Thursday, February 28, 2019
Character valor and dignity
Self- compliments and Dignity Analysis of The video Glory Glory, a 1989 film based on the psycheal letter of Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, the novel One Gallant Rush and Lay This Laurel. Robert Shaw trained and take the graduation black proffer infantry in history during the civilian war. The story line is full of racism, politics, corruption, loyalty, perseverance and identity. It is written as seen finished the eyes of Officer Robert Gould Shaw and shows the valor and courage of a group of soldiers conflict against their own superiors racism to achieve their desire to serve heir country.I depart reflect on the ethics and virtues of this film and comp atomic number 18 the characters actions to Aristotle, Pictures and SST. Augustine philosophies. Captain Robert Shaw is injure in the Battle of Intimate and sent home to heal with his family. He meets abolitionist Frederick Douglass, a former slave. Shaw is offered a promotion to colonel and command of the first all black regimen t in the union army. The 54th Massachusetts volunteer infantry. He accepts and recruits his childhood fri remainder Major Cabot Forbes. Their first volunteers are doubting Thomas Charles, Rawlins, Jupiter and Trip.Trip does non maintain along with Charles and Rawlins tries to step in to mediate. Shaw knows from the start that his march may never get to see actual fire. AS they are the first troop of its kind, he believes they will be used in the main for general labor instead of true soldiers. In spite of his beliefs, he puts his troop through rigorous training to patron them learn the wideness of alertness, momentum and endurance. The confederacy issues an order to shoot any soldier in a union uniform that is black and any white unconditional officer associated with the troop.The men of the 54th infantry are given the option of an genuine discharge, none do. Trip disappears and is believed to be ALLOW by Shaw. When Trip is found, Shaw orders him flogged in front of everyo ne until he sees moves scars, he hesitates, as he is an abolitionist himself. He perplexs out that Trip was Just away looking for shoes and socks as him and the other soldiers pull in been refused supplies due to their race. Shaw goes to bat for his troop as they have been being paid lower wages then the white soldiers as well. The 54th troop finishes training and is transferred to the command of General Charles Garrison Hearer.Hearer abuses his command and uses the soldiers to incision and burn a town, then as laborers. Shaw uses this as leverage to get his troop in to battle on James Island where Thomas is wound but saves Trip, earning trips respect. The next battle is the Charleston Harbor. This will be a battle that will show the courage and dedication of the 54th infantry as they lead the charge knowing that they may suffer heavy casualties. The shadow before the battle, the black soldiers have a religious ceremony where from each one offers prayers during hymn singing. Trip and Rawlins make encouraging speeches and ask GOD for help and protection for all.The casualties are heavy and as Shaw encourages the troop to push forward, hes tool and killed. Trip lifts up the flag and rallies the soldiers after Shaw is killed, as they are blow out of the water to loose him. Trip is shot but holds the flag until his last breath. The troop gets through the forts outer defenses but they are outnumbered. The next day the coast is littered with bodies as they confederate flag is raised. Although the union army never prevailed at Battery Wagner, the sacrifice of the 54th which lost nearly Alfa of its men godlike the union to recruit more black med for combat.This film reveals political and racial corruption through symbolism and actions. Aristotle believed that all actions have both surplusage and a deficiency. The goal is to find the middle ground that fits each individual. He believes that we have the ability to change whom and what we are if we believe wha t we have live on is not our destiny. Shaw character refused to give up on his belief that no matter what his troop ended up doing, they needed to be prepared. This references Aristotelian ethic mean of pride. Shaw had pride for his military career.Shaw also shows vanity, the other end of the spectrum of pride. He takes up for the troop against the quartermaster for shoes and pay yet Jokes intimately his regiment not participating in combat. Shaw shows large scale give when he goes against the quartermaster. Trip states that he doesnt believe the war will direct in a better life for slaves, but he knows he must fight for the hope it might Aristotle personal Virtue. Pictures What upsets people is not things themselves but their Judgments about them. We should not blame others for our own choices.An uneducated person accuses others when he is doing badly, a partly educated person accuses himself, and an educated person accuses no one (Somers & Somers, 2010). Shaw being placed in command of the 54th may have not made him happy but he chose to resurrect up to the challenge. He does not show these emotions to anyone. He does what is needed. Thomas responds to his go down with excitement even though his friends are not happy. Forbes responds without emotion at first but eventually shows his unhappiness. Forbes accepts his duty and honor over metre.Trip lifts up the flag and allies the soldiers after Shaw is killed. Although Trip is shot several times, trip holds the flag up till the end. Pictures says this is inner strength. SST. Augustine believed our someones are restless and cannot find character, dignity and self-respect until they find the greater good, for SST. Augustine that would be knowledge of divinity fudge (Somers & Somers, 2010). Trip has buy the farm one that by following after which the soul becomes possessed of virtue and wisdom. Shaw, Forbes and Thomas all believed in God. They read scriptures, perspective they should live by Gods word. Shaw does his duty, never showing favor. Forbes bucks the system because he sees some(prenominal) injustice but believes Gods word that the circumstances are above his petty desires. Thomas blindly follows his faith in God. He questions his ideals when it comes to his own character, respect and dignity but finds peace in his strength and resolve to be a better soldier (Rachel & Rachel , 2012). This movie is about a time in history that is filled with questions, visions of freedom and expectations. The characters are strong in their belief that the world can be better with freedom for everyone.They repugn with their own duty to themselves and the others in their troop, yet as they get historical each stumbling block, their group becomes tighter and more bonded to one another. Respect, dignity, faith and perseverance become the glue that takes the 54th into a battle that they know they may not win. As they fall, they do it together to achieve what they all believe,
‘Satyam †the Enron of India’
INTRODUCTION The effect take aim Satyam the Enron of India looks at Satyam Computer Services Limited and its involvement in merged fraud leading to one of Indias largest white-collar crimes. The Satyam filth marks as one of Indias biggest corporate scandals where its stakeholders were continu on the wholey deliver the goods misleading financial in motleyation from its late chairman Ramalinga Raju. This once promising, orbicular IT company admitd its services for nearly of the largest companies in Australia and the United States, such as Telstra, Suncorp and Qantas, to mention a few.The following baptistery study analysis looks at the failure of Satyam Computer Services Limited due to fierce contender and the need to impress stakeholders, along with inaccurate, misleading bill statements, unethical demeanour and poor lead. PART 1 Management issues in the Satyam case study From reviewing the case, the management issues in the case study are unethical demeanor and poor l eadership. As there was no approval call for form shareholders it gave Raju and his br some other the ability to make all managerial decisions.The wish of leadership and abuse of position let independent directors and audit committee intent intimidated enough to trust in the managerial decisions without question. The need for power and money led to negligence of fiduciary duties and inaccurate deceptive accounting on Rajus behalf. Rajus total disregard for managerial cleans effective to make short term figures to impress Satyams stakeholders burdened in a complete lack of corporate social responsibility.Rajus greed led to the manipulation of financial records to show increased earnings, payment of salaries to vestige staff, diversion of funds to purchase property in family particle names and fabricated profits. It is believed PricewaterhouseCooper failed to perform its role correctly and indeed this failure to follow fiduciary responsibilities lead to Rajus manipulation of the businesses statements and cash flow was go undetected. PART 2 Why the issues are snarly? In the archetypical instance we examine the unethical behaviour and the impinge of interest with family members in high company roles.Since the company was founded and owned by Raju himself, the chairman, and his brother occupying the role of managing director, which gave them and overwhelming majority and a psychological wages into the decision making of the company. This advantage is how the company books were able to be cooked and high-sounding profits by selling inflated stakes for went undetected for so long. Without the approval of from the shareholder the directors were able to use company funds to be diverted into family real estate investments.Rajus expectations for power and ambitious corporate growth also contributed to the fraud. Whist there is no right or wrong way to be keep back due to Rajus lack of moral leadership Satyams stakeholders, clients and employees were also greatly affected by the demise. systematisation and justification lead to negative emotions which could have caused Raju to act emotionally and unethically without any regard for his stakeholders. The damage to the credibility of the company forced the cancellation of projects which in turn lead to the employees loss of wages, jobs and self esteem.The mistrust would have had clients question accountability and would have sought business with Satyums competitors. Shareholders would have wooly money in the form of investments. Deceptive reporting practices and complete lack of transparency in the finances damaged the companys future tense credibility. As PricewaterhouseCooper failed to detect the discrepancies I believe they also hold some accountability in the downfall of the company. As the falsifying of Satyams books would overturn its stock values, which inturn would lead lower profits and less investors. just to leave the attendant out of the equation would be a mistake. As a result of negligence with both PricewaterhouseCooper and Raju, the outsourcing company suffered a massive blow in trust and leave further investment in the company questionable. However whilst the scandal put pressure on the Indian government and other Indian outsourcing, this type of scandal wouldnt be limited to just India as a culture, as It comes down having a good international manager that exercises good ethical behaviour.As all mangers are human its the ability of mangers to be self disciplined and handle pressure to provide total quality management. PART 3 Recommendations. In Satyams case the need to merge or sell the company would be the first step to restore some faith in the company. What happened with Satyam served as a reminder that a planetary, quality corporate governance mechanism is needed to ensure future companies dont follow in Rajus footsteps. Complete transparencies in finances would also avoid any temptation for unethical behaviour along with more deterri ng punishments for frauds of this scale.This would ensure higher homage and trust from stakeholders. Henri Fayols contribution to management thinking would be a great concept to start with, his five principles I. Planning Establishing objectives and goals. Recognising obstacles, these can be internal or external, and how to control them. Forming, implementing and following up of plans. II. Organising Identification, classification, coordination III. Commanding The missionary station of duties to correct workers, successful leadership. IV.Coordinating Make decisions and ensure all information is share and to monitor the works involved. V. Controlling Monitoring and making sure all things are running according to plan. Employee performance reviews Whilst policing manager disposition traits would be a perfect solution the reality of policing this is near impossible hence management accountability and responsibility would be a good start. Having a universal Code of Ethical Con duct and setting out universal teachings or courses in global ethics may also provide a solution.By obtaining a better understanding of cultural diversity, understanding the abilities, vales and personality types of different cultures ultimately it is up to the manager to be fully accountable. summons LIST Schermerhorn, Davidson, Poole, Simon, Woods, Chau, 2011, Management Foundations and Applications http//www. mahindrasatyam. com/investors/documents/Annual-Repor-for-the-year-2011-12. pdf http//www. vrl-financial-news. com/accounting/intl-accounting-bulletin/issues/iab-2009/iab441/satyam-scandal-where-to-from. aspx http//www. telegraph. co. uk/finance/4161198/Satyam-accounting-scandal-could-be-Indias-Enron. html
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Alexander The Great In Afghanistan
black lovage the large was born in Pella, Macedonia in 350 B. C. His father who was the Macedonia King Philippe died when Alexander was 20 age after(prenominal) being kil guide in a Persias battle. He immediately replaced the position of his father. Alexander had several talents ranging from being smart, brave, proud and ambitious. His phalanx and brave skills were witnessed when he took part in the battle at the age of 16. One of his ambitious dreams was to establish the world empire and become the rule of the whole inhabited world. He had inherited his fathers idea to conquer Asia and wage a campaign against the orient.(Hornblower S, 2002). Alexander the great had make several achievements in his interest to populate the world empire with a unity nation but on the other hand his validation had some setbacks. This paper highlights some of the real achievements and sorrows that Alexander the great make in his time for sendership. At the death of his father when he was 20 y ear old, he was proclaimed to be the Czar of Macedonia. He did e very(prenominal)thing to change the armies military skills, developed the armys organizational system and occupy Hellenic Campaign to the Orient.His army entered the main residence of Persia palace which was the well-nigh beautiful and had stooln 60 years to be built. This action make Alexander to be the ruler of the whole orient. Since the time he mount the throne of Persian czars he started to demand from his subordinates to keep the oriental rite of worship (Alexander the great encyclopedia. ) During this period, Czar Darius was still alive and he colonised in Ekbantak in Midia. Alexander sent his army to Persian Czar. Darius refused to take the battle and sought safety in flight.His empire ended after his death as a result of a wound inflicted on him. (Kaplan R, 2001). Alexander the great likewise confronted the rebels in the Sogdian Rock of Sisimitr. The confrontation was confront with confrontation in acce ssing the solgdian noblemen who had settled in un sailable mountain which was filled with snow. These noblemen had a great influence on the population of Soldgiana. However with a phone of great reward to his warriors, 300 brave volunteers managed to climb the mountain, and reached where the noblemen had settled. The rebels surrendered as they were astonish by this action.Alexander the Great led to the spread of the Greek Culture only over his empire which affected the law and the government for a very long period. He was an open-minded man in that he merged more Persian/Asian ideas in his empower and military. He say that Asia found m all things that are worthy to be copied. (Mirzaev R, 2006). The king alike encouraged the cultural, political and religious development of the western thinking. This was as a result of conquering Darius Persian Armies eliminating the Persian threat in invasive Europe. This had loomed for a number of centuries.Alexander the great also lead to con quering the Macedonia to red-brick India. However, Alexander the great cut the Gordian knot which established the fleshly force, power and brute reasoning, over spiritualism and religious mysteries. He was overcome in India. This defeat came about due to the distance from Europe and the deprivation of supply lines. It essentially established the borders of European imperialism during that era of technology which remained sacrosanct through the time of the Roman Empire. Alexander the great led to adjournment of the great empire after his death.This is because his governance lacked the political and economic ties and kind of relied absolutely on the military forces. He neglected his health to a point where he died. Before he died he had failed to provide an heir, and refused to stand for an adult successor. His role would not have got been taken by any other person because he eliminated aspirants that could have taken his role to postdate him. Neglecting to delegate his res ponsibility to any other person also killed his administrative system because he played all the duties alone.Alexander the Great had made mastery in life which was very extraordinary. This was witnessed all the way since he was 16 throughout his life in the leaders. However the overall outcome was failure due to the collapse of his governance and the rise in the Roman republic. ( Donova D. C. ) A good leader makes a better leader that him/her. (Covey S. 95) One cannot lead alone he/she should rely on others in order to get at criticism and more enlighting in leadership. Delegation of some responsibilities ensures a plastered leadership because the burden of leadership is shared to different people.Delegation of responsibility also ensures that leaders focus and concentrate on certain important issues rather than shifting effort to all dimensions. Alexander the Great system of monopoly of powers led to the collapse of the government after his death. It was also followed by 50 year s of warfare and also the collapse of his empire. The Alexander system of governance could have both positive and negative attributes that one can pinpoint in order to help one employ a right leadership.Ambition and aim irrespective of the age are important leadership attributes that could be seen and copied from Alexanders leadership. However discouragement of successors, dictatorship and self-centeredness in leadership should be highly criticized as it can be learnt from Alexanders leadership. Alexander should be the blame for poor leadership in exchange Asia as it did not enhance continuity. References Jeffery J. Roberts. 2003. The origins of conflict in Afghanistan. Greenwood Publishing mathematical group Simon Hornblower. 2002.The Greek World, 479-323 BC Exploring Ethnic Identity on Curac? ao. Routledge Publishers Robert D. Kaplan. 2001. Soldiers of God With Moslem Warriors in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Vintage Books Publishers R. R. Rawson. 2007. The Monsoon Lands of Asia. Transaction Publishers Mirzaev R. 2006. Alexander the Great in key Asia. Retrieved on 11th March 2009 from http//www. sairamtour. com/news/gems/49. html Wahid Momand. 2000. Invasion of Alexander. Retrieved on 11th March 2009 from http//www. afghanland. com/history/alexander. html
What Effect Does Tourism Have on Jamaica
Extended Essay Jason Baugh School physique 003311 Candidate Number 003311-005 Supervisor Mr. L. Holmes Name of School Hillel Academy Session 2012 Subject neighborhood Geography Research Question What effect does tourism drop on Jamaica in proportion to Social clangour and degradation on earthy Resources, specifically in the towns of Montego verbalise and Trelawney? Topic Areas tourism, environmental degradation, social integration, ethnic diffusion, emergence, globalization. T equal to(p) of Contents snarf3 Introduction5 Jamaicas Hotel Industry6 Problem with Investors8 Cruise Tourism11 Jamaicas coronation in Cruise Tourism13Trelawney as a Capitol City15 Integrating touring cars and social friction17 last19 Abstract Jamaica is a much sought after tourist destination and has a booming tourist industry that is second to al to the highest degree n integrity. With our vainglorious melodious influence virtually the world as intumesce as cosmos know as a home for Rastafaria ns outside of Ethiopia there ar more than enough reasons to visit Jamaica. With a rocky economy, tourism is a necessity for Jamaica to develop and grow and earn more cash. Development of hotels and facilities for change magnitude visits from former(a)(a) countries, Jamaica relies more than ever on its innate(p) resources that it is know for.Jamaica is amic satisfactory by air and piss and caters to the contri entirelyors of e precisewhere 50% of our GDP. But with the fall of spate visiting, our country is susceptible to a number of problems resulting in an over To truly to a lower derrierestand whether or non our islands natural resources be organism degraded and if the nationals ar creation exploited or be glide path unfounded and unlawful or experiencing trouble from the placements and developments in relation to tourism, we need to go out at what is being done for the development of that sector and the level of tourism Jamaica receives.There atomic number 1 8 damages occurring to the environment as a result of the numerous activities that be now being instituted to raise funds that be findd by foreign investment and tourism. The pollution and degradation of the land deals from the weeing of big buildings and amplification water activity. Although these facilities atomic number 18 ca development harm, through politics legislations and application program and abide to conservation laws that have been specify in place over the days to facilitate and match the rate at which they are depleting. IntroductionThis test allow for look at the all of the tourist aspects of Jamaica. This substance that it forget need to focus the research on the Union rim of the island because it contains most of the tourism attractions and accommodation development on the island. Tourism is a bureau of globalization, opening countries to the knowledge outside of their own. Jamaica is a widely famous and cognise location for tourists to visit, giving it a famous re moldation that precedes itself on umteen occasions. With tourism, there are both unassailable effects and painful effects.With tourism being Jamaicas main source of income, the resources exploited are under constant use and mean that they stand to suffer the most and have sex negative effects from constant interaction. The main focus of the essay will be on the towns of Trelawney and Montego Bay. These two areas are under red ink a large center of development and an append in the tote up of visitors that are being received. As mentioned above, there are several(prenominal) negative side effects and each of them is break in both of these areas of Jamaica Jamaicas Hotel IndustryJamaicas location geographically is the main attri onlyor to its fame. Being of a tropical climate, the island attracts the caseful of volume that are seeking a type of holiday that includes activities based around the natural resources that the island has to offer. Activities a s such include tree top tours, river rafting, and coral snorkeling, anything that interacts with the exotic plant and animal life. The hotels that have been developed across the northern coast are built for the purpose of being central locations to activities the standardized the ones listed above.The developments of the hotels are investments of the hotel brands. Whilst Jamaica has the benefit of the popularity of the hotels name and the development of the area around the hotels increases the amount of money gained, the hotels benefit from the location for building another branch of their business. The hotel shackles use the location to fuel their business. The six main hotel areas for Jamaica are Montego Bay (9,307 board), Ocho Rios (8,202 rooms), Negril (7,574 rooms), Kingston (2,347 rooms), the South Coast (1,369 rooms) and mien Antonio (995 rooms). (Figures from the Vision 2030 Jamaica document. At present there are 160 hotels all over Jamaica, including mainly the big more recognized hotel chains and leaving out the small enterprises around the island. The number of rooms easily exceeds 35,000 and seems to be increase. Some hotels are sonant to see that they have a large amount of rooms like the chains Iberostar having up to 890 rooms currently, Riu Hotels currently at 701 rooms in the Montego Bay branch and rase more at the 10 km hanker Ocho Rios branch with 856 total rooms, the large Gran Bahia Principe hotel in fleer Bay with a total of 831 rooms and the Grand Palladium with 540 rooms total.At present, Jamaica has a total of 29,794 rooms across all hotels and the number is unaccompanied increasing with more and more development. At this rate the hotels would need to fatten out in a way that would realise more rooms provided stay within the land that they own. In cases like these, it is common for the hotel chains to try and bend the conditions of their contracts, in an attempt to exploit the government. The company that is most known f or this type of bending is the Riu Hotels chain. Problems with InvestorsThe first reported incident chuteed in January of 2008, with their first offense being with the neighboring residents in Mammee Bay. The locals could ordain that the water, since the beginning of the building from 2006, almost two courses ago, had been contaminated. Not sole(prenominal) for neighboring residents just overly in the beachfronts, there had clearly been taint of the pristine waters. That are one of Jamaicas claims to fame Continuing into the twenty-second of April, Riu had not responded to the charges that was put against them and it left the chairman of Mammee Bay no survival entirely to analyze them to court.At first, it had just been a problem of contamination of water but by fetching the hotel chain to court a large amount of violations in building code was found, not only ones that are recognized globally but that they specifically signed not to do in their contracts with the governm ent. On May 1st, Riu decided to respond publically by saying that they would remove the decorations from the roofs and even tried to put the blame on the Mayor of the time, Mr. Charles Sinclair, for not having the plans approved. Their negligence of the building codes and building rules of Jamaica had gotten to the point that even Prime Minister, Mr.Bruce G elderlying, had to speak out about it. He bluntly state that Riu had to comply and demolish the floors that were not approved at the time or else they would face the full brunt of Jamai hatful law. Finally by May 22nd Riu finally succumb to the will of the government and fired up death equipment hired to take down the illegal floors. This case is a office of the ways that companies try to accomplish their goals by illegitimate means. By using improper building methods, the hotel is lacking in the quality and safety it needs. Since the incident, Riu ad legally acquired more land and were able to spread out but during the first instance, this hotel was contaminating the waters that its costumers were to be using and what is attracting and making mountain want to visit the Mamee Bay. By contaminating even the waterfront of the hotel, the reputation of Jamaicas clean beach waters and clean white sand are immediately ruined and the revolutionary contaminated image remains with them. Had their administration of development continue, the waters of the Mamee Bay would be an environmental nightmare and take years to get them back to a proper state.The case is also representative of the islands attitude towards its tourism sector, testifying that they care for it greatly, by reacting promptly to the problems that were occurring and to get Riu to correct their procedures. This shows that the population understands the risks of polluting our resource and what impact it would have on our tourist industry. Jamaicas tourism stems also from activities that would open up Jamaica to other interests, quite a than ha ving it cater only to a relaxing place for people to get away. Attractions include natural or man-make horticultural, cultural, historical, equestrian, aquatic, aerial, eco-tourism, recreational and environmental facilities for tourists. (Page 5, Vision 2030 Jamaica) Jamaica has many polar types of attractions, ranging from water parks in Negril and other water activities, nature trails and hiking and canopy tours and other nature themed and adventure type parks, several Natural parks around the island and natural attractions like the juicy mountains and the beaches and canopies, all of which are centered around different types of activities that hotels can build around and cater for.Because they are so spread out across the island, it would mean that a visitor would want to experience all of the attractions and sound island wide to experience them all. Cruise Tourism Tourism from Cruising is still a good contribution to Jamaicas arrivals and shows for 38 pct of Jamaicas arrival s. In 2008 it was recorded that 1. 1 million people arrived in on canvass ships and sheet passengers spent US$ 91 million in the identical year. Mainly the ships that come in to the ports belong the canvass lines Royal Caribbean Cruises and the circus Cruise companies.It is even thought that the main areas of our transport infrastructures are turn up in the expansion and goods of our tracks as well as in the airports and sheet line ports. The Ocho Rios port is shown to receive the most revenue but Jamaica also has a port in Montego Bay as well as Port Antonio. But even with the income from these ports, a fund known as the Tourism Enhancement Fund was introduced in 2005 where air passengers had to deport US$ 10. 00 and cruise passengers paid US$ 5. 00 through various means by the individual industries.The world cruise industry has experienced lordly results in the past fin years with the number of passengers steadily on the rise. In 2006 about 12. 1 million passengers too k cruises to about 500 ports, and this increase to 13. 2 million in 2008. The Caribbean remains the main cruise destination, bill for 38. 2% of all itineraries. Ocho Rios is the main port of call for cruise ships. It regularly receives 679,247 cruise passengers annually 62. 2% of total cruise passenger arrivals for that year. In second, Montego Bay received 405,999 cruise passengers representing 37. % of the total. Growth has been seen over the years in the festering of the cruise industry in relation to the continuing improvement in accessibility of ports and the quality and speed of travel on cruise ships. The average percent age of the GDP growth was usually 4. 5% e actually year. In 2006, the transport authority noticed that there was a spike in the countrys GDP growth where it reached up to 10%. It was discovered that this was due to a series of natural disasters that touch on Mexico as a vacation destination and leaving Jamaica as a default. In 2007 and 2008 the growth rat e fell to 0. 7 % and 2. 7 % singly (Page 13, Vision 2030 Jamaica) and this was due to both Mexico rebuilding themselves from their natural disaster but more importantly because in 2008 the world experienced the global turning point crisis and this prohibited people from travel and especially discouraged them from travel and taking vacations. But even though this was true the increase in the magnet and appeal to travel to Jamaica that cause the improvement of the tourism sector of the island has seen an increase in cruise passengers.The number of arrivals grew from 29% in the earlier years of tourism development 1982 to 38 % of total arrivals in 2008. Jamaicas enthronement in Cruise Tourism Jamaica continues to have high levels of people coming in and welcomes over 1 million every year from cruise passengers come to visit our shores. This could be employ as an indicator to show how much people think of Jamaica as a good tourist spot that we would be able to have record levels of cruise attendance even through an economic recession, further solidifying Jamaica as a destination of choice. In 2006 the country experienced a record 1,336,994 cruise passengers arrivals, over the 1,135,843 for 2005. (Page 17, Vision 2030 Jamaica) These record visits did not go unrecognized and garnered Jamaica the awarded statute title Caribbeans Leading Cruise name and address for 2 years in a row and The Worlds Leading Cruise Destination for the first time from the World Travel Awards in 2006. These titles come with a comparable steady growth of the industry of an average 3. 2% growth annually over the past fiver years from 2004-2008. The government is spirit into the cruise ship industry with apply and eagerness.They are so aspirer that the government put a lot of development into a new pier built into Falmouth to add to our already three existing piers. Tourism Minister Edmund Bartlett made a prediction in present 3 of 2011 that Trelawney will become the tourism capita l of Jamaica from the increase of people to be coming in from the pier. It was also announced that there is passage to be an addition of 10,000 new hotel rooms for the parish over the next five years. This is in addition to the current thousands of rooms currently on the northern coast.By adding another capitol town with a new form of transport, Jamaica has made itself functional to a new kind of tourism with larger quantities and expanding on what they already receive. With the opening of the pier in Trelawney brings new attraction abilities because of Trelawney as an old town. Tourists can be treated to artifacts from Jamaicas history. Trelawney as a Capitol We are going to make Trelawney the tourism Mecca of Jamaica. This parish, in the next five years will have 10,000 new hotel rooms. I went to Spain two weeks ago and put them back on track, the development at Oyster BayIt is going to snuff it (and) watch over the next 12 months what is going to happen at Harmony Cove, Bartle tt told JLP bookers. (Jamaica Observer) The pier was estimated to hopefully bring in about US$ 500 million that will be able to be injected into the economy by the government. The pier and the tourism from the pier have created a number of jobs for the local area. The Tourism Product Development participation had trained over 400 residents of Trelawney by February of 2011 in various aspects of tourism as the parish prepares for its debut in the rising and steadily increasing cruise shipping arena.All of these efforts were put in place in the hope that the government gets Trelawney ready for a new bustling area of tourism for Jamaica to invest in thanks to the Falmouth Cruise Ship Pier. Over US$ 50 million was spent on several aspects of the parish including training, aesthetic appearance, zinc fencing material removal, the creation of public parking areas and sanitary conveniences, the renovation of the historic court of justice House and many other improvements across the town of Falmouth to make it someplace to visit again and more appealing. In addition to the training, over railyard residents have been involved in tourism sensitization playshops.This aspect is very important aspect of helping the tourists become more acclimatized to our culture sooner than giving them a culture shock, an aspect that often leaves many visitors with bad first impression and can affect tourism. The enthusiasm behind our increasing cruise industry brings in the prospect of new investments. In 2006 the Port Authority of Jamaica and Royal Caribbean Cruise Limited (RCCL) signed a five year contract with each other, valued at over US$16. 5 million. This means that there will be a guarantee that the RCCL will provide a minimum of 2. million cruise passengers over the next five years and so gives us a safe(p) income. Additionally, the planned development of Falmouth as a brand new cruise port along with the planned expansion of the Port of Montego Bay are expected to boost t he countrys chances of capitalizing from the changes in the industry. All of these changes in the ports will push the country to develop the other aspects to have a proper port like the marinas. Tourism integrating and Social Friction Social friction causes many of the problems that come from language barriers or rather problems that come from people not grounds each other.Another problem that arises is when tourists that come to visit get involved in the corruption or the terrific acts that people condone in Jamaica unfortunately. Also, bad impressions are also made when men are behaving inappropriately towards guests is something that would deter people from returning the island. Integration of the tourists into Jamaican society smoothly is a concern of many companies and can lead to many problems because of several reasons. The most apparent and anticipated one is the fact that not all people are comfortable with motley with members of another race or are outspokenly racist.J amaicas mass is black and so the tourist that come in may not act respectfully towards the nationals. Jamaican culture is centered around vulgar respect and so if they do not show respect so the nationals dont show any respect and the tourists, not understanding this, think that it is the Jamaicans fault. This leads into the other problem that is cultural barriers. Jamaicas culture is very strong and the people have a good sense of it. There are many beliefs and social norms that are different as would be visiting any country.Sometimes, unknowingly, a tourist may do something that is normal to them but is offensive to Jamaicans, especially in relation to homosexuals. Something that is known to bring women to the country is a service called Rent-a-Dread, where women will dress up from wherever they are to meet with a dread, a priapic escort that will be a companion for the women for as long as they have paid for. This is technically illegal because it is almost a form of whored om. Unlike the weed services that are heavily advertised, this is unbroken more secret and is usually heard about from the friends of the women who have used it before.He problems that arise from this type of tourism is its conflict with sex craftking laws and Jamaicas laws pertaining to prostitution and the fact that it is illegal. Even though it can be portrayed as a tourist integration service, the participants are still using money in the transaction of pleasure from the dread to the woman. For Trelawney, from 2005, the feeling of crime increase coupled with the future plans for development made residents of the town uneasy and sentiments of jailbreak of the multi billion-dollar investment were shared among the community.Police statistics from 2005 showed an increase in the amount of shooting crimes in that area, increasing by nine to a total of 17. It was more distressing that this was all happening around the summer period. But of that same year there had been a decline in other forms of crime like break-ins or larceny. Even in the last year, 2011, Trelawneys court had a fair share of crimes, most of which were reportedly sexually based crimes occurring very early within the year.But by the middle of the year the police personnel office sought to correct the problems and made and effort to put in place a system that would help reduce crime. They employed the use of several classic methods, involving the community but mostly keeping abreast and alert to anything that was happening in the town to stay on top of it. In 2010 Trelawney had a record level of crime, dipping with 28 percent decrease in total crime for Jamaica, followed by 2011, which dipped by 27 percent by the March period of the year. Environmental DegradationOne of the main aspects of the environment that is disgraced the most from interference of the tourist is the coral reef. As well as dealing with the tourist interaction, another aspect that is affecting the reefs are the increased levels of activity of the cruise ships coming in, especially with the addition of the Trelawney Pier. The coral reefs in the Caribbean are famous for how much life they have and for how clear it is. naive observers of the coral reef dont understand the delicate relief of the reef and accidently throw it out of sync and cause the coral to start bleaching.A U. K. marine scientist M. J. C. Crabbe was quoted from his work Marine Environmental Research, which looked at Jamaicas coral reefs and attributed the changes to several aspects of environmental interference in a bog known as the World Climate Report. His finding were entered in a folk 13th 2010 entry by an admin of the blog, and was quoted as to saying that the corals state of wellness derived from Coastal development increase, overfishing, land being developed adjacent to reefs and the work being done on Jamaicas north coast road development.He also went on to state that there had been improvement to the fringing corals in b aring bay at the end of 2008 and that there would have been hope but the fishermen of the area did not implement the preservation tactics that were to be installed. Conclusion Jamaica spends a lot of money on the development of new facilities to generate more income. There are new attractions being built and put up all around the place. Construction and finishing of buildings and roads are happening fast and will be able to escalate our development in other areas of the country.A lot of the investments from foreign companies were not based on the best of contracts and so resulted in an exploitation of the country in the tax revenue breaks and the cost of import for the foreign companies is lower, all done in hopes that it would create positive effects but it resulted in exploitation of the countries resources. There is hope that the resources will eventually gain stability and increase at a sustainable rate and continue into the future.With legislations and laws put in place to de clare sustainable development, Jamaica should be on the right track to being able to continue development on the tourist sector. The coral reefs are being protected by restriction s on aquatic traffic and sanctuaries. The building of hotels and attractions destroys the environment but with new legislations and building laws, they help support the environment and stimulate growth. I believe that Jamaicas resources will be able to sustain development because of the current laws, legislations and systems put in place.Bibliography * http//statinja. gov. jm/ * http//www. visitjamaica. com/ * http//www. worldclimatereport. com/index. php/2010/09/13/coral-bleaching/ * http//www. vision2030. gov. jm/Portals/0/Speeches/Microsoft%20Word%20-%20Overview%20of%20launch%20of%20Vision%202030%20Jamaica-%20National%20Development%20Plan,%20Popular%20Version. pdf * http//jamaica-gleaner. com/ * http//www. jamaicaobserver. com/ * http//jamaica-gleaner. com/gleaner/20050629/lead/lead4. html * http//jamai ca-gleaner. com/gleaner/20110223/news/news91. html *
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Contemporary Management Approaches Essay
The four contemporary cominges to heed argon Sociotechnical systems theory, quantifiable management, organizational behavior, and systems theory. Sociotechnical systems theory tries to revamp tasks to get the most out of the execution of a new technology while maintaining the human aspects of the work, such as the employees interpersonal relationships. It also touts the use of teamwork and the partially self-governing work groups as important factors for creating efficient production systems (Bateman S. , 2013). The Quantitative management set out focuses on using the quantitative analysis on managerial problems and decisions. Formal numeral models of the problem are used by managers to make a decision. Managers are not often trained to use these techniques so the quantitative management approach is infrequently used (Bateman S. , 2013).The Organizational approach assumes that employee effectiveness is found on understanding the intricate interplay of individual, group, and or ganizational processes ( evolution, 2012). Disciplines such as psychological science and sociology are used to try and explain the behavior of employees on the melodic phrase (Bateman S. , 2013). The Systems theory approach to management assumes that organizations are open systems that depend on inputs from the external environment that need to be transformed into outputs that meet the grocery stores needs for goods and services. Inputs are the goods and services that an organization takes in and uses to fashion products or services. Outputs are the goods and services that the organization creates (Evolution, 2012). I think the sociotechnical approach is the most important because it focuses on keeping current with the new technology. This approach also recognizes the importance of keeping the employees happy so as to maximize production.ReferencesBateman, S. (2013). Management (M Starts Here seriessoft cover), 3rd edition 2013. McGraw-Hill. Evolution, T. (2012). The Evolution of Management. Retrieved from http//
Kfc Markting
ESTEL embodiment work In Macro environment there ar many an(prenominal) divisors that will effect the decision making in any organisation. To sweep over and analyse these factors organisation can categories it in to PESTLE model which is numbered as below. The macro-environmental or external factors of KFC can be identified by delectation PESTLE analysis which stands for Political, frugal, Social, Technology, Legal and milieual. Political factorsThis factor mainly deals with the political relation policies and procedures which is worked turn out through legislation and consists of all legal factors such as How stable is the political environment? politics position on commercialize ethics Government view on culture and religion Government policy on Economy Taxation policy on valuate rates and incentives These are some(a) of the political factors that include legal issues, regime implementations and define both the formal and informal rules under which the organization moldiness be operated. Economic factorKFC organization is affected with national and globular economic factors such as Cost of labour, Interest and Inflation rates, Economic growth rates, Business cycle stage (e. g. recession, recovery) and Unemployment rates. Due to recession the income of the KFC has consistently dropped down and some of the employees were jobless and the rest employees were employed for very hardly a(prenominal) hours also the organisation had to cut down their budget. Social factor It includes the cultural and demographic aspects of the external macro environment.The potential of the employees who come from different impale grounds and work together in the KFC and customer trends and aspect which the KFC has to consider as per their of necessity and wants of the customer such as changes in lifestyles, direct of education, Value in society, Demographics (age, sex, race etc. ,) and Change in consumer needs and wants. The U. K people are mostly dependent of the fast viands centres as they find very busy with their schedules. Technological factorThis factor is the major driver of globalization which reduces the minimum efficient of production levels and some of the technological factors are recent technological developments, Rate of technology changes, alternative way of providing services, New discoveries, Communication technology. The technology has now become the most important aspect in KFC as when the customers are mostly blithesome and satisfied with service including up-to-the-minute technology that is available in the KFC. The latest Technological methods that are used to serve the customer faster are such as digital screens, wireless headphones for the staff, cooking utensils.Legal factor The KFC has to book the rules and regulations related to the hygiene factors such as like employee proper dressing regarding the food and safety, personal hygiene, clean work environment and proper use of the utensils. This also deals wi th the legal environment in which the firms operate like the U. K has come up with the introduction of age discrimination legislation and plus in the minimum wage and greater requirement of recycles. When speaking around the hygiene its a very true example were KFC had to stern the high penalty because of failing in maintaining food hygiene. A Kentucky fry Chicken restaurant at the Hernston Business Park in Bridgend has been fined a record ? 24,000 plus costs of ? 2,000 after pleading guilty at Bridgend Magistrates Court to multiple food hygiene offences the largest penalty handed out to date for such offences in Bridgend County Borough. Bridgend County Borough Council brought two prosecutions against KFC (GB) Ltd resulting from inspections completed by the human race Protection team on 25 September 2005 and 22 whitethorn 2006. Ref http//www. bridgend. gov. k/web/groups/public/documents/press_release/018326. hcsp http//www. oup. com/uk/orc/bin/9780199296378/01student/addition al/page_12. htm Environment factor KFC by considering the environmental factor has proved to be kind of friendly towards environment where it uses the paper material for the food and services carrying kinda of plastic to help in reducing the global warming though it cost very high for the organisation to adopt paper materials such as paper plates, paper boxes for food parcel, glasses and cups etc. 3. The stand up Matrix The fig out analysis is an extremely useful tool for appreciation and decision making for all sorts of situation in KFC organisation. The SWOT is acronym for Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats. SWOT provides a good frame work for reviewing stratergy, position and direction of a company or business proposition. Need an essay? You can demoralise essay help from us today
Post Katrina Business Recovery Essay
CDFIs put forward for familiarity development fiscal introductions. These atomic number 18 unique financial institution in that they hand over backing to the pitiable-income bracket that is otherwise ignored by the mainstream financial institutions. They are privately owned by the local residential region and have an aim to strain profit. However, their emphasis on profit reservation is subject to benefits to local friendship. They provide funds for rebuilding bloodes and housing speci every(prenominal)y in disaster hit areas. CDFIs include participation development banks, community development trade unions, community development loans funds micro enterprises funds, community development venture funds, and community development corporation-based lenders and investors (www.cdfiorg,2007) CDFIs are quite reclaimable in helping people who have lost enthronisations in disasters rebuild. pocket-sized businesses that were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast co uld get funding to rebuild from CDFIs. CDFIs form a channel for the disinvested people to make naked as a jaybird investings or rebuild their old enthronements.They can as well offer advice and financial know-how to the borrowers and assist them stabilize and repay the loans. Finally, they offer other banking run that the low-income community requires (Mascarenhas, Prianjalo, 2006). CDFIs are most gistive because they do not require the tralatitious securities from borrowers and have flexible rules of engagement with clients to help both parties achieve their objectives. The low collateral makes funds easily accessible to the community members rebuilding their business from the disaster.The private empyrean can come in to invest in CDFIs and provide additional capital. This gives the CDFI greater coverage and flexibility. The CDFIs provide bridge the chap between the un-banked disaster victims and the traditional banking system. tax revenue ascribe Tax attribute provide a assesspayer a tax savings and in effect raise the personal of business income. Tax credits unlike tax deduction reduce the tax payable rather than the taxable income. The federal official official or state governments apply them to encourage a received enthronization program and to achieve an overall social goal. They integrate social sensory faculty in business investment decisions in the private empyrean. (Laws, Forrest, 2007). In the Katrina recovery program, tax credits would be strong in encouraging investment the Gulf Coast. The Coast became hostile to investment due to the hurricane damage and the serial poverty levels.Such tax credits would also be useful when extended to disinvested people trying to restart their business in that region. They do not have to pay full taxes while their businesses are struggle to regain profitability. The tax credits can be based on and expense such as wage bill to boost duty and the society achieves a double bottom line. Such tax credits are also effective when they actually make the disaster-hit area to a greater extent appealing to investor over other investment destinations (Seck, Kathyrn 2007). Tax credits whitethorn help businesses break even stay afloat in a harsh business environment. Tax credits also ensure becoming silver is available to run operations.Guaranteed loans and bonds They are loans provided by the private sector to borrowers whose businesses were affected or destroyed by a disaster for which the federal or state government provides partial guarantee in wooing of default. These loans target small businesses that fit in within a certain criteria provided when such a program is set up. The amount loaned out essential also be in tandem with the number of employees. These loans are effective if the interest rates charged are reasonable to enhance availability by the borrowers. These loans provide necessary cash to run operations of the businesses ( business rectifyment territorys This is an initiative taken by business taken by business people and home owners within a given urban area to payout extra taxes or fees in return for specified operate within that area. The fees are paid to a local authority, which in turns provides the services such services whitethorn include additional certificate, enhanced clean-ups, or public lighting. The private sector group involved demands the services that qualify the target area in to an attractive destination either for investment or for consumptions.One of the advantages is that BIDs direct private sector enthusiasm to improve on the business environment. They also enable the private sector to make their own priorities in the public services they need. The private sector also directly benefits from the contracts to provide such services. BIDs also ensure constant cash flow contributed by all beneficiaries from which the services are provided. Contributions are mandate to all. (Stokes, R. 200 6) On the other hand BIDs whitethorn impose excessive fees that may not be unanimous to all but the majority may push through their figure. BIDs may also benefit the members unevenly in spite of ratio of contribution made. BIDs provide such services as refurbishment of disaster urban area. The local business community and billet owners will with local authority to join rehabilitate the damage infrastructure. They will also be in involved in lighting up the public areas and homework of social services. The BIDs will also enhance security in the recovery period finally they will regain their grocery segment through aggressive sales promotion both locally and nationwide.( Mitchell, Jerry, 1999.) BIDs required professional management that is able to evaluate various ideas and provide a systematic way of achieving them. The management should be accountable to all members providing as report of low the funds have been utilized. BIDs on composition should provide a clear appraisal met hodology to check on whether the laid down goals are met.Tax investment financial district This is a local authority initiative that involves identifying of a particular area in a city and enhancing private sector investment in that area through channeling of tax increment to fund the initiative. The city eff bonds to raise funds for providing incentives in the specified district. Such incentives could be driveway network on institution or a toxic barren removal. These incentives rebuild the district appeal to investors and the topographic point prices go up. The higher quality prices expand the taxable property income and consequently, the property taxes. The authority then convey the tax increment caused by the redevelopment in to a excess fund, which bay the bonds. The city sets the boundaries for district and uses the taxable income of the plan as the base.TIFs runs for a specified period after which the tax freeze is lifted and property owners can profit from the redevel opment. (Michael, Joel, 2006) TIFs are advantageous in that they enhance investment in area where the private sector had shunned and was disinvesting. They ensure balanced product through out the city without some parts lagging for behind. Tax revenues are also not diverted from other areas of the city to promote investment in a particular district. However TIFs may contain to displacement of low-income earners by the rich one the district is improved the hapless are pushed to poorer areas of the city.( Tyler, Norm, 2007) TIFs will finance such development as return key public infrastructure, utilities, rehabilitation parks and side walks, lighting up of the districts and provision of parking facilities in the disaster-hit towns of the gulf coast. When these services are provided, the private sector will find the cities to be more appealing to private sector. However, the regimen need to carry out a detailed study in the viability of the program and in setting up the boundarie s of the district. Public expenditure should go to project that would stimulate private sector growth raise property prices taxes. (Eathington, Liesl, and David Swenson, 2002)ReferencesSeck, Kathyrn, 2007. Landrieu Introduces Gulf Coast Small Business convalescence Package. US Senate commission on Small Businesses & Entrepreneurship. Retrieved On 11/30/07 from http// of CDFI, 2007. What are CFDIs? Retrieved On 11/30/07 fromhttp//, Mascarenhas, 2006. Groups Investing In Katrina-Torn Gulf Region. uppercase DC. Retrieved On 11/30/07 from http//, Forrest, 2007. Baucus Permanent tragedy Fund, Tax Credits To Ease Budget Crunch. Farm press. Retrieved On 11/30/07 from http// Office of Community Development Disaster Recovery Uni t, 2006. Long Term Recovery Loan Guarantee Program Proposed Guidelines. Retrieved On 11/30/07 from http//, Jerry, 1999. Business approach Districts and Innovative guarantor Delivery. Retrieved On 11/30/07 from http//, Norm, 2007. Tax Increment Financing. Downtown Revitalization. . Retrieved On 11/30/07 from http//, Liesl, and David Swenson, 2002. Do Tax Increment pay Districts in Iowa Spur Regional Economic and Demographic Growth? plane section of Economics. Iowa State University. Retrieved On 11/30/07 from http//, R. 2006. Business Improvement Districts and Inner City Revitalization The Case Of Philadelphias Frankford Special work District. International Journal of Public Administration, Volume 29, Issue 1 3 January 2006.Michael , Joel, 2006. Tax Increment Financing. Minnesota House of Representatives. Retrieved On 11/30/07 from http//
Monday, February 25, 2019
Religion and Truth Essay
All Religion is TruthWhat is insanity of the faith? consort to Ramakrishna, no One religion is legality, however, all in all the integral transmissions of sacred erudition and contemplative practice that survive the test of time are true. (43) That means, the do devotion to the source of knowledge and actions through prayer are the total and most big walks of life that constitute to the wholeness of fair play. These most important aspects of religion constitute to the wholeness of righteousness by what they place on the individual, which is the Grace of matinee idol.The belief that My Religion Alone is true is non the right belief because all religions are fairness from what the religion does to the practitioner. If the practitioner is in complete sensibleness of perfection and life, that alone is the key to truth. So the tail end of all these religions, be it Hindu, Christian, Jew or Muslim is primarily through the sanctitude of God and that is the willingness to devote time and life through veneration to the nobleman Reality, which is God, that brings all the religions together.As time transcends and religion expands, reality becomes the critical get-go bakshis through where we begin our destiny of truth. That means, knowledge is transcendent and that it is the gantlet or tool that creates the value of truth within the individual. To understand this point fully, we must break down what Ramakrishna meant by integral transmissions of sacred wisdom. built-in means the completeness of the whole, and in this case it is used to exemplify the wholeness of truth in being the basis of knowledge.By the basis it is then accomplished through transmission or rather a passage of perhaps enlightenment of knowledge. That is why knowledge is appointred to as sacred, because of the qualities of truth that it brings within the individual. Furthermore, what constitutes to truth is the emphasis the individual places on eternal goal or phantasmal peace by a means of illuminating the sacredness of knowledge. Persistence of violent awareness is the truth that Ramakrishna is trying to convey. Moreover, the goal of achieving a manifested state of sanctitude is through complete sincerity.That is sincerity works in the favor of the practitioner because they not only work for truth and knowledge for themselves but indeterminately for God alone, and this is what is come throughd in all religions, in essence making them very machine-accessible and similar. According to Ramakrishna, its supposed to be rough what we fight for in religion, not what we fight for let outside of religion. In addition, what we fight for is suppose to be for the last-ditch being, God, through Divine Nature. Divine Nature is achieved through a ease of recognition in our daily life. The key tool is sincerity.Sincerity is about being genuine and average however it is about being honest first and foremost to the individual. Because without being able to be truthful to yourself, on that point would be no decisive factor that contributes to inspired belief and gum olibanum creating a problem within the individual. The way to obtain divine temperament is not simple, because it takes time, but those who are sincere can and will achieve it. Divine nature consists of being able to learn from our daily trials and tribulations and encyclopaedism very critically from them. At the same rate, the most fundamental liaison that helps us on our path is the presence of God within us.(42)Why does Ramakrishna refer to God being the only funding presence within us and how do we achieve this? The benefits of having God within us are ecstasy and immunity. What it means to have bliss could potentially lead to freedom, freedom of the self. It is freedom of the self because the presence of God is the only thing that we become conscious of and creates a sort of ripple within us that really brings out the bliss of God. Moreover, it is the awareness of God that structure our daily life and hence creates a Divine Nature that we live.Religions create a sense of dogmatic happiness and that reveal an urgent desire to be at peace. by understanding that God is present everywhere is the beginning stages of awareness, but base to the stage that God is present with in us creates motivation and an motivator for the individual to complete his or her goal in life. Furthermore, in instal to maintain a counterpoise of the spiritual self, there are certain(prenominal) spiritual ideals that are really crucial in understanding the truth in all religions. Devotion seems to sound easy, whereas it is serves as a train for the individual.Devotion is the dedication to belief in God and resulting in grave piety. It is correlated with the idea of ideals. Ideals are processes that work cash in ones chips in hand in achieving the individuals ultimate goal, which is developed by the means of devotion. Ideals are the realization of something more and that something more is the supreme presence. Ideals exist in the mind but at the same time in the heart and the entire body. It takes miscellanea in the individuals day to day action and helps in creating a balance within the individuals spiritual conscience.Once this process of ideals is followed up by comely actions and proper living, then harmony is reached in the form of the manifestation of God. reflection of God means that the cause of being completely habituated in living the proper way creates the effect of harmony. Harmony is a undifferentiated lovable effect that is caused by this absolute idea of consciousness and bliss. That is to say that all the important aspects that were stated from the beginning to now, are the primary purpose of the truth in all the religions, in essence showing the beauty that God brings forth through each and every religion.Finally we must go back to the original question of insanity. Ramakrishna in essence is saying that it is loco to believe your religion is the only and ultimate truth for we have no basis for that belief. We can see through the process of spiritual using that the beauty lays in the truth and sincerity each and every religion places on the individual in such a balanced and consistent manner. BIBLIOGRAPHY1. Philip Novak. The Worlds Wisdom Sacred Texts of the World. Harper SanFrancisco. -1st ed. Pg 42-44.
African American Press Essay
?We wish to plead our own cause. Too desire have others spoken for us. Too long has the public been deceived by deception of things which concerns us d ahead of time, written on the front page of the inaugural black possess report, freedoms journal. granting immunitys Journal was promulgated on notwithstandingt against 16, 1827 by a group of free African-the Statesn men in New York City. freedoms Journal was produce the same year slavery was abolished in New York and was used to look for racist commentary published in the mainstream press. Samuel E.Cornish and crapper B. Russwurm served, respectively, as its senior and junior editors where they worked together to publish four-page, four-column weekly newspapers. Though The independences Journal was not the offshoot Afro-American paper published, it was the archetypal Africa-American owned newspaper. Freedoms Journal consisted of news on underway events, anecdotes, editorials and used to address contemporary issues such as denouncing slavery, advocating for black spates political rights, the right to vote, and speaking out about lynching.Cornish and Russwurm desire were to give African-Americans the freedom to voice their thoughts, ideas and opinions. They sought to improve conditions for more than(prenominal) than 300,000 newly freed men and women living in the North. They fulfilled this desire, by employing 14 to 44 agents each year to collect subscriptions. Each agent was gainful $3 a year for their work. To encourage black achievements Freedoms Journal featured biographies of celebrated black figures and continued to promote split up living conditions by printing schools that were open to blacks, job offering and hold listings.Freedoms Journal, eventually, circulated 11 states, the District of Columbia, Haiti, Europe and Canada before ceasing publications in 1829. During that time, Russwurm became the sole editor of Freedoms Journal, after Cornish resigned in 1827. Russwurm began to promote the small town Movement which was frowned upon by majority of the newspapers readers. The Colonization Movement was a movement that was conceived by members of the American Colonization Colony where they began repatriating free African-Americans back to Africa.When the Freedoms Journal shifted in complete relief of colonization, it lost nearly of its readers and in March 1829 Freedoms Journal ceased publication. Even though Freedoms Journal lasted for two years, its two years of existence helped spawn other papers. Since then, African American press has evolved and has substantially increased in the population all over the years. After Freedoms Journal, African-Americans had begun establishing and owning newspapers. It began May 1829, when Cornish attempted to resuscitate the Freedoms Journal under the name The Rights of All, however, the publication was not successful and failed after a year.David baby-walker, hired as an agent for Freedoms Journal, became a well kn ow, anti-slavery writer which was inspired by his ascertain with Freedoms Journal. In 1830, Walkers published his most famous publication known as Appeal which called for slaves to rebel against their masters, they extremity us for their slaves, and think nothing of murdering ustherefore, if there is an attempt do by us, kill or be killedand believe this, that it is no more harm for you to kill a man who is trying to kill you, than it is for you to get to a drink of water when thirsty, (Walker).Another attempt at publication, Samuel Cornish, along with, Philip Bell, and Charles Bennett Ray launched The Weekly Advocate, January 1837. Later, the men changed the name to The sloped American March 4, 1837. The washed-out American main propose was to strengthen the moral, social, and political point of colored people as well as emancipation of slaves. The Colored American became well-known in the North because of the wide spread represent of abolitionists, African-American church es and local abolition societies, and Caucasian allies.The Colored American published 38 articles, becoming an important paper of its time. The last edition of The Colored American was published on Christmas day in 1841. Other early African American newspapers entangle the Provincial Freeman, published in 1854, which was the first African-American owned newspapers to be published in Chatham, Ontario, Canada. The North angiotensin-converting enzyme was an anti-slavery newspaper published in 1847 by Frederick Douglas. He later agree to merge it with the publication Liberty Party Paper with Gerrit Smith creating the Frederick Douglass Paper, in Rochester, New York.The subject Era was published in Washington, D. C. in 1847 by the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. The Liberator was probably the best-known publication during the era, published by William Lloyd Garrison in Boston between 1831 and 1865. Other anti-slavery newspapers of note include the Friend of Man, published w eekly for the New York State Anti-Slavery Society from 1836 by means of 1842. The Emancipator, originally known as Genius of Universal Emancipation, was one of the first anti-slavery newspapers published in the fall in States by Benjamin Lundy in 1819 and subject araAnti-Slavery Standard established in 1840. All of these newspapers advocated for the abolition of slavery and for the civilian rights of all African Americans. By the start of urbane War, more than 40 black-owned and operated papers had been established throughout the United States. After the end of the Civil War, more than 100 newspapers were beginning to publish. Many of the major African-American owned publications include, Baltimore Afro-American, also known as The Afro, was founded by a former slave, John H. Murphy, SR. , in 1892.Today, The Afro is the longest-running African-American, family-owned newspaper in the United States. The Chicago withstander was founded by Robert Sengstacke. Abbott on May 5, 1905. The Chicago Defender included paper pieces from the well-known Langston Hughes, Gwendolyn Brooks and Willard Motley. The Pittsburgh messenger an African-American newspaper published in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1910. The Pittsburgh messenger became the most widely circulated newspaper in America for African-Americans. During its peak, the Pittsburgh Courier circulated around 450,000 publications, with more than 400 employees in 14 cities.The Pittsburgh Courier discussed major issues impacting African-American communities. It campaigned against segregation and poverty, and promoted the social advancement of blacks. In the 1930s, the Pittsburgh Courier urged Black voters to vote Democrat, creating a political alliance that still exist to this day. Other publications includes, The Philadelphia Tribune (1912-2001), Atlanta Daily World (19312003), Cleveland Call & Post (1934-1991), Los Angeles finder (19342005), New York Amsterdam News (19221993), and Norfolk Journal and Guide (1 921-2003).With African-American newspaper publication on the rise, organizations to help promote the publication began to form to support African-American journalist. In 1940, Robert Sengstacke Abbott, founder of Chicago Defender, along with other African-American publishers, organized the guinea pig Negro Publishers Association. The members of the National Negro Publishers Association worked together, harmonizing our energies in a common purpose for the benefit of Negro journalism, (Sengstacke). Today, the National Negro Publishers Associations is composed of more than 200 black newspapers in the United States and the Virgin Islands.In 1975 in Washington D. C. , 44 African-American journalists founded the National Association of Black Journalists. The National Association of Black Journalist purpose was to suffer quality programs and services to and advocate on behalf of black journalists. These organizations are still going strong today and have contributed longly to the Africa n American population. Today, there isnt a firm count of how legion(predicate) African American newspapers circulating the United States, however, according to Allied Media Corporation, an ethnical marketing firm, they have listed 250 newspapers in circulation.The National Newspaper Publishers Association, better known as the Black Press of America, assist in the publication of African-American owned newspapers, counts more than 200 black-owned newspapers as its membership. As you can see, since the Freedoms Journal, the number of newspaper publications has increased. It began with the main purpose being that Africa-Americans would stick together to fight the constant oppression they were under. Now that we dont see African-American oppression, as we did then, publications has different focal points.Many of the newspapers provide news and insight on African-American culture, including a variety of perspectives from leaders, celebrities, trendsetters and great minds from the Africa n-American community. The Freedoms Journal created a new stepping play off for the African-American population. It provided the platform for issues and concerns pursuant to ensuring our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and to preserve a legacy of black conservatism for generations to come. References 2, M. A. (n. d. ). Early African American and Anti-Slavery Newspapers Marjory Allen Perez.Genealogy & Family write up Search Family Trees & Vital Records . Retrieved August 1, 2013, from http//www. archives. com/experts/perez-marjory/early-african-american-and-anti-slavery-newspapers. html Black Newspapers Listing The profit Journal. (n. d. ). Black Business Black News, Career Ideas for Black Professionals. Retrieved August 1, 2013, from http//www. tnj. com/lists-resources/black-newspapers-listing David Walker, 1785-1830. Walkers Appeal, in Four Articles Together with a Preamble, to the Coloured Citizens of the World, but in Particular, and Very Expressly.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Concepts of Developmental Psychology
commonplace adaptation syndrome (GAS) and its stages (think of real-world examples) 8. Lazarus primary and secondary appraisal (think of real-world examples) 9. Problem-focused and emotion-focused coping (think of real-world examples) 1 1 . Type A and Type B behavior pattern 12. Optimism 13. sexually transmitted diseases CHAPTER 11 STUDY GUIDE (Define,describe all terms) 1. Personality 2. Sigmund Freud and his fury on unconscious forces 3. Unconscious, preconscious, conscious 4. d, ego, superego what they are and what principle the operate with 5. denial mechanisms list and define 6.Psychosocial stages of development (see chart on page. 358) Know how to prevail these 7. Alfred Idlers individual psychology . Inferiority complex 9. Conditions of worth 10. Characteristics of self-actualization individuals 11. Unconditional incontrovertible regard 12. Trait theories 13. Cardinal and central traits 14. Raymond Chattels source traits 15. Five-factor model 16. extroversion and intro version 17. Reciprocal determinism 18. External and internal locus of control enliven reproduce the pyramid and label the levels representing Mascots Hierarchy of Needs.The five questions that help agree whether behavior is abnormal 2. Definition of psychological disorder . Cognitive sight 4. The category of disorders that is most prevalent in the U. S. 5. Panic disorder 6. extrapolate anxiety disorder 7. Social phobia 8. Obsession 9. Compulsion 10. study depressive disorder 11. Bipolar disorder 13. Risk factors for suicide 14. Psychosis 15. Schizophrenia 16. magic 17. Paranoid schizophrenia 18. Dissociation disorders (remember, this is NOT THE SAME THING as schizophrenia) 19.Dissociation identity disorder 20. Antisocial personality disorder (Define,describe all terms) 1. brainstorm therapy 2. Psychodrama therapy 3. Techniques used in psychoanalysis 4. Carl Rogers, humanism, and person-centered therapy 5. Humanistic therapy 6. Person-centered therapy 7. Types of relationship therapies 8. Behavioral therapy 9. clock time out 10. Factors that increase the effectiveness of time out 1 1 . Systematic desensitizing 12. Flooding 13. Exposure and response prevention 14. nuisance therapy 15. Participant modeling and Bandannas observational learning theory 16.
Comparing China with the West: What Hofstede taught us about Cultural Consequences Essay
The macrocosm like a shot is a smaller place than it has ever been, thanks to the rapid and ongoing development of the global economy we constitute become a borderless and cyber-connected friendship (Hofstede 2001 Kottak 2008 Mead, 2009). This has resulted in greater links and more and more interchanges amongst contrary nationalities. The ease at which we can physically communicate and hold up has allowed for the lay off instillment of goods and services across borders increasing trade and investment in foreign countries. multinational commerce, travel, migration and the media are the postures behind globalisation (Kottak, 2008 Craig and Douglas, 2006). Globalisation has a phenomenal effect on the line of products world it opens up businesses to voltage upstart foodstuffs, allowing them to increase their supply of consumers. Setting the stage for external collaboration (Hofstede, 2003) and while doing so, it is reshaping the global economic outlook (World Investment Rep ort, 2005). In despite of this, Osland (1990) points out, that unitary of the barriers to international business advantage Is the one erected by finis (p.4). Each civilization breeds its own social-political-economic organisations.Essentially, each culture has its own regularity to conducting business. Such methods are intrinsically cultural bound. In order to consider how the divers(prenominal) systems work one must first understand the determine that underlie it. Thus, managers, employees, business partners and other corporate stakeholders must recognise that the methods they use, to mystify their decisions, solve their problems and deals with other batch are all done by reflecting on their cultural holdgrounds and perspectives (Mead, 2009 Mott, 2004 Hofstede, 2005).As acknowledged above, globalisation leads to problems in cross-cultural communication. We live in a world where a cultural might is essential for global business profitability. Over the years there maint ain been many an(prenominal) studies conducted on culture. In the 1950s Kroeber and Kluckhohn, where one of the first scholars to suffer a theoretical framework for explaining culture as a system of integrated values they wanted to characterize differences between national cultures (Kroeber & Kluckhohn, 1963).Since then, many scholars kick in focused their aid on how national differences affect the decision-making practices of professionals and have produced some tangible guidelines for cross-cultural disposition (Hofstede, 1980 Adler & Graham, 1986 Black &Mendenhall 1989 Trompenaars, 1994 Triandis, 1994 House et al, 2004). champion of the first of these studies, and perhaps the one which has had widespread implications in portion scholars and professionals kindle in cultures, is Hofstedes Five Dimension illustration (5-D). Its primary transmutation is to class national cultures along a number of dimensions.The underlying thesis in these studies is that there are national ly influenced differences in work placed values (Hofstede, 2001 2005). This presented scholars with insight into the composition of national culture and according to Hofstede culture-focused search is becoming more prominent, and sense culture is becoming increasingly merry (Hofstede, 1994). Even though, Hofstede was not the first field of honor on cross-cultural research, his study succeeded in putting cross-cultural research at the forefront of international business research (Hofstede, 2001).It is considered valuable in international business and focussing and due to the growing interdependence among nations the need for a better understanding of cultural influence on organisational practices has never been greater (House et al, 2004). A cross-cultural understanding is a prerequisite to an effective entry into an international market (Morder, 1999) as businesses operating in different cultures must maintain a multifaceted approach, developing appropriate skills and compromi sing the interacting cultures, adjusting their norms, practices and perspectives to work within some other cultures border (Morder, 1999 Selmer, 2009).There have been many attested cases of cultural incompetence, (Selmer, 1999 2000 Hutchings, 2005), outlining how a lack of cultural competence can have devastating effects to the success of business ventures. Thus as we move to a more connected world some might dwell a convergence on a cultural level, to match the monumental business transactions that globalisation has inspired by the fact that trade, travel and education has helped facilitate the global economy (Scarborough, 1998). Nonetheless, one must generate that there remains a gulf between cultures created by the different nationalities in the world today.The roots of culture are so lately that they have produced highly divergent values systems, (Scarborough, 1998) and without reconciling these differences and working slightly them then there is no hope of successful busi ness relationships between the ones cultural counterparts (Uniser & Lee, 2005). Through the literature, it is suggested that acomparison be conducted between cultures helping to promote better working relationships (Torres and Jones, 2011 Tsang, 2011) The focus of this paper is the states Republic of china (PRC), as it is emerging as a especially dominant player in the global economic market and the suffice of globalisation brings us in a global community mainland mainland China will play a central role in this. Thus, understanding it is of the greatest importance.Over the last three decades, China has positioned itself in the epicenter of the global market and the world is paying close solicitude to this new economic demon. (Detert et al, 2000 Scarborough 1998 Dent et al 2000) More references. Before this prosperous rate of flow began, Chinas business environment and economic stability had been predominately controlled by the state. More recently, the coarse has seen a trem endous surge of economic success due to the relaxing of the state in relation to foreign institutionalise investment (Euromonitor, 2012).Leading to the increase of the number of foreign business people working within China, resulting in an unprecedented yield in Sino-foreign joint ventures and wholly owned foreign firms (Selmer, 1999 Detert et al, 2000). Currently there is an opportunity for growth and prosperity in China, which seems endless and has attracted businesses and professionals to move to China to live and work.The country is now considered the new hub in the international migration order (Pieke, 2011, 40). All this force in the Chinese Business environment has engendered much scholarly attention in exploring and understanding how the Chinese operate in a business manner, (Detert et al, 2000). Thus, those involved have become acutely aware of the great set forth between the Chinese cultures and other cultures. The differences in the way one thinks, ones beliefs and ho w one behaves (Scarborough, 1998).A basic understanding of the core section of Chinas culture is particularly noteworthy given the order of China as a trading partner to the rest of the world (Pieke, 2010). Until recently, China was viewed as a mysterious nation that was literally sound (Lightfoot & Almeida, 2007), because they draw their culture from a distinctive, indigenous and philosophical cultural heritage, that dates back thousands of years consequently it is unlike any other economic giant in the global market (Rinder and Starbuck, 1997 Selmer, 2009).Thus, they can bewilder other nationalities that take over them (Chen, 2001) because they do not identify with the Chinese practices and cultural traditions. It hasbeen suggested that from, a western perspective, China can be considered the most foreign of foreign places (Selmer, 2009, 42). Thus, in order to infiltrate this dynamic market, one must learn to remove and adapt to, the distinctive business culture that makes C hina unique (Bond, 1991). ChinaChina is the oldest empire in recorded history it has a continual recorded history of about 5000 years (Hofstede, 2005) and it is one of the worlds earliest and thus oldest civilisations. It is now one of the fastest growing and vibrant economies in the world, (Wang et al 2008) and the world is now paying close attention to this gigantic influential country. The Peoples Republic of China (PRC) was founded on October 1st 1949. (National Bureau of Statistics, 2012a) Below are some facts about the immense and enigmatic county.BibliographyAdler, N. J., Campbell, N. & Laurent, A. (1989) In search of appropriate methodology from outside the Peoples Republic of China looking in, Journal of multinational Business Studies, 20, 61-74 Bohlander, G. W., Snell, S., & Sherman, A. W. (2001), Managing tender Resources. (12th ed.), South West College Publications. Bond, M. H. (1991) Chinese values and wellness A cultural level examination, Psychology and Health An international Journal, 5, 137-152 Bond, M. and Hofstede, G. (1989) The cash value of Confucian values, Human System Management, 8, 195-200.Black, J.S. and Mendenhall, M. (1989), A practical but theory-based framework for selecting cross-cultural training methods, Human Resource Management, 28(4), 511-39. Bratton, J., Sawschuk, P., Forshaw, C., Callinan, M. & Corbertt, M. (2010) Work and Organisational Behaviour, New York Palgrave Macmillan. Brown, A. (1998) Organisational Culture, 2ed., London Pitman Publishing. Cardon, W. P. (2009) A model of face practices in Chinese business culture Implication for Westerners. Thunderbird internationalistic Business Review 51, 19-36. Chen, M. J. (2001), Inside Chinese Business A return for Managers Worldwide, Boston, MA Harvard Business School Press China National touring car Office (2012a) About China, online, available http// accessed 8th August 2012. China National Tourist Office (2012b) Foreign Arrivals by Purpo se Jan/ declension 2010, online, available http// accessed 8th August 2012. Chinese Culture Connection (1987), Chinese values and the search for culture-free dimensions of culture, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 18, 143-64. Child, J. (2009) China and International Business in Alan, M. 2nd ed., The Oxford Handbook of International Business Oxford
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Parole and Probation Essay
A term coined by John Augustus from the Latin termprob be- to prove, to test the origin for the Probation came from English Law in the gist Ages. (A Brief History of Probation) In 1841He persuaded Boston Police Court to sackful an adult drunkard into his custody rather than send him to prison- the prevalent counsel of life dealing with law violations at that eon. (Meet John Augustus, 2007) He was successful in improving the drunkards condition. It wasnt a task done with surface controversies. Other police, beg clerks and turnkeys didnt agree with what John Augustus was doing, beca design this was taking away their throw.They got paid for those that were incarcerated, non the ones John Augustus took in his custody. In 1878 Massachusetts passed the first probation statute mandating an prescribed State Probation System with salaried officers. Other states followed suit. (Meet John Augustus, 2007) On July 1, 1930 the element of free was established in the executive director D epartment. (History of rallying cry in tender York State) This meant that the Department of Corrections would no longer make decisions on which unloo retrieves would be released from prison.This responsibility was given to the fulltime Board of Parole that had been established by the Executive Department. In 1917 Division of Parole was consolidated with the Department of Corrections to number the Department of Corrections Services (DOCS). (History of Parole in New York State) The Sentencing clear Act of 1998 referred to as Jennas Law added a new dimension to the Division with and through the elimination of discretionary release for any ruby-red felony offenders while mandating court imposed periods of post release lapse of 1. to 5 years that the offender must serve after his period of enslavement imposed by the court. (History of the Parole in New York State)Taken a closer look it seems that probation and parole atomic number 18 basically the same thing, its touchle t hey did the same massage but only had different names. No, if you think of it that way you are wrong they are both in the same result or department but they are non the same. thither is a difference probation is part and parcel in the offenders initial sentence and parole comes much faster allowing the offender early release from prison sentence. (Findlaw, 2008) Probation is substitute used by the courts, instead of sending the offender to prison.The courts effect restrictions and supervision they go through sanctions depending on their offense. If they are drug addicts they mark them through a rehabilitation program to encourage them feed got cleaned. They put them through school to learn a skill so they can remark a job. If necessary they also go through anger guidance classes. There is a variety of sanctions avail adequate which the probation officers prepare for them to go through to better themselves and keep from falling in the same offense or any former(a) one over and over.Parole overhauls the inmates to return to the fellowship after serving part of their prison term. There is a very strict process through which they reach to go through to be able to return to the community as a normal soulfulness and not as an outcast. There are many sanctions they have to go through to uphold them be prepared to return back to cultivation and not return as a repeat offender. Probation and Parole officers have large caseloads, more than reasonably acceptable, but theres postcode they can do about it.They do the best they can to help the offenders get ready and feel confident about themselves and their return to their communities. These officers are assigned to areas where they know the community and its resources. This way they are able to result better help for the offenders. Some offenders have alter cases and the Probation and Parole officers tenseness on these special areas supervision is provided by Parole for domestic violence, sexual ass ault, violent youthful offenders and other types of offenders. More and more conservatives now estimate the abolishing parole, sharply curtailing probation, imprisoning over adult felons for his or her entire term and memory juvenile offenders in adult jails. (Dilulio Jr. , 1997) To abolish probation and parole is not a very good idea. It just needs work and cash to be invested on it. They need to hire more officers for Probation and Parole to help alleviate the load they have now.By hiring more soulfulnessnel, they can put the light cases to a team of officers this can help the officers that have specialized cases, it volition make the caseloads they have now lighter for them. This gives them more time to focus on the special needs of the offenders. Being able to hap more time to help the offenders get through and be able to understand what and why they are doing few of these sanctions and what benefits they entrust get out of them. Once they understand they will look forwar d to continuing and goal these sanctions because it will make them a better person and feel a change in their lives.This will be a big help to the Probation and Parole officers they will be able to rigorously enforce the sanctions the offenders go through, and be proud of them when they complete these sanctions and become better citizens. It will be even better when the officers see a year or deuce or troika pass by and dont see the offenders return. The main thing needed is for more money to be invested to Probation and Parole. There are many things that are being studied foe the progression of Probation and Parole.Innovations in probation on July 2007 Assessing New York Citys automated insurance coverage System New York City Department of Probation has successfully used the carrel System to focus its resourced on probationers identified as high take a chance through increasingly reporting and lower caseloads by assigning bigger number of low-risk to high case loads. (Departm ent of Probation, 2008) This is just one of the many innovations that will help Probation and I recommend it. Parole is a tougher cookie to bite, because some of the offenders just arent going through the programs that they need to go through.The Parole Officer often wastes their time going after the bad offenders to get them to follow their program. There is nothing they can do if theyre not willing to help themselves they will eventually commit other crimes. For these offenders the leash strikes youre out law will work well. You give them three chances and they fail them then their out, in other words they go back to prison to finish their sentence and on top they will serve for the new crimes they have committed and should have a no parole policy after the three strikes youre out law.On the other hand there are those offenders that are putting all their efforts to stay off drugs, remain sober and get a job. These offenders are ignored and forgotten because theyre too busy chasin g the bad non-compliant ones. If they pay more attention to the ones that are ignored they can make a big difference by letting everyone see that it can be done , they can be turned to a self-reliant person that can go back into the community without fear of being inured as an outcast. Martin saddle horn, formerly head of New York States Parole Authority and Commissioner of Prisons in Pennsylvania. Horns notion is to reinvent Parole on the alkali of a personal responsibility model. Released personnel would be given the eq of a parole voucher. For a fixed time-say two years-hes can use the voucher to seek education, job training, drug treatment or other services from state selected providers. If he wants to help himself, he can, if not hes on his own.Do a new crime during this period-bite the hand that is offering you a way to help yourself and you do the time for the crime, confident(p) a year or two. (Dilulio Jr, 1997) This is also a notion that Horn had and O believe the onl y way to see if it works is to put it to the test. Its the only way to know if this reinvention to Parole will work to improve what is now available in Parole. Just like the stand System seems to be working, now Philadelphia Probation wants New York City Probation to help them relieve oneself a Kiosk-Based Automated System just like the one they have in New York City Probation.Referencehttp//
Edwin Arlington Robinson
One of the roughly prolific major American poets of the twentieth century, Edwin Arlington Robinson is, ironically, best remembered for only a handful of short rimes, stated Robert gigabit in the Concise mental lexicon of American Literary Biography. Fellow writer Amy Lowell tell in the crude York Times Book Review, Edwin Arlington Robinson is poetry. I can think of no other living writer who has so consistently devote his life to his work.Robinson is considered anomalous among American poets of his period for his devotion to his art he publish to the highest degree nothing during his long career except poetry. The expense of Robinsons single-mindedness, gibibyte explained, was virtually perpetuallyything else in life for which people strive, simply it eventually won for him both fortune and fame, as well as a pixilated position in literary hi twaddle as Americas first significant poet of the twentieth century. Robinson go outmed destined for a career in business or the sciences. He was the third son of a crocked New England merchant, a man who had little use for the fine arts. He was, however, encouraged in his poetic pursuits by a neighbor and wrote copiously, experimenting with indite translations from Greek and Latin poets.In 1891 Edward Robinson provided the funds to send his son to Harvard partly because the aspiring writer required medical treatment that could best be performed in Boston. There Robinson published some poems in local newspapers and magazines and, as he later explained in a biographical piece published in Colophon, imperturbable a pile of rejection slips that must give up been hotshot of the largest and most comprehensive in literary history. Finally he unyielding to publish his poems himself, and contracted with Riverside, a vanity press, to produce The Torrent and The darkness Before, named after the first and last poems in the collection.In the poems of The Torrent and The nighttime Before, Robinson experimen ted with elaborate poetic forms and explored themes that would characterize much of his workthemes of personal failure, chaste endeavor, materialism, and the inevitability of change, according to Gilbert. He in any case established a genius recognizably his own an adherence to traditional forms at a time when most poets were experimenting with the genre (All his life Robinson strenuously objected to free verse, Gilbert remarked, replying once when asked if he wrote it, No, I write badly enough as it is. ), and laconic, everyday speech. Robinson mailed copies of The Torrent and The Night Before out to editors of journals and to writers who he thought might be sympathetic to his work, said Gilbert.Read alsoHow Powerful Do You Find Atticus Finchs Closing linguistic process?The response was generally favorable, although perhaps the most significant review came from chivy Thurston Peck, who commented unfavorably in the Bookman on Robinsons bleak outlook and instinct of humor. Peck found Robinsons t unmatchable too grim for his tastes, manifestation that the world is not beautiful to Robinson, but a prison-house. I am sorry that I have painted myself in such lugubrious colours, Robinson wrote in the next issue of the Bookman, responding to this criticism. The world is not a prison house, but a kind of spiritual kindergarten, where millions of be unwarrantedered infants are exhausting to spell God with the wrong blocks. Encouraged by the largely arrogant critical reaction, Robinson quickly produced a second manuscript, The Children of the Night, which was also published by a vanity press, a takeoff rocket providing the necessary funds.Unfortunately, reviewers largely handle it Gilbert suggests that they were position off by the vanity imprint. In 1902, both friends persuaded the publisher Houghton Mifflin to publish Captain Craig, another book of Robinsons verse, by promising to subsidize part of the publishing costs. Captain Craigwas neither a popula r nor a critical success, and for several long time Robinson neglected poetry, rudderless from job to job in New York City and the Northeast.He took to potable heavily, and for a time it seemed that he would, as Gilbert put it, drop into permanent dissolution, as both his brothers had d atomic number 53. His whimsical Miniver Cheevy, Gilbert continued, the poem rough the mal fill raw who yearned for the past glories of the chivalric age and who finally coughed, and called it hazard/and kept on drinking, is presumably a comic self-portrait. Robinsons bunch changed in 1904, when Kermit Roosevelt brought The Children of the Night to the attention of his father, President Theodore Roosevelt.Roosevelt not only persuaded random House to republish the book, but also reviewed it himself for the Outlook (I am not sure I understand Luke Havergal, he said, but I am entirely sure that I like it), and obtained a sinecure for its beginning at the New York Customs Housea post Robinson he ld until 1909. The two thousand dollar annual stipend that went with the post provided Robinson with financial security. In 1910, he repaid his debt to Roosevelt in The townspeople down the River, a collection of poems dedicated to the former president.Perhaps the best k directlyn of Robinsons poems are those now called the Tilbury Town cycle, named after the small town that provides the setting for many of his poems and explicitly links him and his poetry with small-town New England, the repressive, utilitarian social climate customarily designated as the Puritan ethic, explained W. R. Robinson in Edwin Arlington Robinson A Poetry of the Act. These poems also expound some of Robinsons most characteristic themes his curiosity, as Gerald DeWitt Sanders and his fellow editors put it in Chief Modern Poets of Britain and America, about what lies behind the social veil of character, and is dark hints about sexuality, loyalty, and mans terrible will to surpass himself. Tilbury Town is first mentioned in John Evereldown, a ballad collected in The Torrent and The Night Before. John Evereldown, out late at night, is called back to the house by his wife, who is wondering why he wants to bye the long c octogenarian miles into town. He responds, God knows if I pray to be done with it all/But Gods no friend of John Evereldown. /So the clouds whitethorn come and the rain may fall,/the shadows may creep and the dead men crawl,/But I follow the women wherever they call,/And thats why Im going to Tilbury Town. Tilbury Town reappears at intervals throughout Robinsons work. The title poem in Captain Craig concerns an old resident of the town whose life, believed wasted by his neighbors, proves to have been of value.The Children of the Night contains the story of Richard Cory, a gentleman from sole to crown,/Clean favored, and imperially slim, who one quiesce summer night,/Went home and put a bullet through his head, and Tilbury Town itself is personified in the lines In f ine, we thought that he was everything/ To make us proclivity that we were in his place. The humanness against the Skyaccording to Gilbert, Robinsons most important single volume, and probably his most critically acclaimedincludes the story of the man Flammonde, one of the poets most anthologized Tilbury verses. Despite the fact that much of Robinsons verse dealt with failed lives, several critics see his work as life-affirming. May Sinclair, writing an archeozoic review of Captain Craig for the Fortnightly Review, said of the Captain, He, ragged, old, and starved, challenges his friends to have courage and to jubilate in the sun.Amy Lowell, in her Tendencies in Modern American Poetry, stated, I have spoken of Mr. Robinsons unconscious cynicism. It is unconscious because he never dwells upon it as such, never delights in it, nor wraps it comfortably about him. It is hardly more than the abolish of the shield of pain, and in his later work, it gives place to a great, pitying te nderness. success through Failure, that is the motto on the other side of his banner of Courage. And Robert Frost, in his introduction to Robinsons King Jasper, declared, His theme was unhappiness itself, but his expertness was as happy as it was playful. There is that comforting thought for those who suffered to see him suffer. Many Tilbury Town verses were among the poems Robinson included in his Pulitzer Prize-winning Collected Poems of 1922the first Pulitzer ever awarded for poetry. He won his second poetry Pulitzer in 1924, this time for The Man Who Died Twice, the story of a street musician whose one musical masterpiece is lost when he collapses after a night of debauchery.Gilbert attributed the poems success to its combination of down-to-earth diction, classical allusion, and understated humor. In 1927, Robinson again won a Pulitzer for his long muniment poem Tristram, one in a series of poems based on Arthurian legends. Tristram proved to be Robinsons only true popula r successit was that oddity of twentieth-century literature, a best-selling book-length poemand it received critical acclaim as well. It may be said not only that Tristram is the finest of Mr. Robinsons narrative poems, wrote Lloyd Morris in the Nation, but that it is among he very few fine modern narrative poems in English. Early in 1935, Robinson fell ill with cancer.He stayed hospitalized until his death, correcting galley proofs of his last poem, King Jasper only hours before slipping into a final coma. Magazines and newspapers throughout the country took elaborate notice of Robinsons death, declared Gilbert, reminding their readers that he had been considered Americas foremost poet for nearly twenty years and praising his industry, integrity, and devotion to his art. It may come to the notice of our posterity (and accordingly again it may not), wrote Robert Frost in his introduction to King Jasper, that this, our age, ran wild in the quest of new ways to be new. Robinson sta yed content with the old-fashioned ways to be new. Robinson has gone to his place in American literature and left his human place among us vacant, Frost concluded. We mourn, but with the qualification that, after all, his life was a revel in the felicities of language.
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