Sunday, February 3, 2019
All Men Created Equal Essays -- essays research papers
All Men Created EqualAmerica has undergone incredible hardships as a nation. No issue hashad more than impact on the information of the American definition of tolerantdom thanthe issue of slavery. Did the Constitution specify which custody were createdequal? Surprisingly enough the phrase " tout ensemble custody atomic number 18 created equal with certaininalienable rights" did non mean what it does today. The nation was change integrity onthe issue of slavery and the rights of the black man in its untimely stages as agrowing republic. Abraham Lincoln was a brave start who dared to rub his handagainst the grain of slavery bringing the original ideals of Americas foundersto a new light. He was a man who felt he was witnessing a slow decay in thefoundation of the American principles. His views were not met with consentientapplause from the American people. He battled against an equally strongconstituency the slave owners and their presidential candidate, Judge Doug las.Abrahams grounds for the abolishment of slavery were based on the language thatwere scripted in the Declaration of Independence and the meaning of those wordsas they related to American citizens and the celebration of the 4th of July.Many Americans argued that the Negroes were not authorize to the same rightsbecause they were not legally citizens of the unite States of America. Thisissue was dealt with in the command of the Dredd Scott case. Lincoln points outthat the ruling of the case was based on diachronic fact that was wronglyassumed. Judge Taney, who presided over the case stated that "Negroes were nopart of the people who made, or for whom was made, the Declaration ofIndependence, or the Constitution of the United States." This statement waslater refuted by Judge Curtis who shows that "in five of the hence thirteenstatesfree negroes were voters, and, in proportion to their numbers, had thesame part in making the Constitution that the white people had.&q uot The fact thatNegroes were citizens who participated in the flesh of the Constitution gavethem the same freedoms as the white men who helped shape the American idealsclassifying the Negro as a "citizen."The strongest persuasion that Abraham could have possibly abandoned the Americanpeople were the words that the Declaration of Independence so potently spoke.Lincoln fully understood the phrase "all men were created ... ...ere among freestates. The mixing of the blood was occurring because the Negroes and whiteswere in forced contact. The elimination of an almost global fear was yetanother argument for the separation of the races. Although he was not a modern day civilized rights activist, Lincolnslogic eventually led to the abolition of slavery, tragically driving the nationinto a state of civil war. However, the American ideals which he embraced havemade their way into our modern societies standards leading to civil rightsprograms which a re incessantly being reformed. Immigrants, of all nationalitiesand colors now appearance to America as a symbol of great ideals. Abraham said moreprophetically than he could imagine that the American ideals of freedom shouldbe "constantly spreading and deepening its influence, and augmenting thehappiness and value of life to all peoples of all colors everywhere." As aresult of his push for the preservation of the American ideal of freedom,slavery no longer exists and is even considered unconstitutional on the groundsthat it is in direct contradiction with the conception that "all men are createdequal."
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