Friday, December 27, 2019
Social Forces And The Social Force - 1502 Words
Sociology thrives on social forces, as the functionalists would see it, they are the parts of the motor that make it run (Henslin et al. 17). Therefore, it is not only interesting to make an assessment on how they influence one’s personal life, it is important for a better understanding of the position of a person within society. The social forces that Koopman saw as the most influential in his life were the social class in which he grew up and the relationship he had with his parents (Koopman 1). Both social forces are broad forces that have different aspects and consequences, therefore this paper tries to highlight significant consequences and aspects that would explain the social forces and their complexity. This paper will show the†¦show more content†¦This brings together two of the social forces that Koopman used in his personal analysis, he explains how his social class and networks as well as his relationship with his parents have created his identity. He con tinues to explain that his father is from a upper-middle class climate that allowed Koopman to seek connections in that same social class (Koopman 2-3). Therefore, the idea that the network of one’s parents are having a heavy impact on the identity are evidently present in Koopman’s life. Furthermore, the expectations that parents have on their children are significantly related to the connections that the parents provide and their educational level. As Chunhua researched, the expectations of a university degree, or even a post-graduate degree, increase when the educational background of parents increase (Chunhua 574). As Koopman explains in his paper, across his connections there was a general expectation to end up at University, both his family as well as his friends fitted in that pattern (Koopman 2). Koopman laid out the relationship he has with his parents, though stable and supportive, he also names distant as an adjective to describe the relation with his parents. 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