Monday, September 30, 2019
The Concepts of Negative and Positive Peace
Firstly, it is important to provide some sort of outline of what the term peace itself means. During my research I came across the notes of the Irenees’ Peace workshop held in South Africa in May 2007. According to these documents Peace does not mean the total absence of any conflict. It means the absence of violence in all forms and the unfolding of conflict in a constructive way. Peace therefore exists where people are interacting non-violently and are managing their conflict positively – with respectful attention to the legitimate needs and interest of all concerned. In terms of explaining the difference of negative and Positive peace this definition seemed the most appropriate. Johan Galtung, who had been often referred to as the father of peace studies distinguishes between ‘negative peace’ and ‘positive peace’. Before I elaborate on these two concepts, Galtung grew up during World War II in German-occupied Norway, where his father arrested was by the Nazis. By 1951 he was already a committed peace mediator, and elected to do 18 months of social service in place of his obligatory military service. Galtung eventually insisted that his social service should be spent in activities promoting peace, which lead to the Norwegian authorities imprisoning him for 6 months. Galtung's theoretical work proposes that there are four ways in which conflict can emerge: conflicts within a person or between persons; conflicts between races, sexes, generations, or classes; conflicts between states; and conflicts between civilizations or multi-state regions. Peace, according to Galtung, is not just the absence of war. Because two nations are not at war does not mean they are in peace. Negative peace refers to the absence of violence. When, for example, a ceasefire is enacted, a negative peace will ensue. It is negative because something undesirable stopped happening (e. g. the violence stopped, the oppression ended). The Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States is the classic example, but look also to modern examples of negative peace between North and South Korea or Israel and Syria. Therefore, the mere absence of physical violence or war is a negative peace because the conditions that inevitably lead to violence persist. Positive peace refers to the absence of indirect and structural violence and includes a state of collaboration and support between states, nations, or members of a society. It is closely tied to positive content such as restoration of relationships, the creation of social systems that serve the needs of the whole population and the constructive resolution of conflict. Ironically I was not able to find examples of any situations which would constitute an environment of positive peace. What I did come across was Galtung’s insistence that peace studies shouldn’t seek simply to reduce or end violence but rather to understand the conditions that lead to violence along with the conditions that manifest peace. According to Galtung peace and violence need to be examined at all human levels if a state of positive peace is ever to be reached therefore instances of something such as inter-gender violence is equally as important as inter-state violence. It isinteresting that in the UN charter, peace is not thoroughly defined. Instead, it is referred to as a negative definition of peace (the lack of war) and not a positive definition (the lack of war plus just institutions, structural equality, etc). In other words, officially the UN as an organization works with a definition of peace as the lack of interstate war.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Corwin Corporation Case Analysis Essay
Executive Summary The purpose of this article is to explore the real reasons hidden behind the event of project termination between Corwin Corporation with the Peters Company. The decision of taking this project was made slapdash by Corwin Corporation just a few weeks before Charismas under the pressure of Peters Company. After three months, the project was finally cancelled just on the early testing stage by the client unilaterally. This project failure led to not only financial loss for Corwin, but also cessation of relations with Peters Company which is one of the most important and also a difficult customer. Corwin as the synonymous with quality has stringent requirements for any project selection around product-based initiatives from outside client. However, under the pressure and the temptation of further undefined manufacturing contract from Peters, the requirements were completely neglected. The project failed to meet the client expectation due to lack of proper management at the pre-project and on-going phases. The major concerns of the failure include: project selection; staff competency; management support; project planning; and project communication between internal and external stakeholders. Introduction This article is prepared to seek the reasons of Corwin Corporation’s project failure. Hunting mistakes that Corwin made during the project initiation and execution stages and provides recommendation and solutions in order to avoid the occurrence of similar cases. Corwin Corporation is a globally well-known high-quality rubber components manufacturer. The top management of Corwin is highly conservative and tends to exand markets for existing products rather than new product development. Due to the high-quality products credibility, Corwin receives specialty products manufacturing frequently. By the conservation nature of Corwin’s management strategy, 90% of all specialty-product requires was rejected. However, this long standing internal protocols was totally breached and a high risky project was taken by Corwin from one of its existing customers-Peters Company in just a few days before Christmas. The Peters Company is one of major client of Corwin. The good relationship has been built up through past 2 years ‘corporation begins from 1980 to 1982. At the end of 1982, Corwin received a request from Peters to produce a new product under a fixed $ 250,000 budget. During the initial conversation, Corwin resisted to accepting this project due to short notice time and unclear project scope. However, project was finally accepted for maintaining good client relationship and gaining further potential revenue of manufacturing contract. Three months later, after a few conflicts this impetuous decision resulted in complete project failure and also cost Corwin’s relationship with Peters. There are quite a few reasons lead to this project failure. It includes project selection; project manager competency; managerial involvement, internal and external stakeholders’ communication. Hamburger argues that â€Å"in preparing an oversimplified, unrealistic project plan; in seeking commitments from a non-supportive management and an uncooperative functional organization; and in the false starts that result from working with an ineffective plan or no plan at all†(Hamburger, 1992) Discussion Project selection The first mistake was that Corwin Corporation should not take the risk to accept the work from Peters Company under such a short period of time and even without any clearly product specification. During the initial communication, Corwin Corporation is unwilling to accept this project from Peters Company but finally changed its mind after realizing for the upcoming financial incentives. The case happened just a few weeks before Christmas. Most management team members were away for their holiday. This was caused by a lack of project selection skills. As a result, without clearly understanding the uncertainties and project selection process will lead to project failure. Project selection is the very first step of the project life cycle and it is very important and foremost activity in project management(Jigeesh, 2012). Bard, Balachandraand and Kaaufmann(1988) states that â€Å"project selection is a very complex decision-making process since it is affected by many critical factors such as technical success, government regulations, differing preferences among project selection parties, etc†. Most projects will not execute until an in-depth assessment of their probability of success is made, and the outcome appears favorable (Bard, 1988). In order to ensure the project selection is the most appropriate to business need. Baker (1986) argues that it needs to go through the pros and cons analysis and problem or opportunity need to be clearly identified at the early stage. Staff competency The project manager was appointed by Engineering VP. The Engineering director, project manager’s immediate boss, stated that the manager’s expertise was in managing internal rather than external projects. If he were the decision maker, he would not assign him to be the project manager. Unfortunately, Engineering VP took the risk and believed the director was too pessimistic to give him a try. The fact proved his assumption wrong. Anderson (1992) argues that once the inexperienced project manager was assigned to a new project. He or She tend to keep on the strength his or her technical expertise. Because the project manager may be attentive on technical details of the project, not focus on other aspects of the project. This could be a reason for project failure. (Thornberry, 1989) Management support During the early stage of this project, most of managerial team members were on vacation. The marketing VP who initiated the project then passed to Engineering VP just the day before he was leaving for his vacation. Due to the R&D director was also away Engineering VP directly selected one of the R&D scientists as the project manager without asking his opinion. Bird (1988) states that the support of top management is interrelated with project success. The management support can be defined as â€Å"When a senior management project sponsor/champion, the CEO and other senior managers devote time to review plans, follow up on results and facilitate management problems†(Young & Jordan, 2008). The definition is interpreted to imply that project sponsor or management team members should spend more time on project activities and make enough time to be aware of the project status and to mediate as necessary. This is indicated that deficient management competencies or long distance remote leadership have negative impact on project outcomes(Blackstone, Cox, & Schleier, 2009). In this current case, most of management team members turn a blind eye to the project members and only engaged in blaming. Project planning In this example, the project team received a reluctant authorization to proceed from the CEO and then ball was passed from Marketing to Engineering team. The inexperienced Project manager was select by Engineering VP, not his direct leader. Also a contract man was assigned into the project team; he was totally unfamiliar with this kind of effort and just severed as a legal advisor once necessary. The Engineering director tried to argue that Peters Company was not easy to get along with and the project manager was very experienced in internal rather than external projects. Unfortunately his suggestion was left in the basket. Also during the first internal project meeting, the project manager was not in attendance at this meeting which was held with three vice presidents of Corwin Corporation. As Hamburger (1992) stated â€Å" Time wasted in the false starts that result from working with ineffective plan or no plan at all†. The appropriate project kick-off effort will get the pr oject heading in the right direction. Hamburger (1992) suggests that project kick-off should be organized in two ways. Firstly, internal communication among project team members and planning the project effort. Secondly, external communication involves meeting the client to reach common understanding on the project requirement and conclude an agreement on operating methodology. Except above communication methods, a complete project hand-over is needed. The final project team needs to be aware of the right direction requirements of the client. Furthermore, a solid project team is crucial. It is important to build up a cohesive project team with a common purpose that each member can make towards project success. Finally, the initial client meeting is necessary and should be taken seriously. Preparation for the client meeting includes development of the working procedures that will be needed for effective daily interaction among project manager, project team members and clients. Communication As discussed above, whatever internal communication with team members or external communication with clients, communication is one of the crucial competency that manager should have. Henderson (2008) argues that to be a qualified project manager, the best resource loader or an effective influencer is not enough. A qualified project manager must be a capable communicator, should possess the competency to share information both in writing and verbally. The communication skill is the most important among other competencies(Knutson, 2001). During the early support soliciting stage, the line groups were upset because the project manager did not ask the help in advance. By the time the project manager completed the first three tests, the in-house representative complained the tests were completely opposite to the right direct. The project manager chose to cater to the in-house rather than report to senior management team. The inexperienced project manager also did not know to involve funct ional staff, assuming they would just come on board when he needed them. The poor communication skills, combined with the in-house representative’s arrogant attitude along with his interference with the testing process, contribute to unpleasant working environment and also reduced the work morale of project team members. Krahn and Hartment (2006) found that listening and verbal communication were most critical competencies among other competences for project managers to be successful in nowadays organizational environments. All these problems arise because the inexperienced project manager did not notice the communication breakdown escalated during project execution. There are several communication action principles would be important for an efficient project management. Firstly, ensuring participation is in decision making by consulting all decisional factors. Secondly, the internal communication should be top priority and also a balance between internal and external communication must be taken into account. Finally, communication will not be a mere data transmission but also an exchange of information, idea and opinions (Posea, 2012). Conclusions 1. The hasty decision was a mistake fundamentally. Corwin Corporation did not take enough time to analyze the project specifications, pros and cons adequately. 2. The original project selection process was totally ignored. 3. The project team was built up with inexperience project members. This mistake leaded to communication breakdown with internal and external stakeholders and deficiencies in product examinations. 4. The inexperience technical talent was appointed to be the project manager. 5. The management team did not fully involve in this project. 6. The internal and external communication channels are blocked leading to misinterpretation of data, blindness among stakeholders. 7. Took the risk to accept the project from an existing client. Moreover, it had been aware Peters Company was difficult to deal with. Recommendations 1. Issue a rigorous company policy in project and project manager selection process. 2. Reinforce existing project selection process. Do not make any unwise decision unless it successfully passed the selection process. 3. Set up a train program on stakeholders’ communication. 4. School relevant employees about the project scope, project selection, pre-project planning and other project management relation train programmes. 5. Create project manager selection strategies to improve the managerial skills and administrative capabilities of project managers. 6. It is the responsibility of the managerial team to support project staff not only on project itself but also includes member’s feeling. 7. Set up a team to restore the relationship with Peters Company. 8. Build up internal and external communication protocols. Reference: Anderson, S. D. (1992). Project quality and project managers. International Journal of Project Management, 10(3), 138–144. Bard, J. B., R.; Kaufmann, P. E. (1988). An interactive approach to R&D project selection and termination. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 35, 139–146. Blackstone, J. H., Cox, J. F., & Schleier, J. G. (2009). A tutorial on project management from a theory of constraints perspective. International Journal of Production Research, 47(24), 7029–. Hamburger, D. (1992). Project kick-off: Getting the project off on the right foot. International Journal of Project Management, 10(2), 115–122. Henderson, L. S. (2008). The impact of project managers’ communication competencies: validation and extension of a research model for virtuality, satisfaction, and productivity on project teams. Project Management Journal, 39(2), 48–59. Jigeesh, N. (2012). Selection of project as important beginning for information technology pro ject management. IUP Journal of Operations Management, 11(1), 42–49. Knutson, J. (2001). Succeeding in project-driven organizations:people processes, and politics. New York: Wiley. Posea, C. (2012). Communication implied by the project management. Scientific Research & Education in the Air Force, 197–203. Thornberry, N. E. (1989). Transforming the engineer into a manager: avoiding the Peter Principle. Civil Eng. Pract. Young, R., & Jordan, E. (2008). Top management support: mantra or necessity? International Journal of Project Management, 26(7), 713–725.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Business Research Methodology and Regular Maintenance
Owning a bar in the Hobart City is quite an interesting and a fascinating idea. Since the citizens of the Hobart city are quite extrovert, they usually like to spend their leisure hours in a sophisticated bar with their friends or dear ones. The name of the bar will be â€Å"On the Groove.†The plan is that the bar will be having a club with dance floor accompanying it. It is very important to conduct primary and secondary research so that it turns into a successful venture in the long run. The three important issues which is required to be analysed for the opening of a bar in Hobbit are the Location for the setup of bar, to compete with the prevailing competitors and their innovative ideas and the cost involved for setting up and maintenance in a regular manner (, 2016). The locations of the bar play a major role in its growth and development throughout its existence. Many a time due to the location of bar it gains popularity and customer’s attention as compared to those which are located in less popular areas. The choice of location will totally depend upon the bar will look, the kind of customers which it expects and the level of its contribution which towards the society. The next step will be to decide whether to purchase the requisite location or to take it up on lease. This decision will be depending upon the level of budget which has been proposed for â€Å"on the groove†. At last, it will depend on the owner of the bar how to sync the concept of the bar with the proposed location in order to achieve the best competitive advantage with respect to location and its services. At times, due to the popularity of location, customers usually gets attracted towards the bar to spend their leisure time and this automatically becomes one of the reason behind significant increase in the level of revenue for the bar. So, by choosing proper location for â€Å"On the Groove†the owner can expect increase the level of revenue and can expect prospective advantages accruing from it (Entrepreneur, 2016). It is very important for a bar to always come up with innovative ideas so that it does not loses its customers and it's quite capable to attract the prospective ones regularly. Like, along with the dance floor you can have a mixture or a combination of Sports Bar and beer bar at the same time. This will attract those kinds of customers who are inclined for the above said specialty. It will also be a one stop destination for those people who want to enjoy the drink along with grooving on the dance floor. With the growing rapid changes in the needs of the customers, it has turned very important to have innovative ideas and to implement the same in the business from time to time. This will not only increase the number of customers but will also increase the level of prospect for the survival in this kind of industry. Not only this, it will be quite successful in gaining an edge upon its competitors in the market. It is very important for being a successful business owner, to underst and the latest Buzz in the market, to remain alert with the changing needs and wants of the customers and also conscious or proactive towards the environment. If the owner of â€Å"On the Groove†is quite innovative and creative it will be a plus point for him to carry out the concept of bar in the Hobart City (Entrepreneur, 2016). In order to proceed further with the concept of setting up a bar it is very important to analyse the target market in the industry. For this, critical analysis and research is to be conducted by collecting data regarding need of the customers in the form of surveys, the current position of similar bars in the state, level of regular and fixed type of investments by its competitors etc. The first and foremost step involved is the amount required for rent or lease followed by the level of investment in fixtures, various licences, opening stock, utilities, payroll, marketing expenses, legal services, types of insurance, accounting and various other miscellaneous expenses . Just for the purpose of consumption, it would be advisable to have 10% of the total other expenses to be allocated for miscellaneous expenses. This will be referred as total initiation cost for â€Å"on the groove†. Other cost like security terms for safety in order to prevent breakout is another important aspe ct to maintain a bar. From the owners point of you, raising a bar is equivalent to nurturing a child right from giving a name to it, ensuring its smooth functioning, hassle-free, higher revenue earnings can be compared to the style of parenting having a child who is happy, well assured, adjusted and ready for his adulthood in the coming future.  Proper cash settlement by means of collecting the same from the customers, distributing among the employees in terms of their salaries and keeping aside owners share of profit can to add different setup inside the bar for effective cash management setup. This will be the additional cost for the owner. If the owner of the bar has conducted its cost benefit analysis and have considered the above mentioned cost it would be advisable to move ahead with on the groove. Profitability should be ensured to the owner after adjusting all the above mentioned cost judiciously (Entrepreneur, 2016). The above three factors play a major role in deciding the commercial viability of the bar in the Hobbit City. If all the three factors shows positive response during analysis, it would be quiet beneficial to the owner to have a bar in the City. Being updated with innovative ideas and controlled cost it will be a successful venture (, 2016). Entrepreneur. (2016). How to Start a Bar/Club. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Dec. 2016]. Fell, J. (2016). Three Things About Owning a Bar That Might Surprise You. [online] Entrepreneur. Available at: [Accessed 11 Dec. 2016]. (2016). The Experience Grape – Wine | Food | Bar. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Dec. 2016].
Friday, September 27, 2019
The Three Most Important Things I Now Know About California Government Essay
The Three Most Important Things I Now Know About California Government - Essay Example Water is among the basic needs of humans and its constant supply to the public is an important service provided by governments. California County officials appreciate the responsibility of supplying water to the people. That informs the current debate in the state to ensured water security through exploitation of modern innovation. Before the class, I maintained the viewpoint that the State government prioritized challenges to having clean water in California as a priority in their laws and policies. After the class, I knew it was the contrary. Instead, the existing State regulations and agency practices did not embrace innovations, for instance, in water marketing (Hanak, 2011). State regulations and Federal laws were subject to conflict related to water availability to the residents of California. The interest group and media discuss pertinent issues such as security, democracy, and heath care that important in ensuring a balanced society. In California, the media and other interest groups are influential in policymaking such a promoting the concerns of health care. An example is the importance of mending the cigarettes bill in California. There is a high number of youths in the State suffering from addiction to smoking because of the introduction of the e-cigarettes. The participation of anti-tobacco group in fighting against the introduction of e-cigarettes bill such as the American Lung Association in California signifies the implications of the bill on human health. Senator Corbett of San Francisco Bay Area is coordinating other interest groups and the media in their efforts to crack down the marketing and distribution of dangerous tobacco products in the State. All these efforts are indications that health is a vital issue that must be prioritized by the government. That justifies the consideration of the discussion by interest group and the media as a second most important
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith Essay
The Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith - Essay Example One of the essential ideas in â€Å"The Wealth of Nations†is the division of labour. According to Smith, the division of labour occurs due to the increase in production rather than any other factor. The division of labour, however, can only be beneficial if a nation has more industry in place. The book argues that agriculture does not produce a larger division of labour as compared to industry. According to Smith, the division of labor arises not from the innate wisdom of the masses, but due to a human tendency to barter. Smith, therefore, argues that the reasons for the specialization are due to the differences in natural talent rather than any other factor. The book also discusses the limitations of the division of labour and indicates that the division of labour is actually limited by the extent of the market. The overall limited opportunities in the market actually result into the lack of labour specialization. If a market can be expanded, the specialization of labour can further occur, and the society can benefit from more skilled workers. In 1778, Smith was appointed the Commissioner to the Customs. This experience sharpened his understanding of trading and of the manner how exchange actually took place between two parties. He designed and developed policies and methods to curb smuggling so that overall revenues could be increased. He remained single during his entire life and died in Edinburgh on July 19, 1790 (Smith, 1761 a). He was a ruthless advocate of individualism, and his interests ranged from natural theology, ethics, and jurisprudence, to economics, which may explain the cause as to why he wrote â€Å"The Theory of Moral Sentiments†(Smith, 1761 a). He denied self-love as a principle which could never be virtuous. He thought that sympathy and self-interest were complementary. He once expressed that it was not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that a worker could expect dinner, however, in fact, each ag ent worked in their own self-interest (Smith, 1761 a). He also discussed the concept of money and how various commodities were used as money. He reviewed the origins of money and how different nations actually used it in order to create a medium for exchange. He also speculated how metals were used as money and how nations actually invented new methods of developing money with the purpose of creating an exchange value. Further, he also discussed nominal prices for commodities as well as prices for labour. He also outlined how prices were actually determined and what were some of their components. Smith was in favour of labour and indicated that labour was the means by which an individual earned wages in a competitive market; a labourer must produce something others valued to earn (Smith, 1761 a). â€Å"The Wealth of Nations†reveals that nature and causes of the nation’s prosperity come from the increasing of the labour division to systematize its production (Smith, 17 61 a). Smith professed that individual would invest resources, e.g. land and labour, to earn the highest possible return of investment, but it must yield to the equal rate of return (Smith, 1977 b). For classical economists this was the core of Smith’s proposition of economic theory. Smith advocated equality of returns to explain the differences of salaries based on the knowledge, skills,
Sincere believes about the morality of divorce will not influence God Research Paper
Sincere believes about the morality of divorce will not influence God judgment of us as true believers - Research Paper Example Morals are rules or habits of conduct, especially sexual conduct, with reference to standards of right and wrong. They are concerned with the judgment of the goodness or badness of a human action, or the character of the individual in question. The issue arises from the fact that different people, and different organizations, have different definitions of what is right or wrong, good or bad, and the way that they interpret and act upon those definitions. Of the many great social issues in our time, one of the most often debated is the prevalence of divorce in society today; due to the immense influence of Christianity throughout history, with special reference into its heavy influences upon Western culture, this is doubly true, as the predominant views on the institution of marriage itself are due to the views provided in the Bible itself. The influences of Christianity on marriage may be seen in the vows themselves, as evidenced by the sample vows provided here: â€Å"With deepest joy I receive you into my life that together we may be one. As is Christ to His body, the church, so I will be to you a loving and faithful husband. Always will I perform my headship over you even as Christ does over me†(,. 1995). ... So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate’†(New English Bible, 1963). Ephesians 5:22 states â€Å"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything†(New English Bible, 1963). The concept of marriage is discussed so frequently, and so in depth in the Bible itself, that it is not surprising that in a country founded by Christians who were looking for an escape from religious persecution, the idea of divorce has become a hotly debated one. The traditional teachings of Christianity believed that divorce was wrong; according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, â€Å"divorce is a grave offense against the natural law. It claims to break the contract, to which the spouses freely consented, to live with ea ch other till death. Divorce does injury to the covenant of salvation; of which sacramental marriage is the sign†¦divorce is immoral also because it introduces disorder into the family and into society†(Abbott, 2012). It was, and is, not just the Catholic Church that advocated for the immorality of divorce, for many Christians will also quote Matthew 19:9, which states â€Å"And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery†(New English Bible, 1963); another commonly quoted verse is Luke 16:18, â€Å"Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery†(New English Bible, 1963). While it is true that the teachings of Jesus allow for divorce under
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Examine Tran Anh Hung's Cyclo in the ways that the film deals with Essay
Examine Tran Anh Hung's Cyclo in the ways that the film deals with violence, capitalism and representations of gender - Essay Example In the small house where the boy lives, he is with his grandfather and his small sister who both works hard to ensure the family gets the basic needs. The poor peace enjoyed by the family comes under jeopardy when the boy loses the hired Cyclo culminating the change of his life and that of his sister. Through the influence of a poet who works for the Boss Lady, the owner of the Pedi-cab and the same person who stole it, the boy is introduced to crime and his young sister to prostitution. There is violence within the city and the boy is given harder tasks but he is spared from death despite failing to kill his assigned target as a result of a form of developed love that connects him to his deceased mentally retarded son. Capitalism leads to violence and gender oppression in Vietnam because of the failure of government institutions obligated with the role of running the nation. To effectively capture the themes depicted by the author, it is important to focus on a detailed analysis of two scenes presented in the film. The first scene is essential as it gives the audience a basis behind the young boy’s life as one of the main protagonists in the film. It is through his daily chores where the young boy is ferrying passengers in Saigon City where the mind of the young boy reflects on the voice of his deceased father. The voice is heard by the audience from the background advising the boy on the need to live a better life than that of his father. There is a tone of pity from the voice of the deceased father as he recalls how he left his son and daughter with nothing (0: 01- 6). Buoyed by the words of his father, Cyclo is determined to change the state of his life and that of his family. The idea is almost a reality after a short while where Cyclo with another person finds good news on the newspaper about sourcing for loans from the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
''Citizen Kane'' Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
''Citizen Kane'' Review - Essay Example The story begins with the protagonist as an old man on his death bed, alone in his expensive mansion without family or friends. As he utters his last word, â€Å"Rosebud†, a journalist sets out on a journey of investigation to discover the meaning of Kane’s last word. It is through this exploration, including interviews with family members and associates, that we are told the life story of Kane, from childhood as a member of a poverty stricken family, through to his move into the newspaper industry as he develops a position of huge and influential power within the medium as his personal life disintegrates. One of the most innovative and important techniques and aspects of the movie is its narrative techniques. The story is told through a series of flashbacks, and not necessarily in chronological order. In addition to this, the story is entirely non-linear in that it is told through the perspective and points of view of multiple characters (Cook, 2004). Such characters i nclude much older individuals who have different interpretations and opposing descriptions of the protagonist. This non-linear storytelling technique which incorporates multiple narrators, including unreliable narrators, was extremely innovative of the time. Though a few previous movies had attempted this to some degree, â€Å"Citizen Kane†exploited this technique and based the structure of the entire movie upon this strategy. This is an extremely effective device and very appropriate for this particular movie. As the character is presented as something of an enigma, this is reflected through the multiple, diverse perspective and views of the protagonist by the many people in his life. The audience never fully understands the charcter, his motivations, intentions, emotions and true desires. Just as the journalist becomes more confused with the more information he gets on Kane, so too the audience remains relatively mystified by the character. Another aspect of the movie whic h has garnered much well deserved acclaim is the cinematography. Welles apparently attempted to create a new style of making films, by trying to combine several such techniques into one cohesive method. This resulted in many new and innovative aspects to the movies cinematography. For example, the director employed several low-angle shots and used deep focus extensively (Cook, 2004). This was extremely modern and new for the time period, as the limitations and typical settings of movies restricted such techniques. One of the central themes of the movie is the inability to fully understand and categorise an individual’s life, certainly without their input, and the film explores this very successfully. Despite Kane’s achievements and wealth, the journalist still cannot understand his final word â€Å"Rosebud†. It is not until the end of the film that the audience is allowed insight into the meaning of the word, which has entirely nothing to do with the protagonist ’s professional career or successes. This reflects the fact that it is almost impossible to truly understand another person and that relying n the perspectives and interpretations of others is an extremely unreliable source (Sparknotes, 2012). The movie overall, certainly deserves it’s substantial critical acclaim and merits. The innovative cinematography and storytelling structure were highly creative and effective devices to use at the time. Orson Welles as
Monday, September 23, 2019
Organizational Behavior Concerning Change within the Workplace Term Paper
Organizational Behavior Concerning Change within the Workplace - Term Paper Example ABC Merchandise, a U.S-based manufacturer of sports products, is facing a pronounced downturn in business. Top management has decided to reduce its workforce. This managerial action is expected to improve the efficiency of the firm and, subsequently, to enhance its competitiveness. Their management is facing the question of how to go about downsizing and which downsizing strategy or strategies to adopt? A downsizing strategy directly, or indirectly, impacts stakeholders such as management and non-management employees, communities, suppliers, and customers. At issue is whether the savings from employee reductions may, under certain conditions, be more than offset by rising agency costs and other stakeholder costs. Studies conducted by Amundson, Borgen, Jordan, & Erlebach (2004) and Armstrong-Stassen (2004) have highlighted negative effects of firing and layoffs on surviving employees, which include high degrees of stress due to increased workloads and job insecurity, reduction in orga nizational commitment, and lack of trust in management. Therefore it is important that downsizing process must entail long term thinking and it should b done in the context of coherent plan. Downsizing: Impact on Stakeholders Not all downsizing outcomes are positive. The evidence continues to prove that downsizing is risky business, often leaving a legacy of inhumane management which targets only symptoms and in the long run destroys the future health of the organization. About half of the organizations never see the benefits expected from downsizing. Long-term decreases in labor costs are achieved by fewer than two-thirds of the organizations that downsize and less than half of the organizations realize any lasting improvements in profitability (Hopkins & Weathington, 2006). The simple fact is downsizing doesn't guarantee increased profits. Organization begins internal and external actions to reduce costs. If downsizing is selected, four steps follow: (a) planning for downsizing, ( b) communication of the workforce reduction, (c) implementation of the reduction, and (d) managing the new workforce (Mondy & Noe, 1993). Each of these steps has associated human resource issues. During the planning stage, rumors and unintended organizational messages are a problem, because the anticipation of reductions interferes with communication. During the actual reductions, coping with the reduction activity is the chief concern. Finally, when managing the new workforce, survivor issues emerge. All of these lead to reduced organizational effectiveness indicated by increased turnover and decreased productivity (Mondy & Noe, 1993). Companies often manage to eliminate the right numbers of people in the wrong areas or lose some of the best minds, especially if cost cutting is the driving force (Mondy & Noe, 1993). New employees must be recruited and trained, contractors hired, or ex -employees brought back as contractors. All of these situations create problems. Unfortunately, the increased costs for training the workforce, working necessary overtime, contributing to retiree health benefits, and making severance payments catch organizations unprepared for the total expense. Prospective employees are likely to avoid a
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Boeing-Case Study Essay Example for Free
Boeing-Case Study Essay The key elements of the resistance to change described in the Perrier case are: Lack of communication and the companies inability to inform the employees of what changes affected production at Perrier, the company made excessive changes, the company introduces a series of changes and the people felt the changes were unnecessary, and they were unsure if they would still have the required skills to continue to work for the company. Perrier has made quite a fair amount of changes in a short period of time and they will need to be aware that some people may not agree to the change and might not work to their full potential. Most of Perriers employees did not think the changes were necessary for the organization to grow. There were some employees who thought Perriers conducted unnecessary changes to impact their normal workload. The latter change was considered as the lack of conviction that change is needed. There was also the Perceived Negative Effect on Interest -this resistance to change will be affected by peoples perceptions of the likely effect of the change on their interests, a term that can cover a wide range of factors including their authority, status, rewards(including salary), opportunity to apply expertise, membership of friendship networks, autonomy, and security. The employees at Perrier were concerned with the implication of the change for themselves and how it may affect their own interests, rather than considering effects for the success of the business. 2. Construct a change management strategy for dealing with this situation. In so doing, identify what approach (es) to managing resistance you recommend and provide a clear justification for your choice. An article by Kotter and Schlesinger provides the classic description on managing the resista
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Evolution Of Animation
The Evolution Of Animation Ever since the beginning of photography, people learned that pictures taken in quick series, of a moving object, could be flipped through, in succession, to create the illusion of a moving picture. For many years Animation has been used. Animation was done in black and white such as cartoons and movies in the early 1900s. The backgrounds and the cartoon drawings were made simple. Animation technology has come a long way since the early days of hand-drawn cartoons. The tools have changed dramatically. Animation is a graphic representation of drawings to show movement within those drawings. A series of drawings are linked together and usually photographed by a camera. The drawings have been slightly changed between individualized frames so when they are played back in rapid succession (24 frames per second) there appears to be seamless movement within the drawings. Early animations, which started appearing before 1910, consisted of simple drawings photographed one at a time. It was extremely labor intensive, as there were literally hundreds of drawings per minute of film. Early animators used an animation technique known as stop action. With the camera stopped, items would be rearranged, removed, or added to the shot then the director would start rolling again. Live action films using this procedure were called Trick Plays. American studios soon turned to flat animation as opposed to dimensional animation, finding it much more efficient for their assembly-line techniques of making animated films. To illustrate the difference between the two, picture Gumby (a dimensional character) as opposed to Tweety Bird, a drawing. The development of celluloid around 1913 quickly made animation easier to manage. Instead of numerous drawings, the animator now could make a complex background and/or foreground and squeeze in moving characters in between several other pieces of celluloid, which is transparent except for where drawings are painted on it. This made it unnecessary to repeatedly draw the background, as it remained static and only the characters moved. It also created an illusion of depth, especially if foreground elements were placed in the frames. The first animated cartoon was created in 1910 by pioneers such as Emile Cohl and Winsor McCay. The animation timeline then starts to progress with several films being produced during the next twenty years; Gertie the Dinosaur, produced by Winsor McCay and distributed to commercial movie theaters in 1914 being a land mark during this period. In the 1920s and 1930s Warners, MGM and Disney studios developed cartoon techniques, producing more and more sophisticated cartoons using traditional animation techniques of producing complex backgrounds and then imposing moving figures on them with celluloid, a transparent film. Walt Disney took animation to a new level adding sound in 1928 and producing the first full length animated film in 1937 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Since the release of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by Disney in 1937, animated films have become one of the most commonly enjoyed forms of entertainment. Disney has a long history of developing, producing, and distributing films such as Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin and The Lion King. The stories and characters of these popular animated feature films have become part of our modern traditions, enjoyed by every generation. Traditionally, these popular animated feature films have been created using the time-consuming and labor-intensive process of two-dimensional, hand-drawn cel animation. Today animation is rarely done on cel (Cel is a sheet of transparent cellulose acetate used as a medium for painting animation frames. It is transparent so that it can be laid over other celluloid and/or a painted background, then photographed.) Cel animation is extremely time consuming and requires incredible organization and concentration to detail. The way of doing animation today is different an d is more effective and it majorly depends on the new advanced computer technology. Remarkable animated films wouldnt have been possible without the new advances in computer technology. On the other hand even the computer technology itself is not new. Films like Toy Story, Madagascar, Finding Nemo, Up etc are the magnificent pieces of work done by Disney and they wouldnt have been possible without the computer technology. In the past the animators used to work very hard just to make a small video, but now its all computerized and one can easily see the evolution of animation that how significantly it has improved and made a special place for itself in the industry. According to Buffy Naillon, Computer animation changed the animated film industry. Animation today is based more on math formulas than the ability to draw According to, computer animation began about 40 years ago by General Motors. The company created a design system called DAC (Design Augmented by Computers). With it, they could look at 3D models of their cars from every angle. Consistent with PIXAR where films go through four stages: development, creating storyline; pre-production, addressing technical challenges; production, making the film; and post-production, polishing the final product. Today animation is done in a very effective manner, its a complete process with various steps which includes the idea of the film development, then to create a story line in which pre-production is done and dealing with all the technical challenges are also done in this step, later comes the production and the making of the film and then with the final touches the polishing is done. Today we have 3 dimensional animated films, which give the impression of being more realistic. Everyone today is fond of animated films. When that sledgehammer comes down on Sylvester the Cats big toe and it grows to the size of a watermelon theres no trick photography involved. The stories are very beautiful yet simple. And the most important the quality of the animated films today is way different then what we had in past. Animated films today when played in rapid succession appear to have seamless movements within the layouts. Seeing the old methods of animation and the methods used today really shows how the animating process has evolved and how it is getting better and better. The animation timeline carry on in the new millennium with movies like How to train your Dragon, Toy Story 3, Shrek The Final Chapter, and many more to follow.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
thomas eakins Essay -- essays research papers
Thomas Eakins      Thomas Eakins was born on July 25, 1844, in Philadelphia, and with the exception of four years of study in Paris and Spain, the city remained his home. Its school, public and private art collections, and community of artists, many of whom were recent emigrants from Europe trained in the academic tradition and familiar with new artistic styles, provided Eakins with an unusually wide-ranging art education for an American artist of his day.      When Eakins arrived in Paris in 1866 to continue his art studies, he was in the vanguard of young artists who would revolutionize American art over the next two decades, breaking away from the literalism of Hudson River School landscapes to emulate the figurative subject mater of European academic art. For the rest of his career, Eakins would remain the most dedicated American proponent of the painstaking, analytical artistic methods taught in European academies. Yet, as soon as he arrived back in Philadelphia, Eakins declared his independence from European conventions by painting subjects close to his own experience. Moreover, he did not behave lake his contemporaries. One critic described him as â€Å"much more like an inventor working (out) curious and interesting problems for himself than like an average artist.†     Eakins was widely recognized as a formidable artistic talent almost as soon as he began to exhibit in the mid- 1870’s. However, his scenes of working- and middle- class life found little support from critics and patrons. His decision to concentrate on portraiture after 1886 presented an even greater challenge for his viewer, who expected flattery and stylistic dash, rather than the intense scrutiny and introspective mood that characterized Eakins’ portraits.      After four years of studying in Europe, Thomas Eakins returned to Philadelphia in 1870 and set up a studio in his family home. As did many of his Paris-trained American contemporaries, Eakins brought back a conviction that the figure was the most important subject for art. While his peers remained committed to allegorical, historical, and exotic genre themes, however, Eakins sought his subject’s form the immediate experience of his life in Philadelphia. He began with the now-famous rowing, sailing, and hunting pictures, and made p... ... artists, culminating in his election in 1902 to the National Academy of Design, the most prestigious art organization in the United States. Designated an associate-elect in March, Eakins painted the required self-portrait in less than two months, and was elected a full academician in May. No other artist in the history of the institution previously had been elected both associate and academician in the same year.      He received a number of commissions from men in the professional and business communities. Yet, the intensely introspective quality that characterized his best portraits was reserved for people he knows well, such as his father-in-law, William Macdowell. In 1908, perhaps reviewing his own career, Eakins revisited the William Rush theme of thirty-two years before. In one of these paintings, he portrayed his own stocky figure helping a nude model down from the modeling stand.      Eakins died on June 25, 1916. In the following year, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York opened a memorial exhibition of sixty of his paintings, and the Pennsylvania Academy mounted and exhibition of more than one hundred of his works.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Alcohol :: Free Essays
Alcohol Alcohol is a drug which is used by any age and any ethnic background, it can have serious effects but not many of us realize this. Some people drink a lot and become addicted to it, the alcohol effects part of the brain which controls all the decision making, the outcome of this is loss of inhibitions. It affects the physical side which causes blurred vision and loss of balance. Drinking large amounts of alcohol at once is known as binge drinking, this has serious effects such as unconsciousness, coma and death. As you may realize by now alcohol can be a very dangerous drug but only if you take more than the recommended amount which is: Men - should drink no more than 21 units of alcohol per week and no more than four units in any one day. Women - should drink no more than 14 units of alcohol per week and no more than three units in any one day. If you take more than the recommended amount and drink every so often this will lead to physical damage, the effects of this are, increasing the possibility of catching diseases and making other diseases worse. Excessive drinking is related with loss of brain cells, liver failure, stomach ulcers, certain types of cancer, nerve damage, heart failure and epilepsy. Even though alcohol is used to make people feel relaxed, excessive drinking over a long period of time increases anxiety and causes depression. It also affects problems with sleeping, mood swings, violence and suicide. If you personally drink a lot and would like to stop, it may help if you keep a diary which records how much alcohol you drink every day, also if you could set yourself a target of how much you are allowed to
Mechanism of Transfer in Gene Therapy Essay examples -- Gene Therapy
Mechanism of Transfer in Gene Therapy Abstract: Gene therapy is the transfer of â€Å"normal†genes into the body to replace defective or undesired genes. The transfer may be in somatic or germline cells and may take place in vivo or in vitro. The DNA may be inserted in a retrovirus, adenovirus, adeno-associated virus, herpes simplex virus, or liposome, or it may be naked DNA. The vector travels to a target cell and inserts the gene, which goes to the host cell’s nucleus and may integrate into the genome. In cells with dominant negative genes, resulting protein must be prevented from translation or transcription using oligonucleotides or antisense technology. Though many obstacles delay the development of gene therapy, this new field will surely improve the future of medicine. Mechanism of Transfer in Gene Therapy Gene therapy is a method of replacing defective or undesired genes in the body with â€Å"normal†genes. A vector is re-engineered to deliver the gene to a target cell. Then the gene is transferred to the cell’s nucleus and must be activated in order to function. The gene must be integrated into the cell’s genome in order for it to continue to function and be replicated. Side effects are possible because the vector may be detected as a foreign substance by the body’s immune system. Gene therapy may take place either in vivo or in vitro, the transfer may be in either somatic or germline cells, and a variety of viral and non-viral vectors may be used. In vivo gene therapy is done inside a living organism. This is accomplished by inhalation, oral administration, intramuscular injection, or intravenous administration (Brooks, 24). Currently, most in vivo experiments have taken place in animals other than humans. Most gen... ...ocated, ensure that gene therapy will be a revolutionary aspect of medicine’s future. Bibliography Brooks, Gavin. Gene Therapy: The use of DNA as a drug. London: Pharmaceutical Press, 2002. â€Å"Gene Therapy.†Human Genome Project Information. 18 November 2005. U.S. Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health. 28 July 2007. â€Å"Gene Therapy: Molecular Bandage?†Learn.Genetics. 2007. The University of Utah, Genetic Science Learning Center. 28 July 2007. Januario E. Castro, Thomas J. Kipps. â€Å"Chapter 26. Principles of Gene Transfer for Therapy.†Williams Hematology, 7th Edition. United States of America: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2006. 28 July, 2007.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Lord of the Flies Challenge Project Essay
Any of several mammals of the family Suidae, having short legs, cloven hooves, bristly hair, and a cartilaginous snout used for digging, especially the domesticated hog, Sus scrofa domesticus, when young or of comparatively small size. Even though a pig is one animal, they have several symbolic meanings. The various meanings of pigs change from region or culture though. In an earlier culture such as the Ancient Egyptians the pig was a symbol for fertility. Here, the pig was sacred to Isis, a fertility goddess of the Ancient Egyptians. In many other cultures the pig represents strength, and vitality. In the Native American culture the Indians would use a pig to sacrifice to the rain Gods in order for their crops to grow. This is another example of pigs being used to represent growth and fertility. Pigs are not always viewed as a good thing though. In the Jewish and Islamic cultures pigs are viewed as unclean and therefore they are forbidden to eat pork. And in an interesting note, in dream symbolism domestic pigs indicate fertility but a wild pig represents overindulgence and lust. This relates to Lord of the Flies in the sense that Jack never wanted to give up his passion for hunting. He became greedy and his desire to hunt inevitably lead to the separation of the group. In the Christian religion pigs are associated with gluttony. In Lord of the Flies Simon is the Christ like figure and when he views the decaying pig head he becomes nauseated. Christians believe that a pig is in common relation with the Devil. In Lord of the Flies it shows the struggle between good and evil, Christianity and the devil. Jack and his followers use the pig as a sacrifice to the â€Å"Beast†and this is an example of the loss of religion in the novel. This is another reason why a pig is not considered a positive thing in Christianity because the main reason Jesus came around was due to the overwhelming practice of sacrificial acts to Pagan Gods. When Jack renews this blasphemous act, Simon was killed shortly after which confirmed the loss of religious values on the island. Here are examples from the bible prohibiting the digestion pigs. â€Å"Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch, they are unclean to you.†(Leviticus 11:7-8) and â€Å"And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you. Ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcass.†(Deuteronomy 14:8). In folklore, superstitious sailors would not sail on a boat with a pig aboard. And often time’s sailors would refuse the admittance of pigs on their vessels. Sailors associated the hooves on pigs to the hooves on the devil. Because of this bad omen, if a sailor were to see a pig on their way to work, they would rather turn around and go home. This further explains the theme of the devil in Lord of the Flies. Even though it seems impossible for evil to be involved with young boys, it certainly was proven in this novel. Simon was an innocent little boy and when he was in the jungle the Lord of the Flies was talking to him. Obviously, the pig’s head was NOT talking to him but it shows that Simon’s subconscious talking to him. This shows that even the most innocent has an innate sense of evil in them. When Simon is in the jungle, this is when the reader realizes that the â€Å"beast†is not an external force but that it is part of the boys themselves, which is even more frightening. â€Å"Fancy thinking the beast was something you could hunt and kill! Ãâ€" You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you?†(p. 143). In Lord of the Flies the pig represents the evil that lies within every person, innocent or not. The pig becomes a game, no longer being a hunt for sustenance. As mentioned earlier, Jack wanted more. He became greedy and his hunts led all of the boys to shift from being playful little boys to savages. That is why in the Christian religion pigs are not appreciated. They are unclean, which in the novel the pig is described as disgusting with the flies hovering around it and black grime in its teeth. The Muslim religion views the pig in the same manner. It is interesting though to compare the thoughts of modern religions to the ancient ideas of pigs. In the ancient cultures like the Greeks, Egyptians and Romans the pig was seen as a fertile being and therefore they were heavily worshiped in order for their own people to experience the gift of fruitful abundance. The literal translation of the Lord of Flies is Beelzebub which is Hebrew for the Devil. The Lord of the Flies has the theme of religion in it, and the pig’s head plays an important part in allowing the shift of innocence to evil to be seen easily to the reader. Due to the many symbolic meanings of pigs in various cultures, there is no definite idea of what a pig stands for. In Lord of the flies though, the pig demonstrates the evil that each of the boys was capable of undergoing.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Psychotherapy Main Concepts Essay
        When we study human behavior, specifically focusing on the development of personality and crucial to how a person or individual conducts him/herself, psychology offers a variety of dimensions. The concept of personality is central to our attempt to understand ourselves and others and is part of the way in which we account for the differences that contribute to our individuality. Psychologists have been particularly concerned with shaping of the personality in relation to genetic and environmental influences. We have been fortunate that the study of human personality has been thriving and fruitful. We can choose from as many models we can to help us see ourselves better and maintain good relationships (Atkinson et al., 2000).             For the thrust that this paper is taking, I wish to mention then my views individually, on Behavioral, Cognitive-Behavioral, Psychoanalytic, and the Existential, Humanistic perspectives. The Behavioral  model utilizes what is termed as the learning theory posited by Skinner and Watson and the rest of the Behaviorism school. It assumes that the principles in learning i.e., conditioning (Associative and Operant) are effective means to effect change in an individual. Generally, the thrust of this theoretical perspective is focused on the symptoms that a person is experiencing. Just as many of the errors of the patterns of behavior come from learning from the environment, it is also assumed that an individual will be able to unlearn some if not all these by using the techniques as applied based on the learning principles. To a certain extent I believe that this still works: reinforcements are effective to some extent and in some or many people hence I am incorporating this stance separate or distinct from the Cognitive-Behavioral approach. In behavior therapy therefore, thoughts, feelings and all those â€Å"malfunctioning†and unwanted manifestations revealed in one’s activities can be unlearned and the work of a behavior therapist. The basic concepts include â€Å"extinguishing†– utilized when maladaptive patterns are then weakened and removed and in their place habits that are healthy are established (developed and strengthened) in a series or progressive approach called â€Å"successive approximations. When these (factors) are reinforced such as through rewards in intrinsic and extrinsic means, the potential of a more secure and steady change in behavior is developed and firmly established (Corey, 2004). – Cognitive-Behavioral therapy. In the cognitive approach alone, the therapist understands that a client or patient comes into the healing relationship and the former’s role is to change or modify the latter’s maladjusted or error-filled thinking patterns. These patterns may include wishful thinking, unrealistic expectations, constant reliving and living in the past or even beyond the present and into the future, and overgeneralizing. These habits lead to confusion, frustration and eventual constant disappointment. This therapeutic approach stresses or accentuates the rational or logical and positive worldview: a viewpoint that takes into consideration that we are problem-solvers, have options in life and not that we are always left with no choice as many people think. It also looks into the fact that because we do have options then there are many things that await someone who have had bad choices in the past, and therefore can look positively into the future. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy postulated primarily by Ellis and Beck â€Å"facilitates a collaborative relationship between the patient and therapist.†With the idea that the counselor and patient together cooperate to attain a trusting relationship and agree which problems or issues need to come first in the course of the therapy. For the Cognitive Behaviorist Therapist, the immediate and presenting problem that the client is suffering and complaining from takes precedence and must be addressed and focused in the treatment. There is instantaneous relief from the symptoms, and may be encouraged or spurred on to pursue in-depth treatment and reduction of the ailments where possible (Corey, 2004). – Psychoanalytic therapy. The Psychodynamic perspective is based on the work of Sigmund Freud. He created both a theory to explain personality and mental disorders, and the form of therapy known as psychoanalysis. The psychodynamic approach assumes that all behavior and mental processes reflect constant and often unconscious struggles within the person. These usually involved conflicts between our need to satisfy basic biological instincts, for example, for food, sex or aggression, and the restrictions imposed by society. Not all of those who take a psychodynamic approach accept all of Freud’s original ideas, but most would view abnormal or problematic behavior as the result of a failure to resolve conflicts adequately. Many of the disorders or mental illnesses recognized today without a doubt have their psychodynamic explanation aside from other viewpoints like that of the behaviourist, or the cognitivists. From simple childhood developmental diseases to Schizophrenia, there is a rationale that from Freud’s camp is able to explain (Kaplan et al, 1994). – The Existential approach, as put forward by Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Sartre, Heidegger, Rollo May, and Frankl, believes that the individual’s potential may lie dormant but that it is there waiting to be ushered in time. It recognizes that man is able to achieve great heights and that these are just waiting to be tapped not only by him/herself but that also when helped by a practitioner who is persuaded of this notion. It examines such major issues as free will and the challenges of exercising this free will, the issue of mortality, loneliness and in general, the meaning of life. The Therapy is effective when the practitioner works with elderly care and death and dying issues. It focuses on the individual needs but takes into consideration the significant relationships and the meanings they bring into the person’s life. Transcending the issues and problems are primary intentions of the therapist at the same time being realistic that certain limitations do exist and may hinder the process of recovery (Corey, 2004). –Humanistic therapy. Allport, Bugental, Buhler, Maslow Rollo May, Murphy, Murray, Fritz Perls and Rogers are those that helped usher in the Humanistic theory and consequent therapy. It holds in view the individual as possessing the options or freedom to choose, creativity, and the capability to attain a state where he/she is more aware, freer, responsible and worthy of trust. Because the human mind has immense potential, the approach assesses as well that forces from the environment bear on with the individual and depending on the interplay that occurs within the individual person, the result will either be destructive or constructive to the person. In sum, humanism takes into the perspective that essentially humans are good and not evil, and that the therapy facilitates by harnessing on the human potential through the development of interpersonal skills. This results to an enhanced quality life and the individual becomes an asset rather than a liability to the society where he revolves in (Corey, 2004). Reference:  Atkinson, R.L., R.C. Atkinson, E.E Smith, D.J. Bem, and S. Nolen-Hoeksema. Introduction to Psychology. 13th Ed. New York: Harcourt College Publishers, 2000. Corey, Gerald, 2004. Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Thomson Learning, USA. Kaplan, HI, BJ Saddock and JA Grebb. 1994. Kaplan and Saddock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences clinical psychiatry. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Marketing to Baby Boomers
The Baby Boomers generation is generally classified by the children born after World War II; specifically anyone born between 1946 and 1964. The veterans, as we know them today came back from war, settled down, got married and had children. This was a great time in America as their economy was improving vastly as opposed to other nations of the world. It was a time of affluence, particularly in the Western side of the world. The â€Å"boom†describes the greatly increasing birth rate at these times. As seen in the following diagram, birth rates were higher than ever during 1946 and 1964, with a very close second in the late 1980’s and very early 1990’s. Currently, there are 78 million baby boomers in America, accounting for 40% of the adult population. This gives motivation to marketers to want to sell to this age segment. Persons 45 and older are responsible for 55% of the total consumer spending in the U. S. Marketers are striving to segment the market in such a way, that they will be able to target this age group and market directly to them. There is a vast difference in the ages of Baby Boomers. 1946 to 1964 accounts for a maximum age difference of 18 years. It is important to notice that those who are the older boomers, also called the ‘Golden Boomers’ would have different needs to be satisfied that those that are younger. This age segment can then be further segmented into the golden boomers who, today would be between the ages of 65 and 56, and the younger baby boomers being 55 and 47. Sub-Segmented Baby Boomers The maturing market segment as classified by Moschis, Lee, Mathur, & Strautman, in their book â€Å"The Maturing Marketplace; Buying Habits of Baby Boomers and Their Parents†, can be broken down into four main categories. Firstly, there are the Healthy Indulgers (18%) who are the more affluent and focus more on enjoying life than their careers. They tend to engage in purchasing activities that revolve around their own independence. Secondly are the Healthy Hermits (36%) who have experienced some attitude-changing occurrence in life such as the death of a spouse, and are in turn socially withdrawn. Marketing strategies that focus on conformity work well amongst this segment as they try not to stand out. The following two categories are less affluent than the previously mentioned segments. They are also the segments that look forward to their own house or appartment, as opposed to the previous that intend to move into a retirement home or a nursing home. The third group are the Ailing outgoers. These represent 29 % of the baby boomers. These are people who have accepted their â€Å"old age†but are still willing to get the most out of life and tend to be influenced by money-saying incentives. Lastly are Frail Recluses (17%) who are very similar to the ailing outgoers, however they have accepted spirituality into their lives and keep high spirits through their strengthened faiths. Information that is very interesting to the marketer is that not all individuals stay in one group in their life time. A healthy hermit might be influenced to join a church and increase their knwoledge of faith, thus leading to a switch to be more likfe frail recluses. Also, these segments don’t have set boundaries, and persons are more likely to be classifed by one of those four sub-sections by leading, defining characteristics, rather than completely defined through all the expected qualities. The experiences that each person goes through is what really puts them in any particular group. The Baby- Boomer Misconception A problem that many companies face is their set perception of older generations. There is a stigma that they don’t really have an opinion on what they buy and they will buy the products anyway. This is a sure way to failure when having goods produced for this age segment. Another mistake commonly made by firms is the misconception that â€Å"Baby Boomers have never grown up. †They believe that when targeting to younger generations, the marketing will reach the baby boomers as well. Though baby boomers have been recently showing tendencies of younger generations that do not fit the general description of their age group, such as openness to new experiences, and engaging in activities that are health and fitness revolved, this is not a reason to assume they will be influenced by the same marketing schemes targeted at younger generations. What Nyren suggests from his text is that infomercials is the upcoming media for marketing toward baby boomers. This age segment has a longer attention span, and they want to know more information on the products they buy. More times than not, the television ads that last 30 seconds are perceptively dismissed, and would not have had any impact on them. Perhaps then, the companies that market to this segment, should redirect their marketing efforts toward 30 minute commercials. There is a stigma attached to infomercials that they are long air-time wasting nonsense that no one watches, and for the most part, it’s true; these are not the infomercials that would grab the attention of the baby boomer. They want to gain more knowledge. They want to be informed before making purchasing decision, and infomercials tend to give the time needed for explanations. The trick is indeed to find a way to captivate the target market’s attention. According to the authors of â€Å"The Maturing Marketplace†, the baby boomers are heavily influenced by price specials and reductions. These are likely to be in the their top considerations when making several types of purchases such as hotels, airlines or cruises. On the topic of travel, they majority notion is that they enjoy travelling, but do not have the funds for it. Also, they are concerned that if they do have the funds for it now, after the recession, and they spend it on this leisurely experience, that they may not have funds for future necessities like their own health care, and funds to take of their families. In theory, an infomercial about a cruise that is targeted toward this age segment, that focuses on getting value for your money and having readily available medical attention is likely to be very effective. Purchasing Behaviour of Baby Boomers Marketers have to accept that marketing to any group with all the greatest efforts will still not always be as effective as one would like it to be. This is again because of one’s predisposition toward a product or message because of one’s experiences. A person who might have had a bad experience with a Russian individual may be inclined to stay away from products manufactured in Russia. However, marketers must still try to market these groups directly by attempting to find out their values and market their product in a way that would appeal to these values. Through much research, several values have been found that relate to baby boomers more than any other age segment. The first of many values is independence. This generation throughout time has redefined that age group at that time; they never stuck to their elder’s traditional values and beliefs. Whereas older generations tended to be more party-loyal with regards to politics, the baby boomer generation always had to know more about the parties, and the issues that affected them and that the parties stood for. Their independence also stemmed from the availability of options given to them that were not offered to their elders. They grew up in a time of affluence, and this ability for choice stuck with them throughout the years. This is an interesting value to be known by marketers as they would want to appeal to this. Positioning products in the minds of these consumers as giving them their independence, especially as they are now getting to a stage in their lives where they may require help, would be quite effective. A value that is held so dearly to the baby boomer is individualism. Again, stemming from their years being brought up, they were able to create their own paths, and basically be whoever they so chose. This is why life- insurance companies that offer customized plans do quite well. The individual wants to feel that their status is being considered, and that that they have choices with regards to costs and other aspects of a life- insurance plan. Another value is humanity. This is reflected in their desire for better customer service. A company with friendly, helpful staff is definitely much more appreciated than those without. Though this group highly upholds independence, they also want to know that when they go to purchase an item at a store, that they will be given the appropriate attention, and that the sales person would be competence in their field. The invention of the automated answering machine that are so popularly used by companies today are abhorred by this generation. They want to talk to a real person, who would assist them as necessary. These companies have implemented these answering machines to save on salaries. However, they are losing out on a lot more than that amount because people are straying away from that. They are taking their business elsewhere. Comfort is a value that is upheld by the baby boomers. They want products that will fit well into their lives. They want commodities that will be compatible with their routines. The marketer of a product such a diabetes testing machine, a product that would be necessary in their lives once diagnosed with diabetes, should position the product as easy to use, and quick. This is extended to other related values such as easily read literature on drugs. A marketer of a pharmacy should market his pharmacy as convenient for all their pharmaceutical needs. This then leads to the next value. Convenience is very important those in this age segment. Most of these values go hand in hand, though many marketers, as mentioned before, have the belief that this age segment is going to buy their products anyway. Baby boomers want the added convenience that they can be offered. When choosing a housing arrangement, they would to know that if needed, medical attention would be readily available and easy to attain. As mentioned previously, baby boomers take a lot of time when considering prices. Special deals and price reductions appeal to them a lot; money- saving incentives such as coupons, rebates and acceptance of various discount cards are considered by the baby boomers when deciding on what product to purchase. Youthfulness seems to be quite important today to the baby boomers. This however is sometimes misunderstood. The Baby boomers want to be healthy, and fit at their age. They are comfortable with the age that they are at, however, they want to be able to enjoy their lives to the fullest. This is why many belong to health and fitness clubs. The misconceptions lies in the thought that they want to dress like younger generations, and involve themselves in activities typical of generation xers and younger; this is certainly not true. They don’t want to engage in the activities, but they want the feeling of being younger. They want that their age not be a limitation to the sense of thrill and excitement that they would have felt when they were younger. The baby boomers want to feel secure. Security is a great need of baby boomers. However, they require different types of security; financial security, home security, security of mind with regards to their health. Financial services marketed to the baby boomers have to take into consideration the various segments of baby boomers. For example, brokerage firms specifically target healthy hermits. The home security marketers would target the more affluent of the baby boomers because they would have their homes and their valuable items to secure. Again, health security is one that is gained through comfort of mind. Firms targeting baby boomer health would be successful with tactics employing round- the- clock ambulance services. Life Alert is a company that does quite well because of its attention to the security that that age segment requires. Though older generations than baby boomers would be more appealed to such an item, the older baby boomers are retiring and want that peace of mind that comes that is satisfied by Life Alert. A value that is well- known through the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs if self-actualization. Baby boomers tend to be intrinsically motivated; they are interested in engaging in activities that will give them insight to themselves. They are still searching for what makes them them and they are impacted by advertising focused on this need. Future Expectations of The Baby Boomer Segment By 2029, the last of the baby boomers would turn 65 and are likely to represent 16% of the population. Currently, the oldest baby boomers are entering retirement, and as they represent 25% of the population, 18 years of pension payments are to be paid. The concern of many is that the payment of these pensions would be a burden on younger generations. Marketing toward their independence would bring great returns as they would feel like burdens to society. Health- insurance companies and financial service companies should target this segment now, in a way that would appeal to their secure futures. Beachbody and Baby Boomers The image above is one of the many that are found in the testimonials for Beach Body’s well-known fitness program, P90X. The woman seen above is Mary Crawford, who was a 61 year old out of shape, complacent woman. She used the beachbody products over the course of two years, starting with the Power 90 series, then on to the Power 90 Master series, and then started the P90X program. The infomercial for this program can be seen on a variety of cable stations that describe how high- impact it really is. Typically, one would not assume that a woman of 60+ would want to engage in such an activity. However, that is the view that is making marketers failures. Those were the opinions of baby boomer’s elders. Today’s 47- 65 year old cohorts are willing to do what it takes to be fit and healthy. Team Beach Body is appeals to the baby boomers in several ways. Firstly, it appeals to their desire for the feeling of youth. Being healthy and fit is a major need for these people and they are able to attain this through beachbody’s programs. Secondly, it appeals to their value of comfort. Beachbody offers an array of products for different levels of fitness. Like Ms. Crawford, someone would be able to go from very low fitness to an able- bodied, fit person. The infomercials are highly effective among this group because of its expansion on the product. It gives detailed descriptions of how the program works and how it is different from other programs. Also, Tony Horton, the creator of P90X has a sense of care to him. He seems to truly care about the people he is helping with his product, and this is important to the baby boomers. He too, being born in 1958 is a baby boomer as such is an inspiration to other baby boomers. He is a sought after trainer to many. His infomercial is one that was able to catch the attention of many because unlike other infomercial that promise quick results with little effort, Tony Horton explains how the P90X program is a high intensity one that requires time and effort. At first, to a marketer, this seems almost blasphemous. However, it has proven to be effective. The baby boomers, being information seekers, want to gain information on products before purchasing. Tony Horton was able to present his program with extensive information and be honest, and that is what caught the attention of many. References
Saturday, September 14, 2019
John Keats “On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer†Essay
â€Å"On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer†by John Keats is a poem widely recognised by critics as a pivotal moment in his development as a poet; this work is evidence of his complete mastery of the sonnet form (of which he wrote 64 in total). This poem was a key evolutionary process which would help him construct the development of his own poetic legacy: the Great Odes. Keats was enthralled by the sonnet form because it presented a challenge: to concentrate thought provoking philosophy concisely enough to fit into fourteen lines. He restlessly experimented with both verse and meter, and though he worked with Petrarchan structures he found them to be unsuitable for the English tongue, and began to favour the Shakespearian form instead. Never the less, Keats achieves technical perfection in this Petrarchan structured poem. The first part of a Petrarchan sonnet, the Octet (eight lines), usually serves as a question or presents a problem to be then followed by an answer or a solution in the Sestet (six lines). However, Keats subverts this traditional structure to instead aid a before and after response; in this case the Octet ponders his travels and knowledge before Chapman’s Homer, while the Sestet then contrasts his enlightening experience of finally reading it. This poem is a brilliant testimony of the profound effect of poetry on Keats – it was composed in a vivid, ephemeral moment of crucial inspiration during the ardent elation he experienced straight after reading Chapman’s Homer, and so powerful was this stimulation that the whole poem was finished in day. Keats establishes his utter admiration for Chapman and Homer in the opening lines; Much have I travell’d in the realms of gold, And many goodly states and kingdoms seen; Round many western islands have I been The initial exclamatory statement asserts gallantly that he is a scholar of high art and literature. He immediately introduces the central and recurring metaphors of exploration and discovery – the idea of travelling and cluster of locations: travell’d, realms, states, kingdoms, islands all emphasise the diversity of experiences brought by the power of art and imagination. The phrase â€Å"Realms of Gold†symbolises the world of imagination. Keats believes that art can open the mind to new worlds and experiences. The word choice of â€Å"gold†shows just how rich and rare these experiences are, and also alludes to the search for gold of the Spanish conquistadors, linking to his reference to Cortez in the Sestet. This also reflects his hunger to be exposed to more and greater works. The repetition of the â€Å"l†sounds in â€Å"travelled†, â€Å"realms†, and â€Å"gold†emphasises the idea and ties the words together. The frequent and insistent use of first person narrative also reinforces the extent of Keats own personal knowledge; how well travelled and widely versed he is, and therefore we understand his epiphany upon reading Chapman’s Homer is well informed and trustworthy. The fourth line moves away from those who enjoy art, to those who actually create it; â€Å"Which bards in fealty to Apollo hold.†The high, even sacred function that poets fulfil is indicated by their being the servants of a god, Apollo, and having sworn to follow him (with the suggestion that they have consecrated their lives to him). â€Å"Fealty†indicates their dedication to Apollo and consequently their calling – the creation of poetry. Keats continues on to expand on those who create art rather than those who appreciate it, narrowing down to one particular poet who rules the realm of poetry, and who was his main inspiration to rise above other dedicated poets; â€Å"Oft of one wide expanse had I been told That deep-brow’d Homer ruled his demesne; Yet never did I breathe its pure serene†Again, the metaphor of travel and discovery is expanded. Keats is reinforcing the vastness of Homer’s legacy and his admiration – not only was it rich, but prolific, a trait which he very much wanted to emulate. To emphasise the extent of Homers genius and his literary accomplishments, Keats modifies â€Å"expanse†(which means extensive) with an adjective which also means â€Å"extensive†, â€Å"wide†, to reinforce how limitless his intellect was. â€Å"Deep-browed†also refers to Homers intellect – we still use â€Å"deep†as a colloquialism today e.g. â€Å"deep thoughts†â€Å"deep thinker†. To Keats, Homer is majestic as he â€Å"rules†with complete authority over the world of literature. By breathing in the â€Å"pure serene†he shows that art, to him, is a necessity, an essential part of his life that he cannot live without, like oxygen. He also makes it part of himself; absorbing it shows the extent to which he is devoted to art – he literally lives and breathes it. His use of an adjective in place of a noun â€Å"pure serene†is evidence that he struggled within the restrictions of our language, which would eventually prompt him to move onto Shakespearian formed sonnets. The line â€Å"Yet never did I breathe its pure serene†also contrasts with following and last line of the Octet; â€Å"Till I heard Chapman speak out loud and bold:†These lines contrast Keats’s knowledge of Homer’s reputation with his experience of the genius of Homers poetry in Chapman’s translation. â€Å"Out loud and bold†reinforces the vitality of the epiphany achieved and is contradictory to the previous calm â€Å"serene†mood that Keats was previously in. We associate the words â€Å"pure†and â€Å"serene†with something neutral, peaceful and relaxing – these words apply both to the original poetry of Homer and the translation by Chapman. â€Å"Serene†also conveys Keats spiritual fulfilment, as previously he was in emotional turmoil and distress. This last line of the Octet â€Å"Till I heard†¦Ã¢â‚¬ prepares us for the Volta and brings the Octet to a swelling crescendo; until this moment, he has felt excluded from entry to a new world of enlightenment and truth. The Sestet begins with â€Å"Then†, seamlessly transitioning from the Volta and preparing us for the impact of reading Chapman’s Homer. There is also particular emphasis in all things visual in this section; â€Å"Then I felt like some watcher of the skies When a new planet swims into his ken; Or like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes He star’d at the Pacific – and all his men The emphasis on all things visual – â€Å"watcher†, â€Å"eagle eyes†, â€Å"star’d†– reinforces the power and strength of Keats’s imagination and devotion to his poetry; he is easily able to relate his epiphany to the experience of discovering uncharted waters, or being the first to spy a new planet. The relentless excitement and pure awe-inspiring experience that Keats is undergoing is only comparable to discovering something fresh, new, and undiscovered, just as he feels he has discovered a whole new world of knowledge so vast that it includes the heavens – â€Å"new planet†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . The use of the two separate metaphors is interesting, as Keats appears to favour the explorer metaphor over the astronomy metaphor. â€Å"†¦ I felt like some watcher of the skies When a new plant swims into his ken†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This metaphor alludes to the fairly recent discovery of the planet Uranus, which is a wholly visual experience and seemingly perfect for the elation Keats is trying to convey. â€Å"Swims†alludes to the upcoming ocean metaphor. However, to Keats, this outer space knowledge has not been acquired actively enough, and he quickly abandons the astronomy metaphor in favour of the explorer metaphor. This is more satisfying, as this discovery was made actively and on earth rather than in space: the discovery of a new planet will never be truly satisfying as it will always be out of reach and therefore we will only ever have basic, rudimentary knowledge. â€Å"†¦ like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes He star’d at the Pacific†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This is also a very visual experience, and Keats emphasises Cortez’s eyes by calling them â€Å"eagle eyes†. This suggests that Cortez’s eyes are keen, observing strongly and are paying close attention to detail, just as Keats thoroughly observed all of Chapman’s Homer, so much so that he felt as though he was breathing it in and literally surviving though it. The fact that Cortez is said to â€Å"Stare†also reinforces how entrancing and enthralling the sight of the ocean was for him, just as Keats was hypnotised by Chapman’s Homer. By deliberately choosing the discovery of an ocean over a planet, Keats emphases his view point that we only have access to a finite, limited bank of knowledge. The sea is also a method of transportation, just as Chapman’s Homer is the vehicle for Keats’s own discovery. The last two lines reflect the shock and awe of Cortez and his men upon discovering the ocean, similar to Keats’s current amazement; â€Å"Look’d at each other with a wild surmise Silent, upon a peak in Darien.†The discovery of the ocean is so surprising and unexpected that Cortez’s men, as well as himself, as shocked into silence and dumb-stuck speechless. â€Å"Surmise†implies that they were confused, unsure, but alongside â€Å"wild†Keats word choice conveys that their shock was excitement induced, their reactions are feral, natural and almost untamed in nature. The imagery of Cortez and his men standing â€Å"silent†and in awe is a stark contrast to the previous booming, â€Å"loud and bold voice†in the Volta which prompted Keats’s epiphany. This represents the come down from the white hot excitement upon first reading Chapman’s Homer, to the quiet, pensive, yet still dumb-stuck speechlessness Keats would later on experience. Again, Keats is conveying that the English language is limiting and reluctant to allow you to fully express and communicate the impact of profound moments such as this. This shows frustration with Keats medium of choice. Keats has created an uplifting and thought provoking sonnet which encourages and inspires us to seek beyond the knowledge we have already gained, and to always aspire for more. This sonnet is so technically praised because not only is the content inspiring, but his appreciation of verse form and meter have been demonstrated faultlessly through out to create a satisfying piece of art in a mere fourteen lines. The error Keats made in mentioning Cortez as the discoverer of the Pacific Ocean indeed does not detract from the overall meaning of the poem – names are almost irrelevant, it is the actions and accomplishments that are so potent in his work. What is important is human truth, not historical accuracy, and Keats has once again created a work of enormous ambition that reflects the importance of knowledge and discovery, no matter how big or small.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Statement of Research Gaps Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Statement of Research Gaps - Essay Example Researchers sought to advise legislators but other scholars argued that the effort to redirect the leaders were futile as legislators ignored results that they attained. Researchers have conducted more over the years to determine its successes, if any and its failures. Some have even gone further to give possible recommendations for making the Act better so that it can avail students with adequate education for which it was to avail in the first place. However, further research is needed in some specific areas as some of the issues do not have enough insight whereas others leave readers with unanswered questions. NCLB does not support public schools only. The statute also supports independent charter schools in their growth through funding some children programs in privately owned schools as well as protecting home schooling parents. However, no studies analyze the effects of the Act on the performance of children in privately owned schools or the home schooled children. This is one gap in the studies conducted on the No Child Left Behind Act. All the researchers have for sometime have sought answers regarding how the Act can be improved or restructured. However, no researcher has conducted a study to find the cause of the problems at the ground. This is because researches so far conducted for sometime not contend the curriculum has dwindled to the extent of cheating turning to be extremely extensive besides help granted to schools being minimal. Simply restructuring the Act cannot solve all this, which is another gap characterizing NCLB. Most studies proved NCLB renders some beneficial elements for improving its worthiness in terms of learning in schools. A notable benefit embrace both teachers as well as administrators can adequately appraise critical gaps in performance amid groups of students. However, it was evident that researchers have conducted studies on children from different economic backgrounds and
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