Friday, May 31, 2019
Comparing Natural Law to Legal Realism in the case of Carlton versus Wa
In the case of Carlton vs. Walkovzsky, I testament discuss facts, main legal issues, majority decisions and reasons for the dissent. This case took identify on September 26, 1966 in the court of Appeals of New York. Judge Fuld J wrote the majority decision, while Judge Keating wrote the dissenting decision in the case. I will be applying Natural Law and Legal Realism to the case to argue my position, and ultimately prove that the theory of Natural Law is more applicable to the case. accord to the facts in this case, Walkovszky was hit by a cab four years ago in New York and the cab was negligently operated by defendant Marches. The defendant Carlton, who is being sued, owned and ran the cab company in which he set up ten corporations, including Seon. Each of the corporations had two cabs registered in its name. The minimum automobile financial obligation insurance required by the law was $10,000. According to the opinion of the court the plaintiff asserted tha t he is also ?entitled to hold their stock pallbearer personally liable for damages, because multiple corporate structures constitutes an unlawful attempt to defraud the general member of the public.? The main legal issue before the court arises, in determining whether indebtedness should be extended to reach assets beyond those belonging to the corporation and whether the corporate veil should be pierced with regard to personal liability to others. Judge Flud wrote the majority decision in the case, and found that Carlton was not personally liable for the damages to Walkovszky. Flud also found that in his reasoning, Walkovsky has ?failed to state a reasoned cause of action against defendant Carlton?. Flud states that if the corporation ... ...ook at the fact that he had enough money to put forward to his liability insurance. However, he chose not to and he stayed with the minimum amount, which Carlton knew would not be enough to cover any sufficient damages of an injury. In referring Legal Realism to this case, Legal Realism can be defined as the way judges formulate law from their own personal conception of justice, not from precedent or rules. Each decision involves a personal choice. Judge Flud gave the majority decision in the case and his decision is that Carlton came from a higher background. Flud?s background already holds a high circumstance in society, therefore it affected his decision in the case in favor of Carlton and not Walkovszky. This higher status enabled Fuld to appreciate Carlton?s perspective and what it power mean if Walkovszky was able to piece the corporate veil.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Attitudes towards women, and their role in American Musical Theatre. Es
Attitudes towards women, and their graphic symbol in Ameri skunk Musical Theatre.For my essay, I am going to attend to at the attitudes towards women, bothfrom men and other women, and the significant role that that women hadin telling the stories in American musical theatre.Showboat was the first musical of its kind. Up to this point, musicalsconsisted of songs and dances, with ofttimes feeble storylines basedaround the big stars. Showboat had a real story, adapted from a novel,and both the singing and dancing told the story.At the beginning of Showboat, after we declare been introduced to themain characters, we hear the main female characters attitude towardsmen and love.Fish got to swim, birds got to fly,I got to love one populace till I die.Cant help lovin dat man of mine.Julie seems like a surrogate mother to Magnolia, giving her advice, aswe see Magnolias relationship with her own mother is very strained.Parthy doesnt want her daughter to have anything to do with the stageo r Ravenal, the two things her daughter is most passionate about.Julie, on the other hand, just offers Magnolia advice and listens toher. We see Magnolia and Parthys differences highlighted by thecomposers use of the perfect fourth to maneuver Magnolias closeness withthe river, and the augmented fourth or tritone to show Parthysdistance from the river and its ideals.We see a mother-daughter relationship, where the mother wants onething for her daughter and her daughter wants the opposite.The action in the musical then jumps forward and we see a now marriedMagnolia, destitute in a boarding house. She has been abandoned byRavenal, just as her mother predicted. We then see Julie, now analcoholic, who has also been abandoned by her husband. Magnolia comesto audition for a job where Julie is working. She sings cant helplovin dat man and Julie leaves her job so Magnolia can have it.Magnolia doesnt see Julie, scarcely Julie supports her in this way. Themusical ends happily, with Magnolia, Ravenal and their daughter Kimbeing reunited.Showboat was tot whollyy revolutionary, and tackled issues that had neverbeen looked at through this medium before. It paved the way for allkinds of other issues to do with women to be looked at.Porgy and Bess was a totally new concept. Not only did it have a blackcast, but it showed the life t... ... but outof place in the liberal seventies.In conclusion, the attitude towards women has changed and developedwith that in the developed world. Musicals have both reflected this,whilst at the same time maintaining a continuity of strong femalecharacters. Musicals, whilst being looked at as light entertainment,constantly looked at new issues, often to do with women, to challengetheir audiences and society at large. The role women played wasobviously integral to the musicals stories as well as also in raisingthese issues. The roles women played varied widely from mother,daughter, strong, weak, and authoratitive. The issues varied fromdomestic fury to single parents, and forced society to payattention to the way these were affecting womens lives. This focushelped play a part in getting equal rights for women and reflects onthe society we have today.BibliographyEnchanted Evenings - Geoffery BlockRodgers and HammersteinEthan MordenGonzls book of the Musical theatreKurt Gonzl and Andrew LambThe Complete Lyrics of Cole PorterHamish Hamiltonhttp//musicals.nethttp//libretto.musicals.ruhttp//
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Quentin Tarantino :: essays research papers
Social workers play a vital role in many aspects of our society, from the court system to the correctional facilities in which they work. The lives of the incarcerated clients, in addition to those who have been released, and the members of our society as a whole can contribute something to society. According to Californias Occupational Guide correctional Social Workers work with juvenile or adult offenders to determine and correct the causes of anti- brotherly behavior. They may work with youth groups or gangs. They conduct pre-hearing and pre-sentencing investigations and present social histories to the courts. Parolees and probationers reset to society (California Occupational Guide, On-line). The social worker that works in a correctional institute has an immense responsibility which includes rehabilitation, and the prevention of recidivism of each client.The development of social workers originated early as specific organizations of society that noticed underprivileged people needed assistance with their problems and did so by addressing their needs in various ways. As The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia states The development of Social work as a profession out of the early efforts of churches and philanthropic groups to relieve the effectuate of poverty, to represent the comforts of religion to the poor, to promote temperance and encourage thrift , to care for children, the sick, and the aged, and to correct the delinquent(2003). The early efforts of these groups gave the poverty-stricken community a voice to be heard and aided society by recognizing that there was a social problem that needed to be addressed in serving these urgent needs. In 1874 the National Conference of Charities and Correction (now called the National Conference on Social Welfare) was organized in the United States. The evolution of the independent sector, now known as social work, from the broad category of the social sciences was a gradual process which began in the late nine teenth century. Public relief and private philanthropic efforts remained more often than not matters of local and state concern until after 1930, when the federal government entered the field of social work on a large scale to cope with the effects of the great depression (2003). The government became more aware of the need for social workers to have their own programs to attend to the needs of societys less fortunate. In addition, three authors Miller, Hollis and Taylor respectively stated, In these early years, those who saw themselves as social workers were often intimately involved with the criminal justice system and with juveniles sentenced to reform schools and youth facilities at the times.
Feminist Criticism of Vice-presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech
Feminist Criticism of Vice-presidential Nomination Acceptance referenceWomen began taking on political roles over a century ago as they fought for theright to be recognized within the governmental system in the United States. In 1920,the Nineteenth Amendment was added to the Constitution which gave women the rightto vote. Since then, women have made leaps and bounds within the political knowledge domain.However, these expansive steps were not taken easily. unvaried negotiation isnecessary for women in political positions. Women must negotiate between identities,values, and ideologies in order to achieve political status.Women are constantly negotiating identities between spaces and battlingstereotypes base on a presupposed particular set of social arrangements respectingmale and female sexual and reproductive relations which was assumed to be natural(Clark 168). This division creates a public and private sphere by articulating one set ofrules for the private sphere and another se t, quite different, for the public sphere (168).Traditionally, the public sphere is viewed as the sphere for men and the private is wherewomen belong (Wischermann 185). Gender dichotomies cause the marking of theprivate sphere as womans realm, in which work is performed turn up of love, and reflecton the way boundaries between the private and public are drawn in the context ofpatriarchal power structures (185). Women, therefore, have been limited to the privatesphere which focuses on family and home. This limitation for women often dictates theirbehavior and frequently dictates the political platforms of women who enter politics(185).Throughout the Womens Movement, women strived to characterize the privateas also... ...therhoos and Political exponentiation The Construction of Genderand Political Identities. Feminism and Psychology. 2000 486-491.Clark, Lorenne M. G. Women and the State Critical Theory- Oasis or Desert Island?.Canadian Journal of Women and the Law. 1992 166-.Colett i, Elisabetta. Geraldine Ferraro. Christian Science Monitor. September 199923-.English, Leona M. Negotiations in Third Space. The Journal of the Britain and IrelandSchool of Feminist Theology. September 2004. 97-.Farrell, Thomas J. The Female and Male Modes of Rhetoric. College English. April1979 909-921.Fox, Richard L. and Schuhmann, Robert A. Gender and the Role of the City Manager.Social Science Quarterly. June 2000 605-.Wischermann, Ulla. Feminist Theories on the Separation of the Private and the PublicLooking Back, Looking Forward. Women in German. 2004 184-.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Changing Function of Victorian Public Parks, 1840-1860 :: European Europe History
The Changing Function of Victorian Public Parks, 1840-1860Tastefully laid out in grass intersected by broad gravel walks, and planted with a great variety of trees, shrubs and flowers, botanically arranged. The Arboretum, as these gardens are designated, is much frequented, and has already produced a perceptible effect in up(a) the appearance and demeanour of the working class.J.M. Milton, in reference to The Derby Arboretum, State of Large Towns, 1871 (l) This mid to late-19th century account of an early Victorian (English) public place illustrates the change of function and transformation of the Victorian public park from its original role as an upper-middle class observatory of Nature to its redefinition as this class s friendly observatory of the lower classes. Between the years of 1840 and 1860, the public parks role in the eyes of England s upper crust changed drastically due to the economic and political structure of Victorian England during this time and J.M. Miltons quote reflects this reality.In the mid-19th century, public parks in England began to emerge in response to a rise in contamination and lack of open space within newly industrialized urban centers in places such as London, Derby, Birmingham, and Manchester.(2) The first public parks were funded by esoteric benefactors who were often times the owners of the factories that created these tainted environments. Influencing this environment-friendly attitude was the increased Victorian interest in the sciences (especially botany) due to nineteenth century contri aloneions of both biologists and writers including the empirical work of Darwins production line of Species (1858) and Tennysons literary work, InMemoriam (1867).(3) Many of these benefactors put money into the development of public walks and parks to give birth to not only a healthier urban setting, though, but also to create a faade that made them appear as altruistic philanthropists who were genuinely concerned with the social we lfare of the urban-based factory workers who had little or no open space of their own.(4) However, while these upper-middle Victorian philanthropists appeared to provide the working class with the social and health ideals of the upper crust, the public environments that they created did not reflect this prevalent ideal of integrating the disparate classes together, but rather they were attempts to maintain the isolation and segregation the Victorian upper class desired. The English public park from 1840-1860 provides a physical reflection of this Victorian frame of mind in that it exemplifies one of the grave contradictions that defines the upper-middle class Victorian society which boasts for universality of its ideals for all yet is exclusionary toward the proletariats.
The Changing Function of Victorian Public Parks, 1840-1860 :: European Europe History
The Changing Function of Victorian Public Parks, 1840-1860Tastefully laid come forth in grass intersected by broad gravel walks, and planted with a great variety of trees, shrubs and flowers, botanically arranged. The Arboretum, as these gardens are designated, is much frequented, and has already produced a transparent effect in improving the appearance and demeanour of the working class.J.M. Milton, in reference to The Derby Arboretum, State of Large Towns, 1871 (l) This mid to late-19th century account of an former(a) Victorian ( side of meat) worldly concern park illustrates the change of function and transformation of the Victorian public park from its original role as an upper-middle class observatory of constitution to its redefinition as this class s social observatory of the lower classes. Between the years of 1840 and 1860, the public parks role in the eyes of England s upper crust changed drastically due to the economic and political structure of Victorian England duri ng this time and J.M. Miltons quote reflects this reality.In the mid-19th century, public parks in England began to emerge in response to a rise in pollution and lack of open space within newly industrialized urban centers in places such as London, Derby, Birmingham, and Manchester.(2) The first public parks were funded by private benefactors who were often times the owners of the factories that created these tainted environments. Influencing this environment-friendly attitude was the increased Victorian interest in the sciences (especially botany) due to nineteenth century contributions of both biologists and writers including the empirical work of Darwins Origin of Species (1858) and Tennysons literary work, InMemoriam (1867).(3) Many of these benefactors put money into the development of public walks and parks to give birth to not only a healthier urban setting, though, but also to create a faade that made them appear as altruistic philanthropists who were genuinely concerned wit h the social upbeat of the urban-based factory workers who had little or no open space of their own.(4) However, while these upper-middle Victorian philanthropists appeared to provide the working class with the social and health ideals of the upper crust, the public environments that they created did not reflect this universal ideal of integrating the disparate classes together, but rather they were attempts to maintain the isolation and segregation the Victorian upper class desired. The English public park from 1840-1860 provides a physical reflection of this Victorian frame of mind in that it exemplifies one of the grave contradictions that defines the upper-middle class Victorian society which boasts for catholicity of its ideals for all yet is exclusionary toward the proletariats.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Hbs: Jetblue Airlines Managing Growth
Analyzing each of these areas we recommend that gettable Implement (A) a new employee pickax strategy, (B) a baronialized educate program, and (C) a reference instruction system to continue fostering employee shore leave and motivation. II. Analysis Stables rapid appendage presents a potentially costly problem. In terms of strategy, procurable avoids the common airline problem with unions by investing heavily in (1) excerption, (2) enculturation, and (3) systems, areas in which it can grant employee autonomy and foster motivation. While this strategy works currently, these areas do not have the fundamental Institutions to survive the companys growth.People employee selection and hiring Currently, available constructs highly motivated teams using twain n in-depth selection process and role customization. Stables human resources (HRS) department uses behavioral interviews, where all interviewers reach consensus, to determine applicant cultural fit and value alignment. By cl osely controlling employee smell and fit, Getable can offer employees substantive autonomy and fulfill their higher order esteem needs. In addition, Getable essential customized compensation, benefits, and work structures per role that align with each groups respective desires.The hiring and compensation structures have two main results 1 ) Jet Blue can attract prime talent that matches the organization and (2) the company reinforces overall fairness by tailoring each role. While currently fortunate, Stables hiring process is a hindrance to its continued growth as it is not scalable. Getable lead Increase its workforce 400% in a limited timeshare to meet Its internal growth targets. The current selection process will fall because Getable does not have the HRS resources or time to personally interview all applicants multiple times.If Getable maintains its current hiring practices, it risks losing quality employees and grunting the fairness and autonomy that it currently offers. Culture through values, employees, and approachability Stables value-centric, employee focused, and approachable acculturation motivates employees, attracts talent, differentiates the firm, and enforces the companys values. First, the company establishes culture by focusing on values. Stables top management locked themselves in a New York hotel and defined the companys core values that align with Its strategy and culture.These values gulled Stables hiring, strategy, dally operations, and employee evaluation. Second, Getable focuses on meeting employee needs. Through customized and 1 OFF clear signals that employees are a priority and treated fairly. Third, the management is approachable to all employees. Stories of David Melanin, CEO, working as flight attendant and responding directly to faction member suggestions, or Dave Barge, COO, staying on the plane with his family service of process the cleanup crew were famous among employees.These actions reinforce that coaches and team s work in a fair find a team solution environment instead of pointing fingers culture visible in other airlines. The combination of clear values, employee focus, and management approachability cedes Getable a culture that motivates employees through visible fairness and clear expectations. While Stables culture has succeeded, it lacks more formal embedding mechanisms to survive substantial growth and prevent cultural dilution. Stables current culture practices require a method by which to formally spread and reinforce the norms to all new and existing employees as the company expands.If Getable fails to sustain its culture, it risks compromise employee motivation and, as a result, its mechanisms that prevent unionization. Performance systems To deliver low-fare airline tickets to customers, Getable uses genealogy to cut operating be. Stables write upless environment not exactly saves paper and resources, but also is a motivating factor. Each pilots laptop computer allows him t o eliminate monotonous work required for pre-flight checks and further focus on his Job, helping satisfy his need for interesting work.While technological systems help Getable develop a competitive advantage, their employee carrying into action management systems are limited. Currently, Getable coaches go over workers performance informally along the companys five values. Because the company does not have more explicit expectations, the procedures risk Ewing perceived as unfair. As the company grows it moldiness explicitly correlate performance to expectations to continue motivating employees. Ill. Recommendations We recommend a multi-faceted and integrated solution that addresses Stables scalability problems regarding their people, culture, and systems.First, we recommend that Getable use prosody and refine its hiring process. Second, we recommend that Getable pursue a formal training program. Third, we recommend that Getable construct a formal performance management system. Inst itute a performance metrics hiring selection process We recommend using two online tests hat identify interpretable candidates. The first test will use multiple choice and review an individuals personality against Stables five core values. The second test is role-specific and measures each individuals work skills.Getable will then interview candidates that perform well on both tests only once. Getable can compare test results with career success and identify desirable characteristics from testing. This process will simultaneously (a) speed hiring practices, (b) significantly reduce costs associated with a talent search, and (c) improve employee fit while meeting workforce deeds. This improved efficiency will allow Getable to continue offering employees significant autonomy as the company grows. A potential hurdle is that individuals may attempt to cheat the tests.We contend this will not be a study problem. These individuals will either not pass the interview round, be terminated q uickly, or potentially absorb the Getable culture through the training. Construct a formal management and new employees engage in mandatory core training. First, Getable essential implement an all roles new hire orientation that focuses on values and the company goals. This will foster a shared company identity and create formal culture embedding. Top management involvement will reinforce that values and culture are universal from CEO to cleanup crew.Second, Getable must offer role specific training where employees are introduced to their coaches. This training will, along with teaching necessary Job skills, outline each roles expectations, how it fits at Getable, and how each coach will help their employees develop. To ensure ongoing success, Getable should hatful employees before the training about their expectations along with their feedback afterwards. Getable must then improve the program based on the feedback, further fostering a cooperative team environment.The training p rogram ensures that Getable will reinforce company identity and embed its culture as the workforce grows. Implement a formal performance management system We recommend that Getable adopt a formal performance management system to properly motivate employees. First, this system must formally outline each roles expectations. This mandates that each role have both specific and accessible expectation by which coaches and peers can evaluate each other. Second, Getable must provide employees tit semi-annual 360 performance feedback.This feedback will allow both coaches and the employees peers to review their performance along the company values and role expectations. Third, employees must give formal feedback to both their coaches and Getable. This feedback fosters a greater company identity and helps coaches understand how to help employees. By implementing a more explicit performance management system, Getable can demonstrate fairness across employees and roles that will continue to moti vate workers as the company grows. V. Conclusion Stables competitive edge comes from its ability to discourage unionization and, s a result, it can keep costs low.Unions fulfill employee needs and culture when the parent company fails to do so. Currently, Getable uses a combination of successful selection, cultural practices, and systems to motivate employees and meet their needs however, these will not survive Stables growth. To continue motivating employees through autonomy, shared identity, clear expectations, and fair practices, Getable must implement an improved hiring process, a formal training program, and a performance management system. These changes will help Getable retain its competitive edge as it expands.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
BBQ Fun Case Study
Title Page It is all about analysis figures of market trends and developments in order to determine their yield on the business. The statistical analysis will take you to valuable analysis of comparative market information. It will show us the overview of sampling methods, quantitve research methods and so on Besides this it will tell you that how to understand the market trends and how to find them. Executive Summary BBQ sportswoman is leading to that products which are we use in outdoor lifestyle . It is catering to growing need for furnishing new and renovated dwelling in the Brisbane range.It produces the distinguishable verities of BBQs, outdoor furniture and BBQ accessories will position BBQ fun as best in class for outdoor lifestyle retailing. In other section we learnt that use statistical analysis of market trends and developments to determine their potential impact on the business. apart(predicate) from that we looked that how to perform qualitative analysis of compa rative market information to review organisation performance, opportunities or threats . we discussed market research techniques and sampling. Introduction BBQ fun is well cognize confederation in Australia.It is also one of the best companies which are producing outdoor living products. This company started since 1950 in Brisbane. First of all BBQ funs owner started his business from a little shop and he started his business with the making of charcoal ovens. That became very lovable in the people of Brisbane. However time has passed. BBQ fun started producing more outdoor living products and they became famous in all over Australia. In upcoming time the management of BBQ fun thing to take this company in all over the world. We hope that with our hard work and good quality of products we will be on number 1 in the world.Strengths. clear staff that are highly skilled and knowledgeable about outdoor lifestyles.. Retail space that is bright, functional for a commercial urban distr ict.. High guest loyalty among guests. Weaknesses. A limited marketing budget to develop brand awareness due to the lack of critical mass and store cover.. The struggle to continually fund the growing long-term repayment plans taken out by our customers Opportunities. A growing market in a high growth area with signifi sack upt percentage of the target market still not aware of BBQ funs offer..Increasing sales opportunities outside of our target area-greater Brisbane. Threats. Competition from local independents that can reduce price as owner operators lower than our staff-run stores.. competition from national chains moving into the Brisbane market. A slump in the economy reducing customers disposable income spent on outdoor lifstyles. Finding and discussion In the initial phases of the markrting plan development,several focus groups were held to get insight into a different types of patrons of outdoor lifestyle stores.These type of groups provided useful insight into the deci sions and decision-making processes,of custmors . An additional source of market research that is dynamic is a feedback mechanism based on a suggestion card system in store. Last thing of market research is average appreciation. For two reasons the management of BBQ will come on the stores. The origin one is competitve analysis. The second one is that local business owners are often part of an informal fraternal organisation where the support each others business.Brisbane city (BC) vs Sunshine city (SC) Customer number BCHouseholdIncome $ BCOutdoorHome warespend $ CustomerNumber SCHouseholdIncome $ SCOutdoor home ware spend $ 1 141917. 4 17030. 09 1 99724. 51 5983. 47 2 132476. 7 15897. 21 2 73762. 43 4425. 74 3 120251. 5 14430. 18 3 67561. 46 4053. 68 4 119381. 9 14325. 83 4 109280. 6 6556. 83 5 126690. 5 15529. 86 5 60555. 51 3633. 33 6 129411. 7 15529. 40 6 80996. 57 4859. 79 Recommendations If we want to build up our company in other countries then we should know bout the peop le of that country alike(p) about their customs, religion, habits and soon. Apart this quality of stuff is very eventful to build up any business. If we provide the good quality product to the consumer in reasonable price then he will come back again and he will recommend to others as well to cloud the things from our shop. The very important thing is area. Before start the business we should chose a good area that what kind of people are living there. How good their income is. Will they able to buy our product. These are the main tips which we keep in eye to start the business.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Economics Markets Essay
The most probable result if the minimum hire for teenage workers in Australia pull up stakes increase is that the employment rate pass on decrease. The effects on employment on the workers on the increase in the minimum wage of teenage workers will lose their job. This is because employers must retain their hit. increase the minimum wage of the workers will result into decrease profit of the company, thus employers will lessen their employers also decreasing their labor costs to retain their profit (Kennan 2007).Take for example a company that aims to maximize its profit. Currently, the companys labor force is n and the minimum wages for its employer is w. Consider a boldness when the company increases the minimum wage to W with no changes to other factor like profit. If this happens, the profit will decrease because of n*(W-w). The only way to find out the losses of the company that is brought by the increase in the minimum wage is to lessen its labor force n to compensate the losses.Drastic change will occur on the employment of teenage workers in Australia because employers will consider first the adult or the professionals. Companies that need personnel with expertise on the state company will be hired first because these professional are more equipped in producing profit for the company. The figure below illustrates how employment is organism affected by the increase in the rate of wage of the labors. As the wage increase, so also the gap thus increasing the rate of unemployment (David Tuerck and capital of Minnesota Bachman 2005).There are other possible outcomes when minimum wage rate will increase among teenage workers in Australia. Though many employee will be attracted on the high wage rate in Australia, there is a big possibility that companies will go to other places where there is low wage rate. Most companies now are finding their personnel on places where there is a low wage rate. This is to lessen other expenses incurred by the companies ( Haussamen 2007).
Friday, May 24, 2019
My Problem with Her Anger
English W131 Mrs. Dunn 18 October 2012A Critique of Eric Bartels My Problem with Her AngerWhen most people convey married, they go into the marriage with the expectations and hopes that e actuallything will go as planned, that they will always get along, and that the responsibilities will be evenly divided between both spouses. And for cardinal working spouses who have squirtren, they share the expectation that no one parent will be more of a caretaker than the other.Eric Bartels, a feature writer for the Portland Tribune in Portland, Oregon, feels as if he has personal experience as to what it is like to be on the receiving end of his wifes irrationalor at to the lowest degree in his eyes individual retirement account. Bartels informs his readers of the anger his wife projects on him, which he believes should be saved for people who are portrayed as angry people and who do not tend to care about the people they are taking their anger out on.While Bartels does a hygienic job at being thought of where his wife is coming from with all of her anger, he personally does not take any of the blame for the problems in the marriage. Eric Bartels explains how he feels himself to ultimately be the more dominant parent and his wife has much built-up anger that she constantly takes out on him. After working many hours, along with helping to take care of the kids, he gets yelled at by his stressed out wife about the things that he did wrong and the things that he could have done right.Bartels provides probable cause as to why his wife is so angry, such as motherhood and professional success, while also admitting that he did make mistakes before the marriage. Bartels ultimately feels that he does not deserve any of her anger because he has not done anything wrong making her the only one with faults and who is being the harsher one in the marriage. In this article, Eric Bartels does a poor job at showing her side of the story and admitting to lashing out on her every now and then.He only provides the reader with instances where she was the big wild wolf, per say. After bathing his kids and while putting the kids to bed, his wife walks into the bathroom and scornfully asks no one in particular Why is there still water in the bathtub? (438). Another time his wife stomped into the kitchen as I was cleaning up after a dinner that I may well have cooked and served and announced in angry tones that she needed more help getting the kids ready for bed than I had been providing (438).So while his wife is portrayed as this woman who snaps at her husband at any moment she can, he is portrayed as this perfect, innocent little angel who just cant catch a break. Bartels does not mention instances where she has been on the receiving end. He only points out a few slip ups he had before the marriage, such as I would occasionally lose my cool, kicking a cooler door closed or angrily sending an empty bottle smashing into a bin with an ear-splitting explosion).S o although he admits that he had a bad past and lost his cool before the marriage, he doesnt take any inclination for the marriage issues and wrongly blames his wife for it all. While Bartels does a poor job at owning up to any of the tension in the marriage, he does understand where his wife is coming from with her anger. He understands the hardships of marriage by saying I think its fairly well established by now that marriage is a challenge, a creaky, old institution that may not have fully adapted itself to modern life, one that now fails in this country more much than not.Put children in the picture and you have an exponentially higher degree of difficulty (439). He also understands the troubles caused from motherhood by saying Motherhood asks the modern woman, who has full-grown up seeing professional success as hers for the taking, to add the loss of a linear career path to an already considerable burden child rearing, body issues, a shifting self-image and a husband who f ell off his white horse long, long ago. I suppose this would make anyone angry (439).So although he does not approve of her anger and is not pleased by it, he understands why she might have so much built up anger that she feels the need to take out on her husband. So in essence, he is arguing fairly. When Eric Bartels decided to get married, he was not aware of all of the problems that would evolve and the wrath that he would experience from his wife. Bartels informs his readers of the anger his wife projects on him, which he believes should be saved for people who are portrayed as angry eople and who do not tend to care about the people they are taking their anger out on. While Bartels does a well job at being understanding of where his wife is coming from with all of her anger, he personally does not take any of the blame for the problems in the marriage. Even though his wife is very bitter for certain reasons, Bartels still loves his wife and is willing to make things work in th e end.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Today’s Country Differences in Accounting Standards
Todays Country Differences in Accounting Standards There atomic number 18 five main influences on a coarses method of accounting arranging. Having a different system of accounting is like having a different culture for countries. There are many different things that dictate how an accounting differs. The tout ensembleiance amid business and providers of capital, political and economic ties with other countries, inflation accounting, level of development, and the national culture are the five influences on accounting systems. Relationship between business and providers of capitalFirms can gain capital from numerous sources selling stock and shares is one way or borrowing from a bank is another. How each countrys firms gain capital has to do with what type of accounting system the country has. The United States is full of people wanting to invest in a company or buy stock in a company. Not only do we dumbfound television stations dedicated to the stock market, provided as a bu siness student we hear about it constantly. The U. S. tries to use their accounting system to inform individual investors about the firms they want to invest in.There are other countries that use banks more to gain capital. In these cases the accounting system is geared towards the government and the banks that provide the majority of the capital. Political and economic ties with other countries government activity and a countrys economic system can have a big effect on an accounting system. These two factors seem to gravel accounting system together rather than apart. NAFTA and EU have both brought the countries involved together. They have put into practice norms throughout each accounting system to make them more uniform.Inflation Accounting Inflation is a big factor when deciding how to approach an accounting system. Inflation accounting is all about the past cost principle. It says that currency is not losing its value due to inflation. If inflation is high, the historic cos t principle underestimates a firms assets, so the depreciation charges found on these underestimates can be inadequate for replacing assets when they wear out or become obsolete (Hill, 2011, p. 635). Level of Development Developed countries seem to have everything easier.They are able to acquire more capital and business. They have more highly educated and skilled workers. The more developed countries seem to have it all and the less developed countries with the smaller businesses have taken notice. Smaller, less developed countries tend to copy or attempt to copy the larger, more developed countries in their accounting systems. This can cause problems because the less developed countries do not have all of the resources necessary to have an accounting system fit for a well-developed country. National CultureA countrys culture comes into play in accounting systems when thinking about dubiousness dodging. A countrys uncertainty avoidance is either high or low. High uncertainty av oidance means a country is less likely to take risk and rules and regulations. Low uncertainty avoidance means the country is willing to take risk. The countrys with a low uncertainty risk need to make sure that their finance are in top shape so they are more likely to have accountants audit their firms (Hill, 2011). Works Cited Hill, C. W. (2011). International Business. New York McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Beginners Guide for Zend Framework 2.0
Beginners Guide for Zend theoretical account 2. 0 When it comes to open source softw atomic number 18 and applications, Zend Framework is one of the close to preferred platforms for web applications. Zend Framework 2. 0 has been released to overcome the common issues of the previous version and provide an advanced framework for the development of web applications. You can expect a lot of bare-ass bears including cloud computing, superior event management, and advanced features for event tracking. The Beginners Guide for Zend Framework 2. is a series which will help you in getting started with Zend Framework 2. 0. We are going to discuss each and every aspect of ZF2. 0 with practical example. Whats new in Zend Framework 2. 0 Before starting line with ZF2. 0, permit us dominate out whats new in this version immature and refactored Autoloaders Improved Exception System Advance and refactored View Component New Cloud Infrastructure component New and advanced Event Manager component New Plugin Broker Strategy Rewritten Session Component New dependency Injection ComponentPost 1 of series How to setup Zend Framework 2. 0 Zend Framework 2. 0 is a whole new outfit for Zend Framework and you will find new components, renamed and changed components, and addition of advanced services for better web applications. You would be amazed with the bug fixes and error controlling components available with ZF2. 0. So you need a lot of modifications for this latest version and let us find out how to start working with ZF2. 0. Inst entirelying Zend framework 2. First of all you need to download the setup of ZF2. 0 and the best option is to download Zend Framework Minimal Package for Windows including PHP 5. 3 in it. Save the lodge in the library leaflet as library/zend. There are antithetic methods for installing ZF2. 0 on your machine Installation Using Pear Installation Using degeneracy (svn) Using Git Installation with Pear For the users having Pear enable d on their system, the best method of installing ZF 2. 0 is by using Pear and following two simple command as pear channel-discover pear. zfcampus. org pear install zfcampus/zfInstallation with Subversion (svn) Users having Subversion running on their system can download the software from exoteric repository and you are not required to download the whole version, you can simply upgrade the frame work with new releases. Installing with Git galore(postnominal) programmers prefer Git for downloading the latest software upgrades and you can use Git for the latest version of ZF 2. 0. Getting ready for your first ZF Project Zend Framework has round specific system requirements like adding frame work in include_path and access to scripts located outside the document.You need to have a proper directory structure out front starting with the forge and let us find out the best directory structure for your first ZF project 1. docroot/ 2. magnate. php 3. application/ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. def ault/ controllers/ IndexController. php FooController. php models/ views/ 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. scripts/ index/ foo/ helpers/ filters/ blog/ controllers/ IndexController. php models/ views/ scripts/ index/ helpers/ filters/ news/ controllers/ IndexController. php ListController. hp models/ views/ scripts/ index/ list/ helpers/ Filters/ Each of the directories has a specific role and use, let us find out the importance of each of these directories coat Application directory is meant for all the codes used for the application. Configs This directory is responsible for the overall application. Modules Modules are required for at different stages of development so make sure to create a directory for modules for any future requirements of the project. Data Data directory is responsible for holding volatile and temporary data including sessions, logs, cache, and even the upload data.This directory will act as a n unaccented to find data block for your application. Library This directory is used for storing different libraries that are throughout the application. Add this directory in include_path for any reference and requirement. Scripts Script directory is used for maintaining all the scripts including patches, command line, and cron scripts used in the application. Docs This directory is created for storing data generated in the application and data directly used in the application. Setting Up bootstrapBootstrap is the entry and exit patch for all the command in any given applications including requests, response, route, and even dispatch commands. For setting up your Bootstrap, create index. php file and add the following code in your application. Background Process First of all, you need to define all the main directories as contants for easy access and then initiate Zend/Application/Application for starting the application. The command bootstrap() is used for booting the applicatio n and then transfer the control to the original bootstrap of the application.For higher security, make sure to mention minimum details in index. php and try to keep all the logic in the bootstrap class created in your application directory. The next step in setting up ZF 2. 0 is to create the . htaccess file for handling and redirecting all the requests to bootstrap. take a leak . htaccess file for your project The main function of . htaccess file is redirect all the requests made in the project to the public bootstrap file. Before creating the file, you need to mention its global configuration like rewriting writes and similar permissions.You can do it by following method. Create a directive in your vhost file and provide permission for . htaccess to be parsed. allow override all none Now create public/. htaccess file with following code Once you have created the . htaccess file for your application, you are ready to start with the project. Although there are some simple steps lef t in the process including setting up the application. ini file and then you can start with creating your first controller, how to input data from user, filter the data, validating data, and a lot of different things.Conclusion ZF 2. 0 has a lot of quality upgrades as compared to the earlier version and the best way to use all of these features is to follow this guide step by step. There are many new features added in ZF 2. 0 which makes it a really powerful tool for developing impressive web applications. One of the most important additions is the advanced Event Manager and Cloud Infrastructure tool provided in ZF 2. 0. There is a lot to learn in this new feature packed Framework. Next Post Contents Displaying information to user How to link pages together
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Cultural Considerations Essay
plurality belonging to disparate cultures rush antithetical perception towards the aspects of life and referee is to a fault infra these aspects that have significant impact of culture. Individuals belonging to fact cultures have their opinion about the umpire that is greatly influenced by the type of culture they belong to as every culture has approximately ethics and values that apiece individual and society follows. The concept of globalization has made people to live in diverse countries with different justice arranging and this get hold ofs to the issue of cross cultural disparity in perception of justice of different systems. So the culture values play a significant role in perceptions of justice and outcomes along with the comparison process (Bond, 1982).Since the people associated with certain cultures have their own beliefs and these beliefs of individuals belonging to different cultures contradicts them with the truths and regulations of a item country. Some cultural facets negate or mitigate criminal responsibility where acts are committed below a reasonable good-faith belief in their propriety, based on the individuals cultural heritage or tradition and this makes the people of particular culture to disagree with justice formulation of culture. The dissatisfaction of people from the justice system of the country escorts practical problems of the law and culture clash in the context of criminal and to some degree to civil liabilities to a fault.These differences alike cause variety of cases including homicide, the treatment of children, animals and the dead as well as the regulation of marriage, attire, and drug usage cases to rise to a greater extent thus making it voiceless for the security administration to enforce proper law and order (Bond, 1982). The ethics and values of a particular culture impose serious problems for the security administrations also as people commit crimes and associate their sins particularly with crimi nal defenses, civil rights, and cultural regulations. So it became very difficult for the administration to regulate the country with different cultures as people take the shelter of their respective cultures in order to avoid serious punishments. This also makes the whole system reluctant of imposing the better regime along with the law-culture clash that raises questions of hegemonic domination, human rights and governmental philosophy in the whole country.It is very difficult for the administration to maintain the justice right for whole the individuals believing in different cultures as they have dissimilar issues so the governments of countries with conglomerate cultures have adopt services that can solve the law-culture issues. One of the most commonly followed policies is the Community Relation Service as it provides platform to solve various issues based on race, color or culture. The countries have adopted soft dimensions with respect to justice in order to gather comm unity perspectives at each stage of the justice process, while a quantitative dimension provides the opportunity to demonstrate outcomes that have credibility for community members and scholars also. Transformative mixed methodologies are also utilize by modern day systems to provide a mechanism for addressing the complexities of system coordination in culturally complex settings that can provide a basis for social stability (Kymlicka, 1995).Countries also use other methods like change in demographics and immigrant patterns to avoid clashes and these countries also set values under the justification and made immigrants aware of their laws in order to make every one aware of the law and regulation configuration (Kymlicka, 1995). These policies help the justice administration to put their decisions in the perfect manner so that the law and order of the society is maintained without any sort of fuss among the masses. The security administration also provides better policing facilities to provide enhanced level of security among the common people and avoid incidents that can lead to violence.The factors leading to the crime are also considered by most of the systems so that convicted individual is awarded punishment by considering all the parameters. These policies and methods provide a better coordination between the administration and the people belonging to different cultures by considering the issues and beliefs of particular culture and judging the individuals accordingly to provide most levelheaded and well composed justice.In 1829, Sir Robert Peel created the Metropolitan Police when he served as Home Secretary of England. According to Peel, the real delineate for policing is the police are the people and the people are the police. His principles can still be used in the present era as the prevention of crime should be the main idea in order to maintain a peaceful environment all over the state. The public approval could also be used like his principles a s in case of diverse society, it is necessary for police to regard the different cultures that make up the communities that they patrol. This can be accomplished through multi-cultural training and education so that there is no problem in tackling the issues that involved people from different cultural background.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Utilizing Online Social Networking Sites
Social Ne twainrking Business and Human Services disposals all everyplace the world try to ask for oppo commit ways to improve and be successful. One of the ways organizations take over been able to maintain success is by net on the job(p) and linking themselves with similar organizations. A website that tenders organizations with this type of networking is LinkedIn. In week two I was given the task to research and understand why such sites as LinkedIn help kind-heartedkind armed service organizations ride out connected with their schoolmaster community and separate human service professionals.In addition to researching how these sites sharpen more than property services and support and how additional training keeps you up to date and competitive against former(a) organizations. History of LinkedIn LinkedIn is a site utilisationd by crease line professionals all over the world. This site provides business professionals and other types of organizations the ability to exchange information and other networking types of opportunities. Created by five founders, LinkedIns website transfericially took off in 2003 (LinkedIn. com, 2012).The five founders asked 350 of their closest contacts to join their site and indoors the first month had over 4500 members in the network (LinkedIn, 2012). By the end of 2003 they had over 81000 members and now present day has over 41 gazillion members (LinkedIn, 2012). LinkedIn had a vision to redefine the social networking community and set a new standard. Considered by galore(postnominal) to be the businessmans Facebook, it continues to grow and help businesses to gain new opportunities through social networking. exploitation LinkedIn to Stay affiliatedLinkedIn has provided human service organizations the ability to reconnect to past and present colleagues, which renounces them to stay in ceaseless touch. In addition, help them gain inside connections with similar types of organizations that enhance their gro wth and success. The network also provides similar organizations within their network to share advice and answer questions. Human Service organizations grow and stay on successful by linking themselves, working together and gaining referrals from similar types of organizations.Being tied into an online community helps an organization stay connected to other human service agencies and the ability to offer more types of support services. For example, one human service agency may provide speech and occupational therapy, where as their community link specializes in integration behavioral therapy, which their client needs. What accordingly happens is a quality referral to that agency. These two organizations were able to work together, provide more services, all for the greater satisfactory of the clients needs.How it works is that an online user enkindle search for an organization under the search tool. one time an organization is found the user could research statistics regarding the organization, location, and who runs it. The user can then ask to follow the organization and become a networking connection. Training Training and chronic education is an important aspect to any human service agency. Organizations need to be able to provide training opportunities to their employees to keep them up to date and remain competitive in their field.New types of therapies and research are developed all the time and conductors and employees need to be sensitive of them. Through LinkedIn and staying in touch within their online community, organizations can now attend approved training sponsored by different organizations. Some organizations can even upload the training online so that employees can do their continuing education hours without leaving the office. Sites such as NHS on LinkedIn have provided numerous human service organizations with online training, consulting, professional development, and human services training (NHS-LinkedIn. om, 2012). In addition to fi nding online training and development, employees can also look for employment for human service organizations through the LinkedIn community. Instead of putting an ad in the newspaper more organizations are looking to LinkedIn and other online sources to find knowledgeable and qualified employees. Technology Used to Stay Connected Some other ways that human services or other business organization use technology to stay connected to their business contacts and employees is by the internet and other social online networking websites.Sites like Facebook and chirrup can be an essential tool in keeping contact and the ability to provide constant updates. My friends son attends a specialized Autism School in the Salinas area. The director has 2 offices in the San Luis Obispo area and one in the Stanford area. Although her job as director keeps her on the road visiting the different sites, there are times when she is unable to visit the area. She keeps in constant contact with the assistan t director and employees by using Skype.Skype is an online tool where you can have instant face- to- face chats and hold meetings without all creation at the same place at the same time. This way she is always able to attend periodic meetings, get updates, and hold training sessions with her employees. This site has enabled her to grow her organization in different areas while non having to visit the site daily. Staying Connected to the Community If I was trying to find a way to stay connected to other human service professionals in my area I would round to the internet in order to build and find online networks.Sites such as LinkedIn would be perfect for my individual needs and allow me to build contacts while enabling me to advertise my organization. I would look to LinkedIn to help me build my online website. The purpose of this site is to allow registered users to follow your organization and become notified when other contacts or updates have been added like training, fundr aisers, or networking opportunities. This can help me grow a professional contact list that I trust and find other business opportunities recommended by someone from another contact network.Conclusion Social and online networking is an online platform that can be utilise to build contacts and other business opportunities. Sites such as LinkedIn, has given human services and other business organizations the ability to grow, keep in contact, and build relationships. Since 2003, LinkedIn has continued to be the number one site that businesses turn to in order to build their online community. Since that time LinkedIn has continued to improve their site by designing conk out applications to make building an online community easier.Human Service organizations will do what they can in order to succeed their mission. Working together with other organizations is the key to building relationships, offer more support services, and provide quality referrals to their clients. References Linke dIn. com, (2012). Company history. Retrieved on October 25th, 2012 from http//press. linkedin. com/history/ NHS (2012). NHS management services. Retrieved on October 25th, 2012 from http//www. linkedin. com/company/nhs-management-services
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Lemon Max
Market Analysis Dish sweep market of Pakistan is a shut driven market. Vims major competitor is liquid ecstasy eyepatch the rest of the brands like Safoon, Anna legal professionroom be very small in size. Price Price is very important for this category. In bless to market share, competitors use price as a unique selling point (USP). exclusive is a price leader in peach tree wash market. liquid ecstasy and Vim are price dog parity and both are price subsidy. Vim is low grammage and high price although it is non a noticeable difference. Price comparison of block offs betwixt Vim and muck according to SKUs are as follows. grievous bodily harm leave taboo Vim terminate Small step postulate (110 grams) cost Rs. 12 Small Bar Pack (110 grams) cost Rs. 12 Number of SKUs Bar (200 grams) cost Rs. 22 Long Bar Pack (330 grams) cost Rs 32 Long Bar Pack (300 grams) cost Rs. 33 Product Portfolio Max Protfolio includes Max Bar, Azadi Dish Bar, Max Sourers, Max Liquid and Max Anti bacterial. Max Bar is targeting urban area while Azadi dish patty is targeting rural area. rotter Max Bar Introduction Lemon Max Bar is a quality washing bar. Lemon Max Bar is a with leadership among dish wash part of FMCG in Pakistan.Lemon Max Bar is product of Colgate Palmolive which was launched in 1982 with scourer embedded tagline Hara Kaam Maun Khara Nimbo Ki Taqat Say Bhara. Lemon Max Bar Consumers Primary shoppers of Max Bar are women and housewives and secondary are men buying household items. Brand is apply for dish washing at home with the essence of lemon in it. Many year of sale and consumption at home consumers have approved Max Bar is a high quality product with many benefits. Lemon Max Growth Period Max Bar with strong, lemon-like, grease cleansing action and name that gave impression of foreign brand.Brands pass through ups and bug out then got stabilized and acquire market leader in terms of sales and Brand name. In 1985,brand t alterre director learnt that consumer perceive that scourer damaged the dishes then they launched max liquid to overcome this perception. At the same cartridge holder Unilever Pakistan ,the mega corporate giant of FMCGs , launched its brand under the name of Rin in dishwashing segment of FMCG. The aspiration become rapacious in terms of promotion, retails dispersion and event placement. But according to market experts, consumer used brand for cleaning their quality dishes utensils.Due to heavy advertisement and err hotshotous branding decision Rin brand got spatial relation problems , product colour confusion among the consumers. Taking advantage from that opportunity, revelry brand Max Bar makes aggressive movements by heavy promotions. Soon Mac brand recognizes the game by kicking Rin Brand out of market form distribution to media promotion and become market leader. In 2001, Rin brand repositioned himself and change to free energy and entered in to the market . Competition again got fierce between max bar and Vim referable to heavy marketing budget form unilever gain to pull the max bar from market.In the complete of 2004, Rin drop from the market and max become the leader in the market. After that many brands emerge on the argument arena like Safoon and Aana bar ,raising competition with the Max bar with relatively low price. For tackling this Max Bar launched 200 gm and sachet in that brand to gain an edge in the competition. But still Max Bar got 60 percent of the market share. In 2011, Unilever has relaunched Vim in dishwashing category. Vim gives a fierce competition to Lemon Max and start gaining market share from lemon max and incompatible small players in the market.Lemon Max Liquid Liquid dishwash is targeted at urban upper midpoint screen home makers and here the users are home maids rather than home makers. It will be difficult to get wind house maids to use the liquid efficiently. People perceived both the liquid brands same. Although, Vim is a grueling gel while Max is a dilute liquid. Concentrated gels are used less as compare to dilute solution. Gels are more efficient in dish wash. Max Liquid nursing bottle Vim Liquid Bottle 275 ml cost Rs. 65 250 ml cost Rs. 115 475 ml cost Rs. 95 rs 500 ml cost Rs. 190 Distribution of Lemon MaxLemon Max distribution is very strong. They are available and visible in almost every store. TRENDS * Economic outgrowth during the archeozoic part of the review period encouraged new trends in dining, with these continuing to spread at the end of the review period. There was for example strong growth in the number of restaurants in the country and in like manner the widening use of feasts to celebrate weddings. The serving of meals became more elaborate, with consumers using a growing number of dishes. These trends keep to support growth in dishwashing at the end of the review period. COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE Unilever was the booster cable player in dishwashing in 2010 with a value share of almost 18%. The federation benefits from a strong advertising presence, with its Vim brand thus enjoying widespread awareness and committal. The association in addition benefits from the widespread availability of Vim, which is prominently displayed in most outlets that offer hand dishwashing. The company besides offers the premium Persil brand in hand dishwashing, which appeals to many mid- and high-income consumers. PROSPECTS * Hand dishwashing is expected to benefit from economic growth and urbanisation in Pakistan during the forecast period.As consumers move to cities and experience higher disposable income levels, their habits are likely to change. A growing focus on hygiene will encourage many to trade up from bar detergents to hand dishwashing when washing dishes. Lemon Max Bar Product History Lemon Max Bar is a quality is washing bar with leadership in dish wash segment in Pakistan. Lemon Max Bar is product of Colgate Palmolive, which was launched in 1982 with scourer embedded. Pri mary shoppers of Max Bar are women/housewives that use brand for cleaning their household dishes. The consumers have approved high quality standards and benefits offered by Max Bar.Max Bar with strong, lemon-like, grease cleansing action and name that gave impression of foreign brand. In 1985 the brand manager learnt that consumer perceive that scourer damaged the dishes then they launched max liquid unilever launched their Rin in this dishwashing segment. The competition become heat up but according to survey consumer used brand for their quality dishes utensils. Heavy promotion started between these two brands. Rin got positioning problems and product color confusion among the consumer taking advantage from that opportunity max take the game by heavy promotion and positioning of lemon power.In 2001, Rin was change to vim and gave a contend to the max bar and again competition starts. At the end of 2004 Rin vanish from the market and max become the leader in the market. Advertisin g dodging An advertising strategy is a campaign developed to take place ideas about products and services to potential consumers in the hopes of convincing them to buy those products and services. Execution The overall creativity of the dish washer bar is good and is highly acceptable in the Pakistans existing market people having different income level can purchase it and it is available in every departmental store with a levelheaded price.The packaging is in green and yellow color with largely written MAX in the middle of the bar. The bar is not just limited to clean the utensils it also gives the fragrance of lemon. Creative idea The company board made these question within them and happen upon the solutions for right promotion and media the task is to choosing the media through which the customers and viewing auditory sense perceive what the company to make them aware about the product and they have a brand loyalty about it after watching and using it. 1. Who is our refe rence? 2.Where are we now in the minds of our target audience? 3. Where are our competitors in the minds of our target audience? 4. Where do we want to be in the minds of our target audience? 5. What is the consumer promise or the big idea? 6. What is the supporting evidence? 7. What is the tone of voice of the ad? Strategy Maxs marketing strategy is a notable example of successful frontal attack. The brand was able to find a credible and sustainable differentiator against Vim. Max took the position of an Antibacterial dish wash bar to fight Vim.Max was Pakistans first Anti-bacterial dish wash bar. As usual, the germs were at the receiving end. Max positioned itself as a dish wash bar that killed all the bacteria in the utensils. The positioning was very smart since Vim was positioned establish on cleanliness. Max is innovative in creating awareness about the possibility of germs in utensils. There was also another smart idea from the brand. In theory, we often say that the differen tiator should be relevant, sustainable and not easily copied by competitors. Communication MediaThe characteristics of the target consumer need to be consider as an advertiser decides what media to use. The types of media categories from which advertisers of submit include the following * PrintPrimarily newspapers (both weekly and daily) and magazines. * AudioFM and AM radio. * Videopromotional videos, infomercials. * Outdoor advertisingBillboards, advertisements on public transportation (cabs, buses). USP of MAX is Hara Kam Main Khara In addition, the other one is Ghulae Kam Zayada Chalae AD TypeThe Ad, which I presented, is the persuasive.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Mcdonald’s Practices/Operations in Turbulent Environment
McDonalds strategic plan is called plan to win which helps McDonalds to be the best fast food for thought restaurant chain rather than the biggest fast food restaurant chain. (kspain, 2008) In turbulent environment, McDonalds tries to achieve high performance by applying the 5 Ps people, product, price, packaging, and countersink or distribution. Product involves both intangible and tangible offerings of the business which customer can see, feel, taste or smell. (Kukreja, 2011) Next, price consists of all the costs of production and delivery of the product or service.Then, promotion comprises all the types and musical mode of communication that companies use to make products or services known to the customer. Finally, place or distribution is the way that connects the products or services to the consumers. McDonalds focuses primarily on its people or focusing on maintaining and amend employee satisfaction in order to maintain good relationship between the employees and the cus tomers. In order to improve employee satisfaction, McDonalds uses flexible schedules for the employees to fit their working schedule into the way they live their life.McDonalds also uses celebrating novelty in their hiring way to combining their ideal work force with distinguishable people from different backgrounds with different interests. (Mcdonalds, 2011) Besides that, McDonalds also simplifies the restaurant environment for their staff and customers in a faster speed. To get up the relationship between employees and the customers, McDonalds ensures their staffs are friendly and as well as fast with hospitality training.Finally, McDonalds also provides cost-efficient, relevant training for their world-wide workforce and provide career opportunities for people to achieve their potential. In the product strategy, McDonalds offered a wider variety of food. McDonalds strategic planning focuses on breakfasts, chicken, beverages and convenience. The Southern room Chicken Biscuits are launched for breakfast in McDonalds. However, the Southern Style Chicken Sandwiches are launched for lunch and dinner.McDonalds introduced new hot special(prenominal)ty coffee offerings on a market-by-market basis in their beverages business. Besides that, McDonalds also offered burgers-and-fries instead of just offering snack foods and desserts. Despite of negative image of McDonalds for the insanitary food, McDonalds offers oatmeal and salads to replace high calorie breakfast sandwiches for somewhat healthier options. Lastly, the Happy meal is one of the good product strategies which aim kids providing kids favorites such as weensy French fries and chicken nuggets along with a small toy. ECUATORIALL, 2012)These planning enables McDonalds to satisfy customers desire for food that fit into todays lifestyle. For the price strategy, McDonalds had introduced value meal for their customers.The value meal allows customers to deal a sandwich, French fries, and beverages at a disco unt price when purchased together. McDonalds restaurant offer septenary to twelve value meals for the lunch and breakfast menu. McDonalds also offers a dollar menu which consisting many individual items costing only $1. 00 each. investopedia, 2009) Other than that, some of the individual franchise owners offer daily specials of special menu items with lower price such as Big Mac Mondays. These helps McDonalds to offer affordable prices to customers and also to be profitable for the company.McDonalds spent huge amount of money on promotion which is presented in marketing, leadership and trust. McDonalds focuses primarily on targeting the children. With this, McDonalds offers happy meals which targeted children by giving along the small toys with the meals. ECUATORIALL, 2012) McDonalds also offers various schemes for winning prices by giving lucky draws and also scratch cards when an order is placed on various mean combos. On the other hand, McDonalds also does its promotion by adve rtising to make people aware of an item, feel positive about it and remember it. They do their promotion through television, hoardings and bus shelters. Some of the most famous marketing campaigns of McDonalds are You deserve a break today, so get up and get away- To McDonalds, Aap ke zamane mein ,baap ke zamane ke daam, Food, Folks, and Fun and Im loving it. (scribd)
Friday, May 17, 2019
Places in the Heart Essay
The film entitled Places in the Heart released in 1984 is a wonderful film that deals with various conflicts in the society. Set during the Great Depression, the term family is defined in a unique manner in the film. The characters were able to depict more about the problems being go about in the stereotypical society full of injustices and complexities. It was shown in a dramatic way that made viewers enticed until the end. Edna Spalding (Sally Field) was go away by her late Husband Sheriff Royce Spalding (Ray Baker) who was murdered accidentally by a drunken man.She was left with two children Frank and Possum on their small farm with an almost penniless pocket. She tries to battle against privation by acquiring the help of a blind man Mr Will (John Malkovich) whose sight was victimized by Worl War I. In addition to this she was also assisted by a Blackman named Mose (Danny Glover) who manages to help her plant cotton wool and keep her family intact. Life is never easy for the b riny characters in the film. They tried to battle against poverty which is real rampant during the great depression. The rich becomes richer and the poor, poorer. In the case of Mrs.Spalding, she is left with all the debts of her husband and the obligation of education their two kids. During the said era, women argon not accepted to work for their family since gender role is given precedent importance. But then, Mrs. Spalding is determined to earn for her family and she was able to do this with the help of some people. The farm is a extraordinary possession for her since it symbolizes her family and how they tried to unite and save each and every crop planted on it. On the different hand, Mose is a jobless African American man who kept on asking for alms in the racist society.He is ever so ridiculed by the people around him because of his skin color and race. He always longed for company and family love because he never experienced gaining respect from people in such prejudice society. He is too industrious and dreamt of planting on a farm of his own. He met Mrs. Spalding who accepted him as he is regardless of the concomitant that her husband was killed by a Blackman. It is the first time that Mose was accepted as he is and experienced love from a family. In the case of Mr. Will, he was left by his familiar Mr. Danby who owns the Spaldings farm mortgage.Upon Mr. Spaldings death, he offered Edna some charitable help granted that he will work out over his brother. Edna accepted the blind man in order to give good impression to Mr. Danby and at the same time gain comfort because of her husbands death. The Spaldings was able to battle against their mourning because of the take given by Mr. Will and Mose. Their solidarity made them stronger in facing each and every trial that they met as they plant cotton in the farm. Mrs. Spalding wanted to always keep her family bonded and their farm in good condition. notwithstanding the fact that the Spaldings battle against the odds, Ednas sister Margaret Lomax is also facing her own family problem. She is burdened by the fact that her husband is committing adultery with genus Viola Kelsey. Their house is set in a depressed area and they wee-wee one daughter who is still small. Their only source of income is a small parlor which cannot even experience their living. An extramarital affair in the film is emphasized as it shows what will happen to a familys economic condition once there is no fidelity in the household.In the case of the Lomaxs, they are trapped in a deep economical downfall because Mr. Lomax is too busy having affair with Viola Kelsey. Infidelity in marriage is always dishonored in the society and it can be compared to a criminal act. The film wanted to imply that faithfulness in marriage should always be maintained. The main plot about the essence of family and its importance in the lives of the Spaldings is magnificently emphasized in the film. On the other hand the subplot d ealing with adultery made additional twist in the film.It made viewers insert in their seats and wait for more surprising events throughout the film. The end of the film is very hard since it is very idealistic and full of fantasy. The end of the film shows something that is impossible to happen because characters in the film is seen recounting in harmony. Husbands and wives who were separated by fate, unfaithfulness and mistrust is seen together. There are also enemies, friends, colleagues and family. To sum it up the main point of the film ended in a way that everyone manages to find their own places in their hearts, the heart of a true family.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters and Keurig Coffee Course Essay
club Information confederation Name common land Mountain chocolate Roasters and Keurig Coffee Website http//www.greenmountain deep brown.comFounded in- 1981Background/History/ c each(prenominal)er Timeline1981- Green Mountain Coffee Roasters was established with a small coffee shop. 1993- Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, started publicly traded on NASDAQ national stock grocery. 2006- Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc., Acquire KEURIG Coffee Company and started manufacturing individual cup coffee. 2010- Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. Acquired Diedrich coffee and also bought train Houtte coffee serve company. 2011- Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. sold angelical Filter US coffee services potion of Van Houtte business to Aramark. Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. manages its summonss through SCBU (Specialty coffee business), KBU (KEURIG business unit), CBU (Canadian business unit) operation units. SCBU makes and sell coffee, hot coco, tea and several other bever ages. KBU focus on single cup create from raw stuff system which includes coffee, tea hot chocolates. CBU take c ars of Canadian market. They sell coffee and tea with other beverages. missionary post and Values of GMCR.PURPOSE We create the ultimate beverage experience in e rattling life we adjoin from source to cup transforming the way the world understands business. Our MISSION A Keurig brewer on e actually parry and a beverage for ein truth occasion. Our VALUES We partner for mutual success. Our boundaryless approach to quislingism creates benefits for all. ( SWOT ANALYSISStrength1Strong product portfolio and leader in the market.2 true-blue customers.3All products contribute salubrious revenue growth. Gives a strong militant gain.4 corporate image built on strong sustainability initiatives.5Good financial strength.Weakness1 habituation on china for single cup brewer is a big draw back. 2 habituation on some retailers companies which are the b ig potion of revenue. 3Cost of the products is very high reference to single use at home. 4Patents of all the sub companies are not so easy to maintain.Opportunities1Have several opportunities in the field of divergent drinks. 2Have further opportunities to expand to different part of world. 3.Strategic agreements to bolster revenues.Threats1Completion in the segments of Coffee is very high.2 more acquisition there is more challenges to maintain brand value. 3Demand of high character coffee is very high. Shortage of coffee beans will be a task.Analysis VIA Porters quintuple Forces ModelPorters five force model is a safe(p) analysis motherfucker for examine the competitive environment. Competitive environment is describes in terms of 5 forces. The threat of rude(a) entrants- Customers has new choices day to day. To fulfill the requirement Green Mountain Coffee Roasters hires to be very competitive. They need to honor out new products. at that place are several low cost prod ucts in the market which is attracting local public. This jackpot be a threat and Green Mountain Coffee Roasters needs to find out a way to reduce the cost and maintain the quality. Single-cup brewing will take up more competition. Some of the companies have good financial resources and good marketing than Keurig. Some of the competitors are Flavia Beverage Systems they are the manufacturer of Mars, Senso brewing system etc. The bargaining power of buyers- Loyal customer is very main(prenominal) for a successful business.Green Mountain Coffee Roasters provides the customers the beat out they want and the way they want. So buyers are ready to pay the cost. There is less bargaining because of loyal customers. O customers. They may look at some alternate products. But still number of choices is fewer Buyers find very difficult to turn the company as they will not find what they need. So they try to stick with one. This is a competitive advantage to them. Competitors dejectionnot provide what fresh direct gage provide. Low dependency on distributors is an enlargeed advantage with Fresh Direct. This will reduce the bargaining power of buyers. Due to variety of range products buyers has less choice and this is good and positive for Green Mountain Coffee Roasters The bargaining power of suppliers-The biggest problem is with Keurig, supplies are fully depended on outside supplier. They have only one supplier from mainland China. They can rule GMCR and can move deliveries and quality. This can over all affect the company performance and business. The threat of substitute product and services- Company has an advantage in their field. There is very less strong competition. They are the leader in the coffee segments. There are several companies who have lowered process cost and cost of the product. They may give strong competition to them. The intensity of rivalry among competitors in an industry- Other manufacturer started giving good offers with comparison to K eurig was offering. trade started to become overpower. This created confusion between customers. They dont know what product is best.They were victim of competition.Strategy utilizeGMCR has strategically taken a good move to expand its business in broader way. The first dodge they used was acquisition of other coffee brand. They acquired Tullys coffee brand and later they also acquired herds grasss Coffee. GMCR focused on individual customer in home and offices. They have launched different products which can be used in offices and home. By doing this they have expanded there market share very broadly. There were somewhat 2.6 million coffee brewers in offices nationwide serviced by a net twist of approximately 1,700 distributors. Of those offices, GMCR estimated that 12 percent had single-cup brewers, and about half of those were Keurig brewers.8 While Keurig brewers were estimated to be in 30 percent of offices in vernal England, national penetration in the office channel was only about 6 percent. (Dess C301)GMCR has cover hotel industry in broader way. They have several hotels in North America which use GMCR products. This was one of the best strategies which worked for expansion of their product range. Issues and Challenges Facing this CompanyFollowing issues and Challenges are being faced by GMCR.a) producer and trade risk- GMCR products are manufacturer in China. They are under risk of delivery and cost. Fully depended on those companies. Any production delay will direct affect the profitability of GMCR.b) Foreign exchange grade may affect the end product cost.c) Government policies and relationship with both country may affect the business.d) Product recall and product liability is a potential danger. Any quality compromise by manufacturer will directly impact GMCR.e) Loosing competitive advantage of GMCR because the products are manufactured in China and possibility of losing technology secrets. f) Risk of Integrated Acquisitions- Lot of risk is there to manage acquisitions, because of company finishing and business.g) Risk of fluctuating commodity cost- Fluctuation in commodity will affect the price of Coffee. This can impactthe price of products.h) Risk of coffee availability- there are some very high quality coffee beans (Arabica coffee beans), unavailability of this beans may affect the business of GMCR.Course of action recommendeda) Should be very careful while doing acquisitions. Need to look the country culture, company culture and past background.b) Need to kick downstairs an alternative of China for manufacturing the products. It can be India. Dependency with china should not be there.c) Need to add different products and expand their list of product based on customers requirements.d) Keep closer look on competitors and there technology.e) Keep on improving the products by doing research and development.f) Cover every segment of batch with something new for them.OpinionAs a leader in specialty coffee, coffee mak ers, teas and other beverages, Keurig Green Mountain (Keurig) is recognized for its award-winning beverages, innovative Keurig brewing technology, and socially responsible business practices. The Company has providential consumer passion for its products by revolutionizing beverage preparation at home and in the workplace. My opinion GMCR is one of the strongest companies. They have strong financial and strong management. They have a strong strategy which can kill all there competitors. They know how to manage Acquisitions. They have very strong backup with strong companies. They have very loyal customers and keep on adding day by day. They are in offices, house, hotels, restaurants and everybodys heart. They need to work on their strengths and work in new products to surprise there loyal customers. (March 2014)References1) Keurig Green Mountain, Inc. Launches 2013 Sustainability Report with New 2020 Targets. March 2014. http// aseID=8321892) Dess. Strategic Management text and cases, 6th Edition. McGraw-Hill Learning Solutions, 2012. VitalBook file.3) http//
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
What evidence is there to support the prescribing of exenatide for Literature review
What evidence is there to support the prescribing of exenatide for adults patients who are already prescribed insulin with type - Literature review ExampleIn insulin dependent patients with type 2 diabetes, especially with obesity, accommodate of glycemia is a challenging issue (Hood et al, 2006). Intensification of insulin therapy to achieve target levels of glycosylated hemoglobin leads to further exercising weight gain. Infact, one of main anxieties with insulin therapy in this population is poor weight gain (Nayak et al, 2010). In several genuine countries like UK, there are recommendations for obesity cognitive operation, along with exercise, diet and drug control of diabetes. However, obesity surgery is associated with significant risk. Exenatide, when given as an adjunct to insulin therapy, has been proven to not only achieve better control of blood glucose levels, but also decrease the chances of gaining weight. Infact, some studies have demonstrated weight loss with exe natide therapy. In this article, evidence to support the prescription of exenatide, as an adjunct to insulin therapy will be discussed through review of fitted literature.Understanding the pathophysiology and treatment basis of diabetes type-2 Diabetes mellitus can be defined as a group of clinical syndromes characterized by hyperglycemia arising as a depart of absolute or relative insulin deficiency (Edwards et al, 2002). on that point are basically 2 types of diabetes mellitus. While type-1 is due to absolute insulin deficiency as a result of pancreatic beta-cell destruction, there is relative insulin deficiency in type-2 as a result of combination of skirting(prenominal) resistance to insulin action and an inadequate secretory chemical reaction by the beta cells (Kumar et al, 2007). Type 2 diabetes is the roughly common form of diabetes constituting 90% of diabetic population (Ramachandran et al, 2002). In a classic definition, type 2 diabetes has been defined as a triad of 3 etiologies, namely, resistance to insulin, progressive failure or exhausion of beta cells, and increased gluconeogenesis at liver. However, there is another pathophysiologic ab typicality that is worth mentioning and that is decreased activity of GLP-1 (Jellinger, 2011). The impaired insulin discrimination in type-2 diabetes is due to beta cell dysfunction (DeFronzo, 1997). The beta cells fail to adapt themselves for the long-term demands of circumferential insulin resistance and increased insulin secretion (Kumaret al, 2007). In type-2, this dysfunction is both quantitative and qualitative. There is loss of normal pulsatile, oscillating pattern of insulin secretion and the rapid first phase of insulin secretion which is a normal response to elevated plasma glucose is attenuated. There is also decrease in beta cell mass, islet regression and deposition of islet amyloid (Kumaret al, 2007). Infact, studies have established the onset of insulin resistance much before the manif estations of hyperglycemia (DeFronzo, 1997). The pancreas beta-cell function declines gradually over time already before the onset of clinical hyperglycaemia (Stumvoll et al, 2005). The factors which in all probability lead to insulin resistance are increased non-esterified fatty acids, inflammatory cytokines, adipokines, and mitochondrial dysfunction for insulin resistance, and glucotoxicity, lipotoxicity, and amyloid formation for beta-cell dysfunction (Stumvoll et al,
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
What is a Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
What is a Language - Essay ExampleThe power has tried to explain various principles and concepts of a talking to, while considering the involvement of a speaker of the vocabulary, within the reaching of such discussions. As the author identifies five responses to what is a language, the essay makes reference to a textbook book, named Chomskyan Linguistics, written by Smith and Wilson in 1979, in which the two renowned linguists connect the language with rules that make the grammar of either language. They have further opined that, for example, in the position language, diverse speakers possess divers(prenominal) levels of grammar and, thus, English would have not one but many grammars, as the same will be different for various individual speakers. Responding to the question what is a language, the author has considered five answers. They include NATURALISM, gist language is a natural kind PLATONISM, which treats language as an abstract object NOMINALISM, meaning that any s et of objects would define the name of a language SOCIOLOGISM, which places the language in the category of friendly facts and DUALISM, which agrees to the language being a tender fact, while disagreeing with the argument that the particular social fact could also be the linguistic fact. While discussing all answers, with arguments for and against five positions, the author has staked its claim to last option, reflexion that linguistic facts cannot be, necessarily, social facts also, thus, negating SOCIOLOGISM. Author further states that the option of NATURALISM is partially compatible with the last answer, DUALISM. (Pateman) Languages as natural kinds The author has dismissed the claim that languages belong to natural kinds, by saying that other natural facts in this institution cannot be counted in the same multitude, although all of them may belong to natural kinds only. The fact is exemplified by different natural products like tigers and lemons, both of which are from nat ure, but are entirely different. Further, diversifying on the discussion, the author has evince that definition of language has the relation to the environment that surrounds the speaker. Pateman has given an example of Creoles, who find no use of their inherent language in the new environment like the plantation workers. Languages as abstract objects The author has referred to the possible action put forward by Chomsky, which treats linguistics as a science, like neurology and psychology. Further, there are references to arguments put forward by Katz, which treat languages and sentences as mathematical abstract objects, while employing general scientific methodology to support this claim. Pateman has countered Katzs argument by relating the properties of sentences and language with grammar, in abstraction, which can be viewed as mathematical grammarian abstract objects, while having no reality. (Pateman) Languages as names Many sociolinguists have connect languages with the spo ken vocabularys and social facts of the speakers. Accordingly, the author of this article refers to Smith and Wilson, informing in their text book that dialect and language correspond to each other, when the speakers having similar grammar, for any language, are grouped together. However, Pateman counters this argument by saying that there is no relation of language with an individual, as its name is taken from the dialect, which speakers can formulate for expression of a language. Languages as social and linguistic facts The author describes about relationship between the groups of a social class and the language spoken by them. For example, members of a church belong to the same social group and may speak the same dialect or language. Hence, the idea of
Monday, May 13, 2019
This is a n Accounting principle subject. The assessment and case Study
This is a n Accounting principle subject. The mind and will be send by file .pdf - Case Study Example professed(prenominal) competency and Due Care A employmental accountant is expected to demonstrate diligence when executing his duties and should have by professional standards when executing his professional duties. Considering whether it is within the mandate of the accountant to counter-sign checks and ensuring that the hotel receives professional services in line with the underlying regulations of the bill profession would translate to the observation of professional competence and due care. Confidentiality A professional accountant must observe confidentiality of information under his care and should not in whatsoever way disclose such information to illegitimate third party. Not disclosing the findings about the whole scenario to both third party and not taking advantage of the findings for personal gain would amount to maintaining the principle of confidentiality. Profe ssional Behavior A professional accountant should figure within applicable laws and regulations and shun any act that likely to discredit professionalism. Ensuring that services remain within the law and avoiding any movement that would put the profession into questions amount to professional behavior. Q2. a. The parties involved in the case include the companys directors (husband and wife), the staff of the dress shop hotel, the financial institution that owed the hotel, and the community as a whole. For the companys directors, especially that wife, the minutes are happening in her absence. Therefore, at that place is a possibility that taking no action would emergence into huge financial losses on her side through continuous check withdrawals of the recently acquired mortgage for the hotel. For the mortgaging firm, there is a likelihood that the hotel will not be able to gift back its mortgage leading to a huge financial loss. However, if the loan is secured, the mortgaging firm would recover the amount through transport of the companys principal asset, a boutique hotel. All the staff of the company would lose their rail line in the near future because the company would not be in a position to pay them. Moreover, there is likelihood that the company may be declared bankrupt. The closure of the company would have ban impact on the community where it is located because it would cut down job opportunities and disengage those who are soon employed courtesy of the company. b. If I decided to take action, I would consult the audit committee of the company, if there is any and summon the board of directors to shed light on the harmful effects of such fallacious dealings. I would give my stand to the companys directors by stating pointblank that I am not congeal to be party to the fraudulent deal. First, I would ensure that I act within the fundamental principles of the accounting profession. I would then identify specific factors relevant to the confli ct resolution process, which in this case is the unauthorized check withdrawals made by one of the directors of the company. I would then decide the best course of action by weighing the likely consequence of each alternative course action. I would then record the discussions held and decisions arrived at during my discussion with the directors and the audit committee. If the practice persists, I would then contact relevant professional automobile trunk and legal advisors. A professional
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Families in society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Families in society - Essay ExampleIn todays generation, the ideal family structure of two parents, father solely being the breadwinner and two to three children has drastically changed. Nowadays, specially in the United States, we come across all types of families single parent both working parents, no children by choice, multiple parents etc (Kesner & McKenry, 2001). The fact that both parents have started to work, children are neglected in comparison to the aid they received in previous times. Since a mother is putting the same amount of time at the workplace as the father, she thinks her additional responsibility at home should also be shared. scarcely fathers usually do not like the idea of getting involved in domestic housing issues. other problem suffered is the amount of stress which an individual goes through besides his normal hectic work routine. This wear out is somewhat passed on, in some way or the other, to the entire family. Besides structural composition, the b asic transformation of US based families has also changed. For instance, more of gay and lesbian families have come into existence since late. But much(prenominal) family dynamics are strictly opposed by traditional religious groups.Some of the near common family problems are discussed in this section. For instance, US is a country which has the most number of people merchant ship bars. Therefore, families of such prisoners suffer badly as kids are deprived of their fathers support, while wives also dearly turn tail their respective partners. Another common issue is the negative impact on kids due to constant rifts between married partners. Frustration gathered from the workplace also has a role to play in such activities. Due to such parental fights, kids start to lose confidence and trust in both parents (Leroy & Symes, 2001). after(prenominal) reading the whole article I concur with most of the facts mentioned about family life, with some
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