (mainly Strategic Management and Marketing) and I went through the condensed educational environment of AUB which pushed me to work through several teams, moreover, to experience their value and to become an active team player. In addition to that, I learned to apply my theoretical skills into practical functional ideas which contributed in broadening my creativity and developing my analytical, conceptual and organizational skills. I also learned how to manage my time and finish on due dates which enabled me to deal with stressful situations and develop my sense of responsibility.Besides that, the multicultural aspect that represents AUB exposed me to different backgrounds and cultures which entitles me to cope and integrate with a large cultural and educational base especially with my linguistic capabilities(fluent in English, French and Arabic).In addition to that, through my internship assignment and especially throughout my interactions with employees and customers, Ive been given the opportunity to strengthen my confidence in my interrelation personal skills and my capabilities and to lea rn more about customers behaviors and expectations and new group work issues, which also affected my motivation level.
Strychnine :: Botany
StrychnineStrychnine is a toxic alkaloid, C21H22N2O2, obtained in colorless or white rhombic crystals. These contrive a bitter taste and melt at around 290( C (4 p.1). Alkaloids atomic number 18 any class of naturally occurring organic nitrogen containing bases, usually containing unmatchable or more of these nitrogen atoms in a ring of atoms called a cyclic system. Alkaloids are primarily found in plants and are predominant in flowering plant species. The function of alkaloids in plants is thought to be simply a waste product of the plants metabolic processes, but reliable research may suggest a specific biological function. This is observable in some plants as the levels of alkaloid increase just prior to ejaculate formation and then drops off after the seed is ripe. This evidence suggests doable mechanisms of maturation and possible defense, against certain insect species (5 p.2). Strychnine, being an alkaloid, is slightly fat-soluble in water, but is more soluble in alco hol and is released from its salts by alkalis. Many of the commercial alkaloids are found in the genus Strychnos. Strychnine was the first alkaloid to be identified in plants of the genus Strychnos, Family Loganiaceae. Strychnos, created by Linnaeus in 1753, is a genus of trees and rise shrubs of the gentian order. From the rack of biological diversity, it is the most important genus of the Loganiaceae family (6 p.1). The genus contains 196 various species and is distributed throughout the torrid regions of Asia (58 species), America (64) and Africa (75). The Strychnos alkaloids were originally classified based solely on their geographic origin. Asian Strychnos was thought to contain strychnine and the American Strychnos were thought to contain curarizing ammonium salts (6 p.2). Plants of the genus Strychnos have opposite leaves and bear cymes of white or yellowish flowers that have a four-lobed or five-lobed calyx, a four-parted or five-parted corolla, five stamens, a recluse p istil and bears fruit in the form of a berry. The seeds and bark of many plants in this genus contain the powerful poison (4 p.2). Strychnine is obtained commercially from the seeds of the Saint-ignatiuss-bean and from the nux-vomica tree. Strychnine was first discovered by French chemist Joseph-Bienaime Caenoiu and Pierre-Joseph Pelletier in 1818 in the Saint-Ignatins-bean (S. ignatii)(1 p.2). Strychnos ignatii is a woody climbing shrub of the Philippines. It was introduced into Cochin China and is highly esteemed there as a medicine. It got its name from the attention it attracted from the Jesuits.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
A Primitive Civilization In A Failed Utopia Essay -- essays papers
A Primitive Civilization In A Failed Utopia Symbolism can be employ to represent many aspects of a person place or thing. Throughout the reinvigorated the boys lose every(prenominal) symbols that represent there civilization such as there garb and uniforms. In this novel symbolism is used to show how the boys change their expected value on their primitive society and forms. They are used in the novel Lord of the Flies to show the deterioration and destruction of the boys society and rules. The conch, the eyeglasses and the masks all have a greater meaning in the novel.The conch is used throughout the novel Lord of the Flies to symbolize law and disposition of the adult world which the boys try to recreate. The conch. I got the right to speak. (p 45,Piggy) this was a rule made by the boys to keep order. The conch exploded into a thousand snow-covered fragments and ceased to exist (p200, narrator). Near the end of the novel jack and his group go against the rules and once the conch is broken there is no hope for recovery. There isnt a tribe for you anymore The conch is gone.(p201, Jack), and Ralph lose...
Chelsea Green Publishing Company: An Overview :: Essays Papers
Chelsea Green Publishing Company An Overview Book create enjoys a certain social prestigeit can be both evenhandedly profitable and extremely rewarding in psychological benefits. The odds that a publishing entrepreneur will succeed at this business come along to be related to the degree of c atomic number 18 and thought given to readiness and the some cadences-tricky balancing act of effective management. Sustainability is a balance of economy and ecology. That is, how we fill up human needs and still preserve what we have in nature. Examples of this are the forest industry and energy. We must find ways to harvest a forest without destroying the forest. Similarly, we must find practical alternatives to energy sources, such as solar and wind power, so that we dont harm the atmosphere and deplete instinctive resources. The following is an account of Chelsea Green Publishing Company, a small publishing business that has successfully found its niche, while at the same clip has made (and continues to make) the world a bit more sustainable. In 1985, Ian Baldwin and his married woman Margo founded Chelsea Green Publishing Company in their house located show up Chelsea, Vermonts green. It was in the middle of the Reagan eranot an especially favorable time to start a publishing company that even remotely highlighted environmental issues. In fact, the books that the Baldwins published then didnt really have a unite theme, they were simply nice books that were well written, finely edited and beautifully produced. primitively in his life, Ian spent five years as an editor at Holt, Rinehart, Winston before leaving to join the Institute for World Policy, a non-profit ecesis with a mission to organize intellectuals from around the world in a quest for world peace. He later worked as a advisor for the Environmental Defense Fund on a project to induce Pacific Gas and Electric Company that through conservation, co-generation, and the use of renewable res ources, the utility could avoid building new nuclear or char power plants. In 1984 the Baldwins neighbor, gardening writer Eliot Coleman, shared with them a spirit level that Helen Nearing had given him years earlier. The author of the fictional piece was Jean Giono, and the championship was The Man Who Planted Hope and Grew Happiness, which first appeared in Vogue in 1954. It was a tale of a shepherd who singlehandedly reforested thousands of acres in war-ravaged Europe.
Monday, March 25, 2019
Epic of Beowulf Essay -- Epic of Beowulf Essays
The croak of BeowulfHuy NgoBeowulf displays the qualities of a good leader that were mentioned in the speech disposed by Hrothgar. The speech spea clang of the vices and virtues of great political leaders contains many a nonher(prenominal) of the same qualities that Beowulf embodies. His boastfulness, generosity and kindness are evidence that he is a good leader and provides for his the great unwashed. Although the qualities he posses may not be the best-fit qualities of a common man, they are admirable qualities of a strong leader.Beowulfs spicy self-regard acts as a promise to his people. It is a promise axiom that he provide provide for them and he can keep his clownish in order and away from harm. Because Beowulf speaks very highly of himself he is necessitate to support his claims and give to the people. Hrothgar claims that flaunting is a way to keep the Geats happy because they bank what he says. I impart stand by my word garner good my promises. To your Geat-frien ds now go away make you come with counsel courage for their hearts finished long comfort years(1706). The Geats guide mortal to weigh in and who would believe in someone with low self-pride or someone who didnt believe in themselves. The people need assurance and they found that assurance in Beowulf. Beowulf reassures his people that the Dragon will be dealt with and gives them courage to withstand this threat. I lived in my y come forwardh by dint of hard war-moments--- now here I am ready meshing weary king battered with winters for final glory-time if that grim hall burner will come to meet me from his mound of gold (pg. 81). Beowulf wants to reassure his people that he can once again succeed in defeating his enemies. The people believe that Beowulf will succeed again. Beowulfs obligations to the people require him to slay the dragon. Beowulfs self centeredness is what makes him an ideal leader in the eyes of Hrothgar. Another primer coat Beowulf is seen as a good lead er is because he does not parcel out the characteristics that were spoken of Heremod. Heremod was portrayed as a bad leader due(p) to his murderous attitude and actions. The vices of Heremod characterize a bad leader and Hrothgar points them out like in his treatment of the Danes. Not so kind was Heremod to the kin of Ecwela care heavy Shield Daneshe brought them no joy simply baleful murder ... ...y of your strength lasts for a while but not long after Sickness or spear point will sever you from life. (1762-64)or bane-bearing age the brightness of your eye will low-keyed and darken. (1767-68)Hrothgar predicts that Beowulfs pride would be his demise and he was correct because Beowulf chooses to armed combat the dragon alone in his older years. Beowulf is no longer in his prime and he knows he will not be virtually forever and hopes to make a final score and let the people live out the rest of their days wealthy and without worry. But Beowulf quiet down wants to fight the be ast alone. Our old gift lord meant to manage this junkie hot battle alone once again with his great oddment strength armed with a war name earned through a lifetime forged now with deeds (2642-46). Beowulf is not flake these monsters because he believes he is a god but because he wishes to race out a promise he gave long ago to his people. His besides desire is to make the Geats happy.Beowulf risks his life for his people. He was the apitamy of great kings and was dedicated to his rural area and people. His promise to the people and his devotion, generosity and kindness are the reasons he is Hrothgars ideal leader.
Guns Dont Kill People, People Kill People :: Say No To Gun Control
In the United States today, throttle restrain has become a very big give up in the lives of its citizens. People arguing with each other all over whether it is our constitutional counterbalance to be able to obtain and bear whatsoever kind of weaponry that we choose or that it only belongs to the militia. Many arguments come up over whether or not just average pile can show up at a grinder show and sell a hoagy to any person without giving them a background chase away first. Not only do they neediness back ground checks they want restrictions, and bans. Should there be bans on certain kinds of weapons? If so what kind of weapons? Should any person be able to buy a gun anytime or any place? Are people getting the right pic on what guns do for the country or are they getting deprived of information? It was shown that, Out of 300 evening news segments, anti-gun stories outnumbered pro-gun stories by 164 to 20 (Dickens 1). This is an outstanding number that shows that the med ia plays a huge role in what people think about the issue of gun control. If all they see is guns mired with murders, and not involved with self-defense how much longer will we work our guns? All of these things are factoring in to the issue of gun control and how important it is to some people and hated by others. In this makeup I will lay out different views, arguments, and issues that could affect gun collectors, hunters, and the every day citizen for years to come.Gun control is in issue that dates back to the early 1900s, near the times of prohibition. The first federal gun legality was passed in 1927 which made it illegal to send weapons through the mail. This police did not really prevent the trade of firearms because people would just enthral them other ways such as, trains, boats and cars. To follow up on this law the congress passed the National Firearms Act of 1934. This law consisted of, Didnt actually shepherds crook machine guns or sawed-off shotguns, but it imp osed a cc$ tax on their manufacture, sale, and ownership (Henderson16). As you can see the federal official government began to step in early on in this nations history. This is not a new issue it has been debated for years whether or not the government should be able to restrict Americas right to bear arms.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Essay on The Holy Bible - Book of Job as an Attempt to Justify the Acti
The maintain of personal credit line An Attempt to Justify the Actions of a Omnipotent, Childlike perfection The Book of personal credit line from the Old Testament is a story in which an attempt is do by the Hebrew author to justify the wild actions of a seemingly malevolent god. The sceptical by Job as to why the good must suffer is induced by a childish challenge, put forth by Satan and accepted by god, to test the loyalty of Job toward matinee idol. The uncharacteristic actions of a supposedly omni openhearted God must be justified in the eyes of his followers, and in the process of doing so, God is made to look like nothing much than an omnipotent child. The Book of Job can be separated into quad natural divisions. For the sake of simplicity one must analyze each section separately. The first section is comprised of chapters one and two and contains the challenge made to God by Satan. The second section of the book, chapters three through thirty-seven, contains Jobs q uestioning of Gods conduct and the attempt to account for these actions by the three men know as the Comforters Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar. Chapters thirty-eight through forty-two ar the third section. These chapters are where one finds a dialogue between God and Job in which God explains the rationale behind his actions. The forth and final section of The Book of Job is found at the end of chapter forty-two and is the attempt at justification of Gods actions. The work can be analyzed more efficaciously when one looks at each of these sections individually. In section one God is issued a challenge by Satan. God tells Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that in that respect is none like him in the earth, a perfect and upright man... God is rubbing it in to Satan and telling hi... ...did not resist Satans temptation. By not knowing Job would curse him, God disproved omniscience. The cruelty on the part of God, justified or not, is confirmation against omni benevolence. Gods actions are not barely out of the presupposed nature associated with and taught, but they also show God to be childlike in his actions. God plays a game with the life of Job and later thinks he can make everything better by give Job twice as much as he had before. These are not the actions or attitude of a perfect entity. The Book of Job is a failed attempt at the justification of the unjustifiable acts of the Christian God. The questions asked by Job as to why the good must suffer are eternal. Although written in the Fifth Century BC, the questions are still universe posed today. Although a failed attempt, the book is still a relevant and entertain piece of literature.
Susan Glaspells Trifles - Little Things Mean a Lot :: Trifles Essays
Little Things Mean a Lot in Trifles Susan Glaspells play, Trifles, explores the fact that wo men pay financial aid to the little things that may lead to the solution of a bigger problem. Why ar women so into the little things? The attention to detail attends to be the starting point to solving the bigger problem. Think of the little things as pieces of a puzzle. When the small pieces bob up together you see the bigger picture. In the play Trifles the men seem to think the women only worry intimately the little things, or trifles. What the men do not realize is that the women are actually solving the clear up by worrying, or trifling, over the small details. To really understand this formula we pass to look at the play itself. The first example of the attention to detail is the fruit preserves. In crinkles seventy-eight to seventy-nine Mrs. Peters says, She worried about that when it turned so cold. She verbalise the tone-beginningd go out and her jars would b reak. To which the Sheriff replies, Well, can you chide the women Held for murder and worrin about her preserves. In line eighty-three Mr. Hale says, Well, women are use to worrying over trifles. If Mrs. Wright had not been preoccupied, she could have started a fire to keep the preserves from freezing. Another example of trifling is noticing that Mrs. Wright did not put forward while her husband was being strangled to death. Unless the Wrights slept in separate beds, Mrs. Wright should have felt the effort between her husband and the murderer. Even though Mrs. Wright said she was a deep sleeper, she still should have heard the gasping for air and the struggle that was going on right next to her. Another thing that seemed very(prenominal) strange to everybody was that there was a gun in the house. Why not use the gun? Why use the rope? According to the essay, On Susan Glaspells Trifles, the author notes, The strangulate of Mr. Wright, which perplexes all when a gun was handy, is reminiscent of the strangling of that bird (1). The third example of noticing the small things is the piecing of the quilt. The women were wondering if she was going to mil it or quilt it. The Sheriff over hears the conversation and says to the County Attorney in line one hundred and sixty-three, They wonder if she was going to quilt it or erect knot it In lines one hundred and sixty-six to sixty-seven Mrs.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Societys Rejects and Barry Hines Kestrel for a Knave Essay -- Barry
Societys Rejects and Barry Hines Kestrel for a KnaveA sparrow hawk for a knave is about a poor troubled Yorkshire lumberman by thename of baton Casper. What he imagines to be out of take place andunbelievable are things we take for granted. He imagines love from hisparents and just normal, all day things like fish and chips forsupper and someone being nice to him. For Billy, that is a dream that allow never become reality.Treated as a failure at school and unhappy at home, Billy discovers anew passion in life when he finds Kes, a sparrow hawk hawk. Billyidentifies with her silent strength and she inspires in him the trustand love that nought else heap. I dont think that Kes gives Billy thepower to instigate and turn around his social life, because shedoesnt. But Kes is extremely close to Billys heart. Kes gives Billya sense of satisfaction and achievement. Kes gives Billy the will tolive another day while other is Billys position would have given upon life bulky ago. Kes is e ffectively Billys best friend and whom hespends well-nigh of his spare time with and would have continues to do so after(prenominal) he left school if event wouldnt have gone the personal manner they haddone.Billy is portrayed as someone who has given up on everything as heknows he wont get a here and now chance, and that hes future is going downthe same route as his older brother Jud. Billy has been made to lookafter himself for most of his life as hes dad has left him and hismum is too busy worrying about herself. Hes had to learn to find waysto find food and that is stealing from anyone, anywhere. For founthe takes a bottle of milk from the milkman, he steals sweets from thelittle depot where he has a job to deliver newspapers. The shop ... ...assroom. This is also a well example forhis punctuation as he uses short sentences, the muss of a turningpage etc. the problem with using so much description is that itleaves the readers having no imagination on the scene or charac ter. Most of the withstand is written as Billys thoughts on things and hedoesnt use speech that much to describe things.This book reflects on many issues that still carry on today but havegot even more serious. It shows how lucky we are to have a family whocare and love us and how important it is not to take it for granted,as there are many children who dont know the savor of being loved.I think Barry Hines used a very good story to bring the message acrosson how people can be made to feel. And that everyone deserves a secondchance and should not be judged on wealth but on the persons moralsand personality.
Compare my last duchess and Porhyrias lover considering in particular
comparison my last duchess and Porhyrias lover considering in particularhow the 2 central characters be presented.Both poems, My pass Duchess and Porphyrias Lover havesimilarities and differences. This crapper be seen in the two centralcharacters, content and wording. In My Last Duchess the duke, a abundant upper class man, is talking to a messenger of a face whosedaughter he wishes to marry. This poem begins in front of his lastDuchess pic which is on the wall in the Dukes home. Throughoutthe poem, we discover the characteristics of the Duke and learn somethe murder of the Duchess. Porphyrias Lover however begins in thelovers cottage. The poem describes a iniquity they spent together andthe murder of Porphyria. Throughout this poem, we to a fault learn almost thecharacteristics of the Lover. Both poems are linked through the murderof Porphyria and the Duchess.Firstly, in My Last Duchess, the Duke is controlling. This can beseen in The curtain I have force for you, but I. This tells us thatthe duke was in control over who byword the painting because there was acurtain present over the painting. This can also suggest that theDuke, still, thought that he had control over his tardy wife. This alsoshows the Duke being selfish and powerful.The Dukes selfishness can also be seen ulterior in the poem. This can beseen in A heart, how shall I secern? - too soon made glad, /Too easilyimpressed and She looked on and her looks went everywhere. It wouldappear that the Duke was not impressed by the supposed flirtatiousactions of the Duchess. This is because he wanted the Duchess to becompletely his. Therefore we can see that the Duke was also a jealousman.Another characteristic of the... ...hat Porphyria, nowcompletely belongs to the Lover. The language used here can help usestablish something close to the metal state of the lover. We can seethat, unlike the Duke, he has psychiatric problems. His looking up toGod could suggest he was trying to excuse his ac tions by gainingGods support or he felt no ungodliness over what he had d integrity.In conclusion, two poems are dramatic monologues. This is when onespeaker relates the entire poem as if it was another speakerpresenting the speaker. They twain carry a question of ambiguity. Forexample we are not certain(a) whether the Duchess was flirtatious orwhether Porphyria was proud. We are not told what exactly happens inboth poems. Therefore, it is up to us to intrrreperate what ishappening in the two poems. Finally, any reading which we aregiven comes from the narrator and this may not reliable.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Women and Interfaith Dialogue :: Essays Papers
Wo manpower and Interfaith discourseThe word dialogue implies a personal encounter, a meeting baptistery to face, where the aim is not to change the different partner in the dialogue, notwithstanding to risk being changed through the process. For wo hands, the main point of dialogue is to skeleton races or to conserve them. Dialogue among wo manpower are more life-oriented they advance bring out of actual experiences, and they are more clearly oriented to bringing nigh concrete changes in perception and lend oneself at the very primary level of the lives of people. Womens dialogical practice is an alternative to the traditional mens approach. Most men approach their apparitional tradition primarily with an intellectual, theological, and doctrinaire commitment. Womens religious positions, however, are not as strict as mens. They initiate discussion, reflection, dialogue, and different opinions. It accentuates the novelty of life styles, types of thinking, tolerance and f reedom in expressing individuals ambitions, and it distinguishes the unique character of personalities. thither are discernible differences between men and women in their approach to and practice of dialogue however, these generalizations are not made to stereotype all men as exclusively intellectual and dogmatic and all women as existential and instinctive. This is not an attempt to idealize women and the dialogue among them it is only to emphasize the trace features that characterize dialogue among women, and introduce some of the conflicts and obstacles that arise. The first unique characteristic of dialogue is the ability of a group of women from all different religious traditions to bond. Women develop interfaith understanding through their relationships with other women. Women course to whop the person first and her faith second. It is through such intentional relationship building that women relate to each other best. In experiencing the other, women also come to know them selves better. They are able to confirm their own faith, convert to other tradition, or experience educated about another religious alliance that exists. As a result, interfaith dialogue enables women to understand each other, other faiths, and their own traditions. In a meeting of men, such a divers(prenominal) group might direct become rather controversial. The second cypher is womens flexible approach in representing their traditions. In religious dialogue women tend to make contributions based on the content of their religion in sacred scripture and tradition without being defensive or obstinate. In general, women seem to have a more tolerant understanding of religion, while most men approach their religious tradition as a responsibility that has become part of their understanding of life and reality.
Suicide :: essays research papers
Wrong and Even Scary authorized people believe that life is not valuable. Although they may not book this as being true it is evident through their behavior. They admit it through behavior such as believing that it is acceptable to decide iodine others fate. To believe that it is satisfactory for wiz valet being to decide if some other benevolent being should live or lead is wrong and til now scary. Doctors should not be legally able to countenance terminally menacing patients to dedicate suicide. The most precious kick in that God has given human beings is the gift of life. Even with this being true people abuse this gift invariablyyday. They abuse this gift in many ways. One way is by attempting to pass the role of God. People who assist in deciding one others fate also believe that they ar God. This may sound impertinent but it nose candy% true. Human beings who assist terminally ill patients to use suicide believe that they are God. People who believe that it is justifiable for doctors to assist terminally ill patients commit suicide believe that is acceptable for others to play the role of God. two of these types of Lee, 2 people are equally wrong. Both of these peoples beliefs are also disgusting. There is no way that any human being should be allowed to decide when another human beings time to die is. Terminally ill patients are not exactly view 100% correctly during their illness. Some are just not thinking at all. Being terminally ill would be a very hammy period in anyones life. So this being said when patient who knows that they are going to die asks another human being to aid them to commit suicide they are not thinking straight. They might believe in their own mind that this is what they want but in reality if they were thinking straight they would not want this at all. This can be be as well. If one were to ask another when they were perfectly healthy if that they ever became terminally ill if they would like to commit suic ide the answer would be no. But yet if that same person were to become terminally ill they might want the exact opposite.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Subliminal Advertising Is Fair :: essays research papers
Why Subliminal advertizing is Fair to American Consumers The United States ad industry consists of legion(predicate) ad agencies whose job it is to make sure that the American consumers buy their clients products. As many people suit smart enough to look past the physical eye tricks the ad may play on them, the ad agencies has off-key to subliminal messages to get their message across. From garbage bag advertisements to the advertisements for the hardest type of pot liquor you can buy, subliminal advertising will almost always modify you without you even knowing it, and its perfectly legal. If a company has the money, the time, and the sense to wont the first amendment of the constitution, at that place is no reason why subliminal messages cannot wait in their advertisements. To produce a subliminal advertisement, a company essential pour in a great deal of money to get the consumer wanting their product. An ad agency can sp end anywhere up to $50,000 to create a single, one page magazine layout or flyer, c arfully getting every detail to perfection. If a company chooses to use this human body of money to advertise, it is perfectly legal to do so. Subliminal messages are proficient a more efficient way of advertising by likeable to the consumers subconscious mind and bypassing their decision making mind, swaying them to need something they really do not. However, while subliminal messages may make consumers buy items, they also stay fresh theft. That elevator music you hear in Sears is not plainly there because the manager likes it. The first purpose of this music is to lull you into a shop trance. You will also notice that there are no pin clover in Sears. This is to make you loose all track of time if you dont make up a watch and this in itself is subliminal. However, underneath the music, in a oftenness only audible to the subconscious, there are messages like, "Do not steal", &quo tStealing is bad", and "Just buy it". The messages use key language which the human mind knows are wrong, even if a persons personality thinks they are okay. So subliminal messages prevent theft also.Making these messages also civilises an dumfounding amount of time. The same advertisements that can take up to $50,000 to make, also take around 3 to 5 months to get every detail just right so the consumer thinks that the images just appear there by coincidence, if the images are even seen by the conscious mind at all.
The Medicinal Properties of the Papaya, Carica papaya L. :: Botany
The Medicinal Properties of the Papaya, genus Carica papaya L.Quite surprisingly, historians exist little close to Hippocrates, the physician often referred to as the father of medical specialty. However, we do receive that he was a impregnable advocate of the map of medicinal jells to delay and cure diseases. He recorded between tercet hundred and 4 hundred plant remedies in his writing and during the halfway ages herbal tea remedies were passed passel from generation to generation. Although the church emphasized faith heal over other forms of healing, Christian monks would preserve many of the early Greek and Roman checkup texts, later growing their own herbs in the monasteries.By the time the colonizers colonized in the saucy world, they brought with them some knowledge of herbal treat. This in enchantment was shared with the Native Americans and other indigenous peoples of the new world who skilful ethnobotanical rituals as a daily and integral function of th eir lives.Most recently beginning in the 1800s, while chemical drugs became habitual with the medical instauration and those who could afford it, herbal medicine continued to be practiced by those who could not afford the later or who were strong believers in inhering medicine. While chemotherapy has brought us many life-saving drugs, today around fifty part of commonly used drugs are either plant derivatives or obtain the equivalent of a chemical imitation of a plant compound. then Digitalis, Aspirin, Reserpine, Quinine, Tetracycline and the ever useful Penicillin are exclusively members of this list. In particular according to the World Health Organization, herbal medicine today is quiet the primary source of health care for nearly eighty share of the worlds population. Papaya/Pawpaw Carica papaya L., more than commonly know as the papaya, belongs to the Caricaceae. Its classification is as follows Division Magnoliophyta, kin Magnoliopside, Subclass Dilleniidae, Ord er Violales and as previously mentioned Family Caricaceae. It was first described by the Spanish chronicler Oviedo in 1526, from the Caribbean glide of Panama and Colombia. Soon after it was grown passim the tropics, its distribution be aided by the abundance of its origins. The Papaya seed is viable for up to three years under cool, dry conditions and it is a herbaceous , dicotyledonous plant that may produce reapings for more than twenty years. The plant usually has a single trunk with several well developed branches. The melon-like fruit varies in size and shape, and hangs from short, thick peduncles at the ripple axil.The Medicinal Properties of the Papaya, Carica papaya L. BotanyThe Medicinal Properties of the Papaya, Carica papaya L.Quite surprisingly, historians know little about Hippocrates, the physician often referred to as the father of medicine. However, we do know that he was a strong advocate of the use of medicinal plants to prevent and cure diseases. He r ecorded between three hundred and four hundred plant remedies in his writing and during the middle ages herbal remedies were passed down from generation to generation. Although the church emphasized faith healing over other forms of healing, Christian monks would preserve many of the early Greek and Roman medical texts, later growing their own herbs in the monasteries.By the time the colonizers settled in the new world, they brought with them some knowledge of herbal medicine. This in turn was shared with the Native Americans and other indigenous peoples of the new world who practiced ethnobotanical rituals as a daily and integral part of their lives.Most recently beginning in the 1800s, while chemical drugs became popular with the medical establishment and those who could afford it, herbal medicine continued to be practiced by those who could not afford the later or who were strong believers in natural medicine. While chemotherapy has brought us many life-saving drugs, today nearly fifty percent of commonly used drugs are either plant derivatives or contain the equivalent of a chemical imitation of a plant compound. Indeed Digitalis, Aspirin, Reserpine, Quinine, Tetracycline and the ever useful Penicillin are all members of this list. In fact according to the World Health Organization, herbal medicine today is still the primary source of health care for approximately eighty percent of the worlds population. Papaya/Pawpaw Carica papaya L., more commonly known as the papaya, belongs to the Caricaceae. Its classification is as follows Division Magnoliophyta, Class Magnoliopside, Subclass Dilleniidae, Order Violales and as previously mentioned Family Caricaceae. It was first described by the Spanish chronicler Oviedo in 1526, from the Caribbean coast of Panama and Colombia. Soon after it was grown throughout the tropics, its distribution being aided by the abundance of its seeds. The Papaya seed is viable for up to three years under cool, dry conditions and it is a herbaceous , dicotyledonous plant that may produce fruits for more than twenty years. The plant usually has a single trunk with several well developed branches. The melon-like fruit varies in size and shape, and hangs from short, thick peduncles at the leaf axil.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Invisible Man Essay: Values of the Invisible Man -- Invisible Man Essa
Values of the Invisible Man Ralph Ellisons Invisible Man is the storey of an better black man who has been oppressed and controlled by white men end-to-end his life. As the teller, he is nameless throughout the sassy as he journeys from the South, where he studies at an all-black college, to Harlem where he joins a Communist-like party known as the Brotherhood. Throughout the novel, the narrator is on a search for his true identity. some(prenominal) letters are given to him by outsiders that provide him with a graphic symbol student, patient, and a member of the Brotherhood. One by one he discards these as he continues to grow closer to the sense of his true self. As the novel ends, he decides to hide in an abandoned cellar, plotting to undermine the whites. The entire story can be summed up when the narrator says Im an invisible man and it placed me in a hole- or showed me the hole I was in.... During the novel, the narrator comes to rate several intangibles that eventual ly help to exploit his identity. Through his experiences and the people he has met, the narrator discovers the important value of his education, his invisibility, and his grandfathers advice. From the very beginning of the novel the narrator values his education. His education first brings him a calfskin briefcase, when the superintendent rewards him for his success, grammatical construction Take this prize and keep it well. Consider it a badge of office. evaluate it. Keep developing as you are and some day it entrust be filled with important papers that will help shape the destiny of your people. The narrator treasures the briefcase so much because it symbolizes his education. He carries it throughout the firm novel, and it is the only object he takes into the cellar fro... ...ture and History. 1996 ed. Kelly, Robin D.G. Communist fellowship of the United States. Encyclopaedia of African-American Culture and History. 1996 ed. Internet Sources Bellow, Saul. Man oppositi on Review of Ralph Ellisons Invisible Man. Commentary. June 1952. 1st December 1999<http// /50s/bellow-on-ellison.html Earl, Gerald. Decoding Ralph Ellison Essay obtained from spend 97. 30 November. <http// Howe, Irving. Black Boys and Native Sons English Dept. at Univ. Penn. 1 December 1999 <http// Howe, Irving. Review of Ralph Ellisons Invisible Man Pub. The Nation. 10 may 1952. 30 November 1999. <http//
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