Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Fitness for life
Fitness for life An obese person is one who has accumulated excess body fat that affects their health negatively. This condition prompted Lincoln University to introduce a ‘Fitness for life Program’, which endeavors to, peg physical fitness of students to academic merit in the attainment of diplomas.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Fitness for life specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It entails obese students taking 3 extra hours per week to cut their weight before graduating. However, this policy by the university has received mixed reactions since its inception, as it will be explained below, even as the first lot of students to whom the policy was applied nears their graduation. It has been argued that the policy is segregative and, all students should undergo the fitness test, as opposed to only those who are obese. This fact was highlighted by one student of the university; Tiana Lawson, 21 in her editorial comment, in the Lincolian, by stating that she is confused by the policy as she does not understand why some people should be healthier than others. This policy would be more effective if it were applied to all students to keep their levels of fitness at par and prevent the feelings of segregation. James DeBoy who is in charge of physical processes and activities argues that the university has limited resources. The historically black college that was founded in 1919 at San Francisco depends on public funding that is independently controlled. This eventually results in monetary constraints. If only the resources were available, then it would have been applied to all students in his view. This would then have quashed the feelings of selective application of the policy among the students. Considering the constitutional rights of the students the policy seems paternalistic and intrusive to them. A professor of law at Temple University, David Kairys is of the legal opinion that Lincoln University is breaking new ground. However, the part that seems unnecessary is forcing the students to engage in the practice. This is because it involves computing the height weight dimensions to find the Body Mass Index (BMI) and the waist size, which is mandatory for students to partake. This may then create a conflict of interest between the university policies and the laws of the land. Obesity makes an individual susceptible to certain terminal health conditions. This program according to DeBoy directly addresses the issue of obesity that is exponentially rising. All these are terminal illnesses that will eventually lead to the demise of the vibrant young men and women from college. The ‘Fitness for Life program’ will curb the possibility of contracting such ailments at an early stage.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The university risks deviating from its cor e function of providing education to compromising academic standards with physical fitness. Physical fitness does not necessarily have a direct relationship with academic performance. This fact was highlighted by Tiana Lawson in the Lincolian when she wrote in the editorial. She did not go to Lincoln to be told that her weight was not in a satisfactory range rather she went there to get an edification which, as a three-time honor student, was something she had been doing quite well. This is despite the fact that she had a slightly elevated BMI. Obesity contributes to making one both ineffective and inefficient. It compromises the on the output at the place of work as it impacts health wise on the body. Furthermore, it robs the quantity and quality of life according to DeBoy. This contributes to drastically decreasing the output of the student and being in the hunt for a job after graduating it will work to their disadvantage. The policy is instrumental in addressing such issues. Pos ition From the fore going, the ‘Fitness for Life program’ is found to have far more reaching merits as compared to the demerits both to an individual and society. The university should be encouraged to continue with the program. Furthermore, it should be adopted by institutions to ensure a healthy workforce with a high-level output and competence.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Database Architecture for GEMLCA Resource Availability Research Paper
Database Architecture for GEMLCA Resource Availability - Research Paper Example GEMLCA or Grid Execution Management for Legacy Code Architecture is a language independent solution used to deploy existing legacy code applications as a Grid service. Any application written in any language can be deployed as a grid service without the need of even legacy code i.e. binary codes and source code. It is a computing system consisting of PC clusters. Legacy applications are deployed on these servers as grid services. Compute servers are then accessed by various grid clients for required resources. Grid host environment is used to implement service-oriented grid layer which is based on Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) specifications e.g. GT3, GT4, g-Lite or the OMII middleware. This layer is required to connect computer server to OSGA built grid. The selected grid should allow the grid clients to access legacy applications available in computer servers like a grid or web services. Administrators should be able to deploy new legacy applications on computer server using different job managers like Condor, Fork, PBS, etc. GEMLCA resources are consists of legacy codes which are deployed as grid services. These resources are installed on the computer server. GEMLCA Resource layer manages the interaction between Grid services and Grid Host Environment. Resource Layer is used for the following purposes: Deploying legacy applications as Grid services Querying the GEMLCA resources and get the list of available legacy applications getting the list of legacy parameters with default values and allow the user to modify these submitting legacy jobs to a job manager querying the status of previously submitted legacy jobs retrieving results from legacy applications GEMLCA Resource layer has the following three services: GLCAdmin It deploys a legacy application as a Grid service. GLCList It searches for legacy applications available over a grid. GLC Process It manages the workflow processes over Grid such as submitting a legacy application using GEMLCA and getting job status and results back.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Other Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Other - Essay Example The Act necessitates GAO to evaluate the execution of the Act. This report discusses the Act's execution; evaluates NRSROs' performance-related expose; evaluates getting rid of NRSRO orientations from confident SEC rules; appraises the brunt of the Act on antagonism; and provides a scaffold for evaluating substitute models for compensating NRSROs (Sherman, 2011). To tackle the mandate, GAO reviewed SEC rules, assessment supervision, completed assessments, and staff memoranda; scrutinized required NRSRO exposes and market allocate data; and dialogued SEC and NRSRO officials and souk participants (Bangemenn, 2005). The procedure for reviewing NRSRO claims limits SEC staff's aptitude to fully guarantee that interviewees meet the Act's necessities (Bangemenn, 2005). An example of how the current processes used by agencies can be improved is while SEC had recorded 10 of 11 credit ranking agency interviewees as of July 2010, some employee’s memoranda to the Commission abbreviation t heir review of claims described anxieties that were not tackled prior to congregate (Bangemenn, 2005). 2. Analyze the impact of the attention rates on both short -term and long term debt plus how health care organization might best leverage your psychiatry. Illustrate your retort with specific illustrations. The answer to this inquiry lies in the fixed revenue nature of debts and debentures, often referred to jointly simply as "bonds" (Bangemenn, 2005). Without imaginative repackaging of the contemplation of prepaid health tactics, the appearance and timing of the conventional response to the immoderation of the medical institution would almost definitely have been quite diverse (Bangemenn, 2005).When a financier purchases a specified commercial bond, he or she is in fact purchasing a segment of a company's debt (Bangemenn, 2005). This debit is issued with precise details concerning episodic coupon payments, the chief amount of the debt and the instance period until the bond's prime (Bangemenn, 2005). Another notion that is vital for consideration interest rate risk in bonds is that bond values are inversely related to notice rates. When attention rates go up, bond values go down and thus vice versa (Bangemenn, 2005). There is a greater likelihood that interest duty will rise (and thus pessimistically affect a bond's bazaar price) within a longer time epoch than within a petite epoch. Long-term bonds have higher extent than short-term bonds. Because of this, a specified interest rate alter will have greater consequence on long-term bonds in comparison to short-term bonds (Bangemenn, 2005). This notion of duration can be hard to conceptualize, but presently think of it as the span of time that your bond will be pretentious by a notice rate change. For instance, suppose debt interest rates rise nowadays by 0.25% (Bangemenn, 2005). A bond with merely one coupon payment left in anticipation of maturity will be underpaying the loaners by 0.25% for only one coupon c ompensation (Bangemenn, 2005). Short and long terms debts on health care may result to the devastation of the health cares (Sherman, 2011). 3. Discuss the likelihood of a non-for -profit health care association issuing supply and why the management of such an association might want to do this. clarify your rationale. Management of such organizations
Sunday, November 17, 2019
War Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
War - Research Paper Example In this aspect, it can be said that the human race is one of the most successful species of the planet (Tooby & Cosmides 1). Humans have, through time, learned abilities and devised tactics to overpower their competitors. Along with the human evolutionary success came the birth of different cultures and establishment of numerous civilizations throughout the planet. Looking back to history, war is not something that occurs due to the innate ability of different societies to amass weapon stockpiles and train military men for battle, nor does it happen due to the evolutionary history of the human species -â€Å"that war is the result of cultural and social processes, divorced from any individual or biological ‘function’ or expression of individual psychology†(Tooby & Cosmides 1). War is the last straw drawn when two or more factions can no longer reach compromise with regards to morality, wealth and property, religion or even race. It is the last solution when all n egotiations fail and that opposing parties are obliged to concede to the notion that force is required to achieve order and eliminate the existing problem within aspects far beyond the basic need to survive (Tooby & Cosmides 1). It should be noted that although the Darwinian theory of continued existence does hold water, man as a sentient being have also learned to bargain and to deal with the terms of different agreements. History has taught us that although war is inevitable in some cases, humankind will never put it ahead in the negotiating table due to the dire consequences it will bring to both factions (Tooby & Cosmides 1). The developing equality of for women’s rights has become evident through the decades. The women of today can now freely hold positions of power and authority. It is also very noticeable that there has not yet been another war comparable to that of World War II. Wide spread conflict that involves majority of the nations has not occurred for the past s ix decades. This brings into question the idea that women in power have reduced the likelihood of war (Tooby & Cosmides 1; Zur 3). Review of past research done by Ofer Zur revealed that â€Å"there is a great complexity to the phenomena of war and more complexity in the differences between attitudes of men and women towards war†(Zur, 3). His study entitled â€Å"Men, Women and War: Gender Differences in Attitudes towards War†, he exposed the faulty idea of men drawn to war more than women. The research results showed that men and women will support war just as strongly as men however the grounds of which to support a war would be different. Women support war â€Å"when an appeal is made based on empathy for the oppressed and vulnerable human beings†(Zur, 3). Males on the other hand â€Å"justify war according to the rational and legal criteria†(Zur, 3). He also stated that the data indicates that men more than women, acknowledge or negate war and aggre ssion and devastation caused by war and accept stereotypical sex roles during war time. Based on these results, it can be deduced that women in power will not ultimately change the likelihood of war. Instead it will lead to a change in perspective and basis in declaring war during conflicts. The more important question that will
Friday, November 15, 2019
Ryanair Company Financial Analysis Report
Ryanair Company Financial Analysis Report Ryanair is an Irish airline company which was launched in 1985 by Ryan family in Dublin. It is the first low-fare airline in European nations. Also it is considered as most successful airline in terms of profit. In addition, it is also famous for number of flights and passengers flown. Moreover its business is expanded to 44 bases, more than 1200 routes, 160 airports and 27 countries. Ryanair Holding Private limited company is leading plan airline in Europe. The aim of this report is to use economic managing formula to give a general idea of Ryanair Holding Plc. It has well financial position in direct to help another company to provide. In this report, given many information of different companies guide to improve the financial position and grooving of managing power of the organization. Also it can useful to give forecast development and future danger difficulty. In recent time, there was a big events happened in the company. Which is effecting on companys profit and loss account that given in the report. So ratio analysis is very important to improve companys financial situation. After the ratio analysis given some recommendations can help to improve organizations strength and growth and also to make batter financial position of the company. BACKGROUND: Europes biggest financial budget airline is mane of Ryanair Holding plc. It has gone a very high distance in space journey a service in the UK. It is follow to operate on the basis of Southwest Airlines system. These airlines always create travel to twice or triple on the way it comes. In this airline, 7m passengers used to fly in a year. Uses of internet which helped mover slice expenses of the sharing part. In the starting, Decan, Cathal and Shane Ryan established Ryanair with  £1m from their father, Dr. Tony Ryan, chairman CEO of Guinness Peat Aviation, the aeroplane letting huge. Ryanair made routes between Ireland and United Kingdom at starting of flying in June 1985. Entering in Dublin-London area the after that spring, finishing with British Airways and Dan Air moreover Aer Lingus. ( In 2009 Ryan airs common cost per traveller was EUR 36 as compared as to EUR 68 for its curve rival Easyiet. From the years of 2007 to 2009 Ryanair arranged low cast to passengers by 13%. Ryanair has raised its numbers of passengers by 14% in 2010 and made more routes. This growth will continue next years. ( ANALYSIS: INTRODUCTION OF RATIOS AND IMPORTANCES: Ratios are mostly used as a part in understanding of financial statements. The selected ratios and finding data which are depend on the requirement of the data which are using. When the share price is reach on its higher level, at that situation want to do and choose the very good condition to sell shares. Due to this, the investors will control the performance of organization. Mostly the ratios could be designed from the data given by the financial statements. It is used in evaluate trend. Also it is used to make balance of the financial condition to select of other condition. The ratio analysis may be used in some case of future bankruptcy. ( RATIOS ANALYSIS: Firstly, in the ratios analysis classified different types which depend on given information. Most important types are given below, Financial ratios Profitability ratios Financial ratios: Current Ratio: The current ratio is defined as the ratio of current assets to current liabilities: Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities Years 2010 2009 2008 Current Assets 2,725,515 2,360,059 1,898,175 Current Liabilities 1,378,683 1,279,935 1,238,204 Current ratio 1.98 1.84 1.53 Analysis: The relation between current assets and current liabilities is given in this ratio analysis. Assets is only transformed interested in cash for little period and cash are included in current assets. The ratio was 1.53 in 2008 but after that 1.84 and 1.98 in 2009 and 2010 respectively. It is useful for quality as well as quantity in financial analysis. Liquidity Ratio: Liquidity ratios give the data about an organizations capability to gather its the short term requirements of finance. To the organization, they are take part in interest of that extends small period acknowledgment to the organization. It is defined as the ratio of current assets to current liabilities: Liquidity ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities Also in some case, Liquidity Ratio = (Current Assets-Inventory) / Current Liabilities Years 2010 2009 2008 Current Assets 2,725,515 2,360,059 1,898,175 Current Liabilities 1,378,683 1,279,935 1,238,204 Liquidity Ratio 1.98 1.84 1.53 Analysis: It is helpful to known for relationship between current assets and current liabilities. In the comparison of last three, the ratios of the organization were 1.53, 1.84 and 1.98 in 2008, 2009 and 2010 respectively. So ratios were increased when passed the years. Shareholders Liquidity Ratio: It shows the relation between shareholder funds and long term debt. It is the defined as the ratio of shareholder funds to long term liabilities: Shareholders Liability Ratio = shareholders funds / shareholders liabilities Years 2010 2009 2008 Shareholders Funds 2,534,407 2,250,537 1,989,677 Long Term Liabilities 2,816,087 2,388,249 1,803,617 Shareholders Liabilities Ratio 0.90 0.94 1.10 Analysis: In this analysis, ratios were decreased when passing the years. Those ratios were 1.10, 0.94 and 0.90 in 2008, 2009 and 2010 respectively. Gearing : Gearing is defined as the long term liabilities plus overdraft to shareholders funds in percentage. It shows organizations permanents assets shareholders money and fully loan of it. The higher gearing means good borrowed money to self. It is calculated by following formula: Gearing (%) = (Long Term Liabilities + Overdraft) ÃÆ'- 100 / Shareholders Funds Years 2010 2009 2008 Long term liabilities + Overdraft 2,816,087+236,216 2,388,249+188,336 1,803,617+291,670 Shareholders funds 2,534,407 2,250,537 1,989,677 Gearing 120.43 114.49 105.31 Analysis: In the gearing ratio analysis, ratios were increase when passing the years. Those ratios were 105.31, 114.49, and 120.43 in 2008, 2009 and 2010 respectively. Working Capital Per Employee(Unit): It is defined as the ratio of working capital to number of employees and it is calculated by given formula in bellow, Working capital per employee = working capital / number of employees Years 2010 2009 2008 Working capital 95,367 82,414 74,042 Employee 7032 6369 5262 Proportion -13,563 -12,940 14,071 Analysis: In this analysis, ratios decreased between 2008 and 2009 and then increased between 2009 and 2010. Those ratios were -14.071, -12,940 and -13,563 in 2008, 2009 and 2010 respectively. Profitability Ratios: Profitability ratios give many different method of the achievement of the organization at make profits. Profit Margin: It is defined as the ratio of profit before tax to turnover in percentage. Throughout the year scope in success on sells will differ since business to business. The reasonably change of the proportion in investigate and sometime may be stable. Purpose for vary could be bargain sells worth or growing in the sales rate. It is calculated by formula which is given bellow: Profit Margin = (Profit before tax) ÃÆ'- 100 / Turnover Years 2010 2009 2008 Profit before tax 303,389 -167,498 349,023 Turnover 2,658,521 2,730,241 2,157,958 Profit margin 11.41 -6.13 16.17 Analysis: In this analysis shows company failed in loss after 2008. Those ratios were 16.17, -6.41 and 11.41 in 2008, 2009 and 2010 respectively. Return on shareholders funds: It is defined as the ratio of profit before tax to shareholders fund and it is given by following formula: Return on shareholders funds (%) = (Profit or Loss before Tax) ÃÆ'- 100/ Shareholders Funds Years 2010 2009 2008 Profit or loss before tax 303,389 167,498 349,023 Shareholders funds 2,534,407 2,250,537 1,989,677 Return on shareholders funds (%) 11.97 -7.44 17.54 Analysis: In this analysis shows, company faced loss in 2009 financial year. Those ratios were 17.54, -7.44 and 11.97 in 2008, 2009 and 2010 respectively. Return on total assets (%): It is defined as the ratio of profit or loss before tax to total assets in percentage. Also it is calculated by following formula: Return on total assets (%) = (profit or loss before tax) ÃÆ'- 100 / total assets Years 2010 2009 2008 Profit or loss before tax 303,389 167,498 349,023 Total assets 6,729,178 5,928,14,147 5,031,497 Return on total assets 4.51 -2.83 6.94 Analysis: Company faced loss in 2009 financial year in this analysis. Those ratios were 6.94, -2.83 and 4.51 in 2008, 2009 and 2010 respectively. Interest cover: Interest cover is the ratio of profit or loss before interest to interest paid. Calculation is given by following formula: Interest cover = profit or loss before interest / interest paid Years 2010 2009 2008 Profit or loss before interest 36,536 46,349 426,225 Interest paid 64,148 121,149 77,202 Interest cover 5.73 -0.38 5.52 Analysis: In interest cover ratio analysis shows loss in 2009. Those ratios were 5.52, -0.38 and 5.73 in 2008, 2009 and 2010 respectively. Debtors Turnover: Debtors turnover is defined as the ratio of turnover to trade debtors. Its calculation is given below: Debtors turnover = turnover / trade debtors Years 2010 2009 2008 Turnover 2,658,521 2,7157,958 2,157,958 Trade debtors 39,414 38,783 27,177 Debtors turnover 67.45 70.40 79.40 Analysis: In this analysis, ratios were 79.40, 70.40 and 67.45 in 2008, 2009 and 2010 respectively. Ratios decreased when passing after the years. Net assets turnover: Net assets turnover is defined as the ratio of turnover to total assets less current liabilities. Also it is calculated by following formula: Net assets turnover = turnover / total assets less current liabilities Years 2010 2009 2008 Turnover 2,658,521 2,7157,958 2,157,958 Total assets less current liabilities 5,350,494 4,648,212 3,793,294 Net assets less current liabilities 0.50 0.59 0.57 Analysis: In this analysis indicates ratios decreased in 2010. Those ratios were 0.57, 0.59 and 0.50 in 2008, 2009 and 2010 respectively. Fixed assets turnover: Fixed assets turnover is defined as the ratio of turnover to fixed assets. It is calculated by following formula: Fixed assets turnover = turnover / fixed assets Years 2010 2009 2008 Turnover 2,6558,521 2,730,241 2,157,958 Fixed assets 4,003,662 3,568,087 3,133,322 Fixed assets turnover 0.66 0.77 0.69 Analysis: In this analysis shows ratios increased in 2009 and then decreased in 2010. Those ratios were 0.69, 0.77 and 0.66 in 2008, 2009 and 2010 respectively. The impact of events: The events of the company were flight cancellations by volcanic ashes during18 days in between April May in 2010 and ATC (Air Traffic Controller) strike during the year of 2010. During April May, cancellation of 9400 flights, so cost of company was à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬32m and deletion of 1400 flights and more than 12000 flights late, so the loss may be à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 32m Those two events had main impact of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬100m loss in six months. Conclusions: In conclusion, Ryanair Holding plc is low fare and biggest financial budget airline in the world. It has 160 airports, 44 bases business to expanded, more than 1200 routes and 27 countries. It is known as most successful airline in terms of profits, flights numbers and flown of passengers. During the ratio analysis, this company has good financial position in terms of profit, but in 2010 events occurred by volcanic ashes and ATC strike. Due to evens, cancellation of 9400 flights mare than 12000 flights delayed. So events had an major impact of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬100m loss in that 6 months. Also those are affected on companys profit and loss account and net profit of Ryanair Holding plc. Recommendations: Ryanair holding plc has hard period in last year, as the organization was making loss. Now Ryanair is reverse to good position by building profit in the starting of this year. in the analysis their revenues are well financial position in last year but the events were create some effects. It is one of biggest Irish airline in the UK as well as in the world. After making some change in tickets and facilities, it can become more low fare airline and improve its financial position batter than past. It is the recommended part to be Ryanair airline so its future opportunity is bright batter than past situation.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
My Freshmen Year Essay
My freshmen year ?My freshmen year gives an objective look into the ideal freshmen year of college experienced by anthropologist Rebekah Nathan. From this? experience Nathan wrote about her first year as a college student. Nathan’s story attempts to show the social and academic expectancy of a student entering college. Nathan gave her personal accounts of freshmen life by? communicating her experience in the dorm, study habits, general? student interactions, and demographic. When comparing student life at Albion to that depicted in Nathan’s account, I could make generalizations but as Nathan also found, no student or campus is alike. To start, Albion College is a small college with a small student? body while the school Nathan attended was very large, so one would guess? there will be differences in what an Albion student would experience? and what Nathan experienced. Nathan had the disadvantage of being an? older women in a world of young adults that were at the least thirty years her junior. Nathan found it difficult at first to be accepted by other freshmen. Many thought she was a parent or just someone who did not belong. Although I didn’t experience this my freshmen year at Albion College, Nathan’s account of college dorms seemed to be similar to that of most freshmen in colleges today. The halls in freshmen dorms tend to be decorated in the personality of the occupants. One thing I noticed was outward decorations of a person’s room often reflects the occupant’s study habits, an area explored by Nathan. Nathan found generally students with busy class schedules do what is important first and the lesser important work tends to wait until they â€Å"find the time†. I would say this action is common among the majority students. As the workload increases for the student, things are pushed to the side for reasons such as personal relationships, exhaustion, or other more pending assignments. I’d like to point out that Nathan, as a professor, had her pick of classes which most freshmen do not and made a schedule that worked best for her own interest. In most cases, college freshmen choose classes from what is leftover and most often have to squeeze unwanted classes into a challenging class schedule. Void of a troubling class schedule, Nathan used her time for? Nathan’s interactions with international students, she found a slight alienation of that demographic of students. The complaints were that American students often show little interest in the international students and they are often left to explore the new country on their own. During Nathan’s initial experience in the freshmen dorm she noticed that friendships are made within the first week of classes, then it is hard to penetrate a new group of friends. Therefore with a possible, language barriers, difference of customs, or just awkwardness of different upbringings, may be the cause for this alienation. I would say there is a higher percentage of international? individuals that experience this at Albion College because of the? demographic of students here. Albion College students, for? the most part, are upper middle class white kids. Bigger schools tend to have a wider demographic of race and class, which often makes a melting pot of mingling people. Making friends is the ability to find common? interests with others. Therefore, someone from another country may find it? hard to make a connection with someone a different nationality due to? customary differences. Nathan’s depiction of the typical college student gives the picture that students often are â€Å"goof offs†and use college as a social club instead of a place that is meant to promote intellectual growth. Where this may be the norm at larger institutions, I would have to disagree with making this generalization for all schools. Albion College students take their education more serious than those from other state colleges. Many students at Albion are focused to continue on to a higher-ranking graduate school or job and? realize that taking school with a serious attitude is the way to do? hat. Nathan’s account of freshman life is realistic because it is her own? experience but it is not typical in some aspects for an Albion student.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
5 Years from Now
My goal is to contribute my skills in creating an equitable and strife free society with the help of media. I would like to be a media entrepreneur in the next five years. After graduating, apart from worked as an IT support executive, I prepared for Civil Service Exams, and worked as volunteer for couple of NGOs which gave me exposure to various Socio-Economic issues and learnt how media can be used to resolve these issues. After careful contemplation, I chose media as my career path and gave up the Civils’ preparation. Many entrepreneurs have been using media innovation for social transformation. For example, Participant Media is an American film and television production company which finances and produces socially relevant films and documentaries. Video Volunteers, an international media and human rights NGO that promotes community media to enable citizen participation in marginalized and poor communities around the world. One World Media, ViewChange, Latin American Network of Art for Social Transformation, TED (Technology Entertainment and Design) are the few examples of such successful media innovations. To shape a great idea into reality, it requires diverse range of skills and intimate knowledge of business. An MBA degree from SIBM with its robust pedagogy and strong industrial interface can act as a bridge between my theoretical knowledge and skills required for the industry. SIBM with more than 5000 alumni will help me to meet the like minded and to build a ‘symbiotic’ relationship for mutual benefit. The convergence of ideas and attitudes of different people from diverse educational and cultural background at SIMB will help me to learn new ways of planning and organizing things and solving problems. I believe that my strong determination and my skills that will be streamlined by SIMB will definitely help me in achieving my goal.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Grapes of wrath essay with detailed sources. Essays
Grapes of wrath essay with detailed sources. Essays Grapes of wrath essay with detailed sources. Essay Grapes of wrath essay with detailed sources. Essay Essay Topic: The Grapes Of Wrath Pa even admits that it seems like time has page 352. ) In the Goads hours of darkness, Ma Goad is the light. Pa Goad is sort of the quiet one of the family, and he seems to Just get quieter and quieter throughout he plot as Ma Goad takes control. He was indeed the one to plan the trip to California, with great care and consideration. He still has this sort of protectiveness over his family, but it seems he becomes weak when the family actually reaches California. His character development seems to be different than the others. It seems like he is getting weaker as a character as the others are becoming stronger. Ma realizes this, and she even reciprocates. After Pa makes a comment about how things have changed she reacts by telling him he isnt exactly doing his Job either. (Chapter 26 age 352) Apparently, hardship does not always create something good in a character. .He doesnt really say or do much throughout the book, he Just seems to back off and let Ma Goad take over. Rose of Sharon, seems to be a stereotypical character. Steinbeck portrays a girl who goes from high spirited, to secretive and mysterious due to her pregnancy. She smiled with secrecy. She was all secrets now she was pregnant, secrets and little silences that seemed to have meanings. She was pleased with herself, and she complained about things that didnt really matter. (Chapter 13, page 129) . She starts out the story with this romantic idea that her and her husband Connie will start a life in the city and she is highly dependent on others. She worries constantly about her baby and its health, and uses her mother for information. : She is soon hit with a bitter realization that she is on her own when Connie suddenly disappears and all her hopes and dreams are crushed. (Chapter 20, page 268. ) But soon enough, her worries disappear and replace in the health of her child. Her luck doesnt seem to get any better as she gives birth, and her child is born a blue shriveled little mummy. (Chapter 30, page 444) She sees that she must accept her situation and move on. At the end of the chapter, she demonstrates her change from a selfish person to a giving person as she feeds a starving man. Even though she loses everything she was hoping for, she transforms into a much stronger character. Last but not least, Jim Casey. Jim Casey is an ex-preacher who meets with a former worshiper, Tom Goad. Jim forms a relationship with Tom, and Joins his family on their trip to California. He is clearly spiritual, being a former preacher and all. He believes that maybe all men got one big soul that everybody a part f. (Chapter 4, page 24) He is viewed as a Christ figure, and its no coincidence Steinbeck gave him the initials J. C, also standing for Jesus Christ. He fulfils his commitment to the Goads when he takes the blame for an altercation that Tom has with a deputy. He tells the other deputies that he hit the cop and he talked back. (Chapter 20, page 266) He gladly sacrificed himself for the good of others. Cays finds this sort of purpose in his life and becomes the novels hero, in a away. He ultimately dies fighting for the rights of migrant workers. (Chapter 26, page 386) His character romps Toms major change into a social activist and man of the people. He leaves the story with great influence on Toms life and perspectives. His last words were a paraphrase of Christi last words (Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do) when he ends his life with, You don know what youre a-doing. Grapes of wrath is ultimately a beautiful story of the struggles of a family in need. Each character represents a different kind of perspective and life in the time of the great occur when a family needs all the strength it can get. The women become stronger, a man becomes weak, and other men learn to be selfless.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Role of Zoos in Endangered Species Conservation
The Role of Zoos in Endangered Species Conservation The worlds best zoos offer face-to-face encounters with some of the most fascinating and rare creatures on the planet- an experience that few people would ever be able to pursue in the wild. Unlike the cramped cages that housed wild animals in sideshow spectacles of the past, the modern zoo has elevated habitat emulation to an art, carefully recreating natural environments and offering inhabitants challenging activities to reduce boredom and stress. The evolution of zoos has also included programs dedicated to protecting endangered species, both in captivity and in the wild. Zoos accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) participate in Species Survival Plan Programs that involve captive breeding, reintroduction programs, public education, and field conservation to ensure survival for many of the planets threatened and endangered species. Conservation Breeding AZA conservation breeding programs (also known as captive breeding programs) are designed to augment populations of endangered species and avoid extinction via regulated breeding in zoos and other approved facilities. One of the primary challenges facing captive breeding programs is maintaining genetic diversity. If the population of a captive breeding program is too small, inbreeding may result, leading to health problems that can have a negative impact on the species survival. For this reason, breeding is carefully managed to ensure as much genetic variation as possible. Fast Facts: Six Species Saved From Extinction by Zoos Arabian Oryx: Hunted to extinction in the wild, the Arabian Oryx was revitalized thanks to conservation efforts of Phoenix Zoo and others. As of 2017, 1,000 animals had been restored to the wild, while thousands more were living in zoo environments.Przewalski’s Horse: The only truly wild species left in the world, Przewalski’s Horse is native to the grasslands of Central Asia. After being declared completely extinct in the wild, it’s made an amazing comeback.California Condor: Not all that long ago, there were only 27 of these magnificent birds left. Thanks to conservation efforts from the San Diego Wild Animal Park and the Los Angeles Zoo, hundreds of California Condors have been reintroduced into the wild.Bongo: The Eastern Bongo, a large antelope native to a remote region of Kenya was one of the last large mammal species to be discovered but poaching and loss of habitat nearly wiped them out. Zoos worldwide are to working to establish a stable p opulation to ensure their survival.Panamanian Golden Frog: Beautiful but extremely poisonous, the entire species succumbed to the effects of a devastating fungal disease in the wild. Since 2007, existing captive populations abetted by collaborative conservation efforts by a number of zoos have staved off their extinction.Golden Lion Tamarin: Close to extinction due to loss of habitat from logging and mining, as well as poaching in its native Brazil, there has been a steady effort since the 1980s to ensure this species doesn’t vanish from the face of the Earth. Currently, about one-third of wild Golden Lion Tamarins come from breeding programs.Source: Taronga Conservation Society Australia Reintroduction Programs The goal of reintroduction programs is to release animals that have been raised or rehabilitated in zoos back into their natural habitats. AZA describes these programs as powerful tools used for stabilizing, re-establishing, or increasing in situ animal populations that have suffered significant declines. In cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the IUCN Species Survival Commission, AZA-accredited institutions have established reintroduction programs for endangered animals such as the black-footed ferret, California condor, freshwater mussel, and Oregon spotted frog. Public Education Zoos educate millions of visitors each year about endangered species and related conservation issues. Over the past 10 years, AZA-accredited institutions have also trained more than 400,000 teachers with award-winning science curricula. A nationwide study including more than 5,500 visitors from 12 AZA-accredited institutions found that visits to zoos and aquariums prompt individuals to reconsider their role in environmental problems and see themselves as part of the solution. Field Conservation Field conservation focuses on the long-term survival of species in natural ecosystems and habitats. Zoos participate in conservation projects that support studies of populations in the wild, species recovery efforts, veterinary care for wildlife disease issues, and conservation awareness. AZA sponsors a landing page on the National Geographic Societys Global Action Atlas, featuring worldwide conservation projects associated with participating zoos. Success Stories Today, 31 animal species classified as Extinct in the Wild are being bred in captivity. Reintroduction efforts are underway for six of these species, including the Hawaiian crow. According to the IUCN, conservation breeding and reintroduction have helped prevent the extinction of six out of 16 critically endangered bird species and nine out of 13 mammal species, including species previously classified as Extinct in the Wild. The Future of Zoos and Captive Breeding A study recently published in the journal Science supports the establishment of specialized zoos and a network of captive breeding programs that target species facing an acute risk of extinction. According to the study, Specialization generally increases breeding success. The animals can be parked at these zoos until they have a chance of survival in the natural environment and can then be returned to the wild. Endangered species breeding programs will also help scientists better understand population dynamics critical to the management of animals in the wild.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Tesla Motor Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Tesla Motor - Research Paper Example Tesla Motors is leading in manufacturing electric car batteries as well as electric vehicle sports activities cars that can run on the highways and utilize battery of lithium-ion and the foremost electric car that may voyage more than 200 miles per charge (Howard Web). Americans who are environmental conscious buy many cars made by Tesla Motors. There are however various ways in which global warming may be minimized such as reducing amount of fuel burnt in the air by decreasing amount of car use and using energy efficient vehicles. Moreover, Tesla’s beautiful cars have faced concerns over potential fire risks. This makes customers question the company’s quality and safety especially in North America where many incidences of fire have been experienced. However, the company’s technological features have ensured that the people are warned before they are hurt by fire. Despite the achievements that the company has gained from its technology, Tesla still makes losses and does not meet its sales target. Strong demand for Model S has never been recorded as expected and the production is not sufficient because of the supply constraint the company undergoes. Production of Model S is very high and the supply of battery sale faces some constraints. Ohnsman explains that battery supply issue has hugely affected the company negatively thus tarnishing the company that is always committed (Web).
Friday, November 1, 2019
Cloverleaf PLC Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Cloverleaf PLC Case Analysis - Essay Example The author has rightly presented that the selling and purchasing process followed by a company plays imperative role in their success in the long run. Nowadays, companies around the world are trying to implement different types of strategies and techniques by which they can increase the overall sales and at the same time can streamline their purchasing process. The company observed that it has great opportunities in the European market as there are more than 1000 organizations that are active in Europe. The company mainly targeted countries such as France, Germany and Benelux countries. Despite, competitive edge over the rivals in terms of technological expertise and better quality, the company failed to get the order of Commercial SA. The company recently opened sales offices in countries such as France, Germany and the Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg). The principal intention of the company behind opening new branches in other parts of Europe was to capitalize on the market opportunities and along with that, driving sales was another motive. The company has not been performing to the desired standard since the last few months. The sales figures of the company also represent the same as the company has only been able to sell three units, which is far below the expectations. Hence, to get rid of the financial debacle and strengthen its financial position, the company has decided to make its presence felt in other parts of the world. According to eminent scholars such as Adler (2010) a company with international business holds the opportunity to increase the overall sales and profitability of the firm. The author also emphasized on the fact that the chances of sales go up because of the greater marketplace. Echoing the same, authors such as Pride & Ferrell (2004) stated that the dependence of a business on the domestic market reduces greatly. Kapil (2011) mentioned that it allows companies to learn new methods and makes them more competent in the global marketplace. Hence, from this discussion and statements of the eminent scholars, it is evident that given the company's superiority in product quality and technology, the decision of the company to expand in other parts of Europe was fully justified (Fournier, 1998). Sales Strategy of Cloverleaf PLC According to Solomon (2008) a company must formulate and implement the most appropriate strategy of marketing and selling. This is because, even if a company manufactures superior products, the same will remain unknown to the customers if not promoted properly. Thus, it is obvious that a company should put in equal efforts in developing a product as well as promoting it. In the context of Cloverleaf
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