Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Twelve Angry Men presents the pessimistic view that all...
Twelve Angry Men presents the pessimistic view that all humans are flawed. Pessimistic- cynical, distrustful, negative, doubtful, suspicious, unenthusiastic Flawed- imperfections, weak, faulty, unlawful, inaccurate, fallacious, unfair Notes Weaknesses of the Jurors Foreman goes with the majority vote rather than independently forming his own judgement Juror 10 stereotypes all immigrants. Offensive remarks eventually lead to the other jurors turning their backs on him and he finally reflects enough to change Juror 3‘s relationship with his estranged son conflicts with the case and how he is intolerant to young kids (ageism) he also believes that a common way of handling conflict in his family has always been with physical†¦show more content†¦Juror 3 an emotionally distraught man who has not been in touch with his estranged son votes guilty based on biases to young children who have lack respect to their elders this is shown when he points out to Juror 2 â€Å"I’d think we’d be better off if we took these tough kids and slapped ‘em down before they make trouble†this enrage provokes a sense of dislike in the audience to Juror 3 as he believes that violence is the key to problem-solving. In relation to both jurors there is always seems to be tension amongst them when Juror 8 constantly reveals Juror 3’s weaknesses that is delaying them from reaching a final verdict. Rose uses these two jurors to shows how there is always one juror who will always bring out people’s imperfections. The act of being untruthful in a society may arise when most people present false statements. Although Juror 8 has convinced nine other jurors to see reasonable doubt they further discuss a witness in her forties â€Å"making a tremendous effort to look thirty-five for her first public appearance†and states that she lived in the opposite apartment from the accused and his father. Juror 9 who points out that â€Å"the woman who testified that she saw the killing had these same deep marks on the side of her nose†indicating that she wears eyeglasses and the statement in her testimony was inaccurate. This alters the three other jurors verdict of voting guilty as one witnesses testimony could of madeShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. 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